Kudos to the BAF, MRG, GG, and IMG in Newcastle for the 2 fights. Despite playing on the server for a good part of a decade, I still have little experience in group combat, and it shows at times. Sorry to anyone on our side affected by that.
\*/~ will strive to do better next time, both in coordination and fleet composition.
(03-31-2019, 08:36 PM)Antoinerory Wrote: Kudos to Tiny.Teapot for Nova duel. You've make my day
Tiny.Teacup here,
I've dueled so many people i have forgotten who i dueled! My ping was spiked at it's usual 334 so my guns were rendered worthless and i could only rely on dual novas to get kills. 8-9 in the process. Cheers to those who dueled my ship!
I want to give a kudos to the other BAF who fought alongside me for staying through the entire fight when others left, Especially to the gunboat and the Rescue ship being the bigger targets.
The event was overall so much fun for me, I got to practice more, and just didn't really care what happenes since we were supposed to lose anyhow. I ate 25 million credits the whole day. so, Kudos!
Kudos to the mess in Tottori, we randomly showed up and even with a certain crazy yelling GG, it was fun to watch and interact around it. Unexpected change to common sightings, won't mind seeing similar stuff soon. This time I would jump on a GC LF.
(04-03-2019, 09:12 PM)NieRdackel Wrote: Kudos to the mess in Tottori, we randomly showed up and even with a certain crazy yelling GG, it was fun to watch and interact around it. Unexpected change to common sightings, won't mind seeing similar stuff soon. This time I would jump on a GC LF.
~ Kasai's secret love.
It was a bit like herding cats at times, but people showed up and some races were had so that's a success! Would be nice for GC to join in next time - though might be a bit of a different format. Also, don't feel that you have to leave so cooperatively, there can be a big pew afterwards if you fancy.
Can anyone beat the GG? Even with all the babble about trees they really showed the rest of us up.