Bonjour representatives of The Independent Miners Guild,
Your recent public announcement paired with your long standing relations with our own close corporate companion, ALG, has brought your plight to my attention. First I would like to offer safe haven to any civilians fleeing Bretonia. Planet Harris, located in Tau-31, is undergoing a lot of development recently. EFL has begun heavily investing in restarting the Terra-forming equipment left behind by Planetform while also attempting to make the planet a viable economic hot-spot between Gallia and Post-War Bretonia. As a result of these investments in infrastructure we have plentiful room to accommodate any refugees fleeing Bretonia's ruthless aggression.
Let's make a deal,
Jeremie Dupont,
CEO, EFL Oil and Machinery
Thank you for your expression of support and offer of refuge.
It's possible that there is a specific task EFL could assist us with, given your area of expertise.
As you may be aware, IMG is operating a hydrocarbon refinery in Newcastle, South Shields. With the outbreak of the conflict with the Kingdom of Bretonia, the station is obviously in danger of being occupied by the isolated Bretonian fleet in the system, but has so far managed to avoid capture thanks to high Royal Navy pressure.
Since it is a refinery processing hydrocarbons, it may be worth setting up systems to manufacture fuel-grade oil for use in Gallic HNO engines. If the station can actually offer refueling to the Royal Navy ships involved in the Newcastle offensive, it may prove a not insignificant factor in the overall success of that offensive, even though the production output isn't likely to be particularly high.
This would require engineers from EFL, as well as machinery, to be shipped to South Shields, likely under heavy Royal Navy escort. If you are willing to support this plan, please let us know so we may make the necessary arrangements.
This is a very interesting development indeed. It has been argued by some that Gallias single greatest weakness in this war is the need to be importing Oil from Gallia to the front lines. EFL and IDF Shipping have been doing what we can to minimize this drawback, this includes EFL attempting to begin processing the Hydrocarbons found floating freely around the Taus. However, your installations proximity to the war-front and apparent experience at doing this could jump us forward significantly in this process. EFL is more then willing to move engineers and materials there in order to make the needed tweaks to existing infrastructure. I am sure a quick message to the MRG would also surely increase the security of your installation enough to prevent the Bretonians from trying any foolhardy attack on your station.
Let's make a deal,
Jeremie Dupont,
CEO, EFL Oil and Machinery
I am Kirigiri Kyoko, Guildmaster of the Independent MIners Guild.
I could only double everything said previously by Guildmaster Yao - we are open to support you in your effort in Newcastle. However, we would like to have few moment clarified before we give you the green light to utilise South Shields as a refuel point for the Marine Royale.
First of all - the station will still be run by the Independent Miners Guild and EFL guarantees we won't find Marine Royale marines knocking at our doors one day. The station personnel will be instructed to assist your engineers in any way possible, but you'd need to introduce them to the specifics of the fuel used by the Gallic vessels.
Second - Marine Royale will maintain the security perimeter together with the Guild paramilitary situated in the area, and try their best to avoid collateral damage to the station. It is, after all, a civilian installation, and simply does not boast a significant armament to withstand direct hits of heavy ordnance.
Third, and our last concern - after the war effort in Newcastle is concluded, both EFL and Marine Royale will acknowledge the Independent Miners Guild as the rightful installation owners and administrators, will leave it's vicinity and will not attempt force takeover of the mentioned station. Any upgrades made on the South Shields we would like to see remaining aboard of it.
Commandant Pierre Vaillant Wrote: Let's call this the South Shields Agreements.
First point: We agree. We aren't the Bretonians. They don't care of the independence of our dear miners. The station of South Shields will remain in the hands of the Guild and the Marine Royale guaruntees she won't knock at their doors within the conditions of the South Shields Agreements and unless the Guild asks exceptionally another way of act.
Second point: We agree. That is normal after all. The battlefield will occur out of the perimeter mentioned by the Guild. However our ships might be able to enter in the perimeter under the strict condition given by the Guild in extreme circumstances.
Third point: We agree. I will take back your words: after the war effort in Newcastle is concluded, both EFL and Marine Royale will acknowledge the Independent Miners Guild as the rightful installation owners and administrators, will leave it's vicinity and will not attempt force takeover of the mentioned station. Any upgrades made on the South Shields we would like to see remaining aboard of it.
I guess we said everything. You are free to send this response to the Guild, as you initiated the negociations for this. Contact us once you get a message from them. Thus we can coordinate supply operations to South Shields with MRG escort.
As you can see, Gallia as a whole welcomes the IMG with open arms and respect your independence. As soon as we know you understand this then we can move along in the process of preparing South Shields to produce fuel grade Oil.
Let's make a deal,
Jeremie Dupont,
CEO, EFL Oil and Machinery
Thank you for your continued co-operation and assistance.
The IMG is ready to begin the upgrade of South Shields Refinery to manufacture fuel-grade oil for use by Gallic engines. You may dispatch your engineering team when ready.
Do let us know how many personnel you intend to send over so that we may prepare accommodation accordingly.
Also, the guild will provide escorts for your convoys if you wish.
We await your update.
With best ragrds,
Guang Yao
IMG Guildmaster
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Do forgive me for the delay, the preparations have been set in motion, the vessel EFL|Fierte.du.Paris is being prepared for travel. On board will be 100 EFL Scientists and 50 Research Teams who will be there to help with the hands-on processes as well as the retrofitting of any existing equipment. Additionally we will be bringing in Scientific Equipment, Robotic Hardware from Gallia to begin the conversion process. With any luck this shouldn't take long. I will arrange for a MRG escort of the Liner from New Paris to South Shields, that being said, if The Guild wishes to provide an escort the two escorts could rendezvous at Holman.
My name is Roze Goldshire and I have been assigned by the guildmastery to oversee the implementation of the South Shields Agreement.
Lodging and storage space has been prepared for the arrival of your staff, as well as a dedicated recreational area.
As you already know, the battle and loss of Aland has somewhat reduced our capability. I believe that the MRG escort should outclass whatever we can provide. However, defense units in the area will be on standby to scramble if needed. We will still provide a guide to bring you over from Holman if you deem it necessary.
Eagerly awaiting your response.
Roze Goldshire
IMG Logistics
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