MOA-'Whisper', MOA-Black.Dagger have been sanctioned for:
Quote:4.4 Every char must have only one type of ID equipped and they must play to that ID. Ship and equipment infocards which specify their use on a specific ID or specific ship must only be used on that ID or ship. In all other cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules except as described in 4.5
Angry dockworkers have stolen the guns and armor on both ships. Do not engage transports without issuing a demand first.
The Outcasts are a large criminal faction founded from the descendents of the Hispania. They focus on piracy and Cardamine smuggling. They are allied with the Golden Chrysanthemums, Lane Hackers and Liberty Rogues. Their enemies include the IMG, Order and Corsairs. The Outcasts generally do not attack Nomads. Some Outcasts are known to revere the Nomads.
Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Outcasts, who:
- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.
- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.
- Can treat ships carrying Artifacts or Stabiline as combat targets.
-Cannot ally with any lawfuls except when allying with Bretonia or Rheinland lawfuls.
Zone of Influence: Bretonia, Liberty, Kusari, Taus, Sigmas, Omicrons, Gallic Borderworlds, Magellan, Cortez, Coronado, Galileo, Kepler, Inverness
If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Sanction Thread below. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the sanction thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE