Sean entered the room and eyed the trees swaying in an artificial breeze before taking his seat at a table in the far corner. An attendant quickly appeared to take his drink order before quickly disappearing. Sean sipped the whiskey that was placed before him appreciatively while waiting for his fellow Administrator to arrive.
Voncloud Entered a short while after Sean had settled at the table wearing his duster coat he speaks to the staff before being directed to Sean's table. He walks over to the table standing by its side. Noting the already ordered drink he folds his coat enough to allow him to sit
"i see you started without me" He quipped before holding a finger up to get the attention of the attendant "Gin and Tonic with ice, no lime if you would be so kind" He turns his head back to Sean though his glasses did nothing to betray where his eyes were looking leaning back in his chair.
"have to say, this is nice, really nice, its been sometime since I've been on Freeport 9"
Sean grinned and held up his drink to Voncloud taking the complement. "I've been focused on renovating the public facilities. Been trying to keep morale up in these trying times..." Sean grimaced slightly before once again smiling. "That is part of the reason I wanted to meet with you today." Sean picked up his drink and swirled it a bit, as if he was stalling for time, before sighing heavily. "Look, to be blunt, the Omega 49 crisis didn't resolve itself in our favor not because we don't have the resources to defend one of our facilities, but that we lack a untied command structure." he paused once again "and I think we're the ones to change that."
Voncloud leant on an arm of the chair shaking his head with a heavy sigh "Indeed, too many voices trying to stand for the same thing when their own interests were what drove them" He nodded a thanks to the attendant once his own drink was delivered holding it in his hand. "Ive been in a position of 'unified command' before remember?. But for the most part the Confederation at one point did work." he sips his drink "So what is it your proposing exactly? we revive the Confederation?"
Sean fiddled a moment with his hands "Yes....and no." he again picked his glass up sipping from it before continuing. "The Confederation failed when it started to take the needs of the few over the needs of the many." Sean slammed his glass down, perhaps a bit harder than he intended. "Those bastards at OSI and IRG aren't interested in us out here in the omicrons. We are only a resource to them. Livadia to produce ships. Freeport 11 for Iridium, Freeport 9 for its food." he paused once again "We need to go back to the Confederation before it was stripped of its agency and power. Before it was used as a cloak for the unsavory works of the corporate elite." Sean picked up his glass and drained it, holding it up gesturing to the attendant for another.
Listining to Seans outburst Voncloud shook his head with an annoyed gruff tone to his voice "The Confederation Failed because instead of being the voice or middleman between our Freeports respective groups and the rest of Sirius it instead became essentially a Zoner government, which is not something anyone wants. That was my mistake, i did that to the Confederation" He sips his drink during a frosty pause "But i will say this, i wont have OSI slandered like that, it probably practices our ways better then any other group who call themselves Zoners. Besides OSI are traders and ones who cannot survive should their relationships change."he chuckles "And what are they ganna do? ram the Stirling into submission with whales?" He sips his drink once more before putting it down and rubbing his chin "No, what we dont need is a ruling body, what we need is a speaker, a body that can be held accountable, one that will act where the others cannot for those who cannot. If a No Fire Zone needs enforcing it needs to be one name to take the heat away from the others"
Sean frowned "I wasn't expecting a bunch of traders to ram a battleship with their corporate fleet. I was expecting some sort of organizing, hell Freeport 11, out here on the edge." he gestured though a bulkhead, as if the Freeport was right next door. "attacked by the Core, who did we see in response, everyone." Sean started counting out on his fingers. "The Miners Guild, The Junkers, Colonials, Auxesia, and others." he paused "You know that not everyone will accept an individual voice. Hell even within the Confederation there was a lack of a single voice." Sean reached for his fresh glass of whiskey. "If...and I mean If, there is to be another council it would only work if it was strictly parliamentary in structure." He held the glass and gestured in a small circle "Each Administrator, in charge of their station, each having a single vote, leading to a united voice."
Voncloud shakes his head"There were some from OSI at freeport 11, just not flying the OSI colours." He finishes the last of his own drink"But your right, however whatever it is we create cannot hold authority over the others." He looks at his empty glass"I made that mistake when the IRG made a mess of things with the Corsairs and the Sairs contacted the Confederation. Instead of consulting with IRG i just.. ploughed in on my own terms"He places his glass back down"What we need is not only a united voice, but a tool that can enact the will of that voice without endangering those within the circle"
Sean tapped the table "We need something that is...above such disagreements" he continued to play with his glass before laughing at himself. "Von, we need a group of peacekeepers." he continued to laugh "Why can't we field our own force? Even with the loss of the Confederation those assets are still out there. Those ships, those crews. We only need call on them."
Von rubbed his chin leaning back in his chair "Yes, i had thought about such an idea before, not a full on Defence force like the main attempts we have seen in the past.." He leans forwards resting his arms on the table "more a militia force, ones who can act without impacting the neutrality of others" He nods sitting back up straight "Your right, those assets are still around, not to mention it would offer opportunities for security pilots looking for new avenues or work away from the usual house enforcement agencies"