That is exceptionally unusual, I think one of our boys accidentally delivered but never logged the commission. I will go see about this. Your request should be shifted higher in the priority list.
Long Deep Breaths with pauses in speech is easily noticeable as Asmodeus speaks.
I have seemed to come across an issue with my Order Bastet engine. Due to most of my activity being on the Amenhotep I have sadly neglected to have one of my mechanics regularly service my fighter. I attempted to take it off the Osiris for a test flight and the moment the power sequence initiated the engine blew. After having a slight "Chit chat" with Leviathan yesterday I noticed the Auxesian made engine and I hope I could get your approval to purchase said engine. I would pay the full cost and then some as a thank you. What say you?
Heavy steps can be heard as Asmodeus approaches the live feed.
A pleasure Keeper,
Ah... records show after my incident in the Omicrons we have not had any discussion since. I am sure you dont recognize me and I am sorry I cant show my face. This suit keeps me alive and since I consider this a "Rebith" I have given myself this name. Rest assured my standings with Auxesia has not changed and I still hold The Covenant close.
My current operations have slightly shifted as I am not completely focusing on Nomads as much but more so anyone who acts like they do. Nomads cause destruction everywhere they go and I have realized that no matter how much I fight them, some people of our race act just like the Nomads and if left un-checked it can cause havoc. For the time being I have shfited my focus against the Republic of Liberty's Navy, Nomads, Gallia (more of an observation stance), and the Unioners. The Unioners have caused a lot of heart ache for me before I took my leave to the Omicrons. lets say they are on my short list of people who I need very little convincing to start being aggressive towards.
So, do entice me, what exactly defines someone who 'acts like a Nomad'? The last I recall, Nomads like to help their own - they are linked together mentally, they act because they want to survive, it is an imperative, they act no more than mere animals. Drones. That is their purpose. Dom'Kavash drones.
How are some people similar to them? Do these people want Humanity to become extinct?
Heavy steps can be heard as Asmodeus approaches the live feed.
Nomads in general have a destructive nature about them. It is my personal belief this nature is among the human race and if left unchecked the war against the Nomads would have been for not. If we allow our own members of the Human race to enact destructive behavior what would the fight against the Nomads been for? I am not simply speaking about evading police, murder, robbery or things of that nature. I am speaking about true acts of evil and destruction on a large scale. I have been fighting the Nomads for so long only to see people I used to call my friends fall into this path of corruption. I think it is what I will call it. The Corruption.
Heavy steps can be heard as Asmodeus approaches the live feed.
I was at Omega 3 and witnessed The Bretonians plunder their own friends for what they themselves owned. Some would say it was the actions of a desperate House looking to save itself but where some see on the surface I see deeper. The Bretonians have always in my mind been a noble house and to see them attack their own "friends" shows that someone in their chain of command is Corrputed and wanted this to happen. Take a look at the Gallia, an entire House bent on conquering all of Sirius, their actions have been nothing but destructive and they cant be left unchecked to do what they are doing to Bretonia anywhere else. The Unioners are another good example of destructive behavior, their actions against harmony not only put themselves in danger but Harmony and myself. Look what happened to me in the Republic of Liberty. I was forcibly removed and when I called for the Primary Naval fleets assistance in this matter they chose to ignore me and 5th Decided to send their own to try and kill me and take my ship. The Order Overwatch is literally the definition of Corruption, their sole purpose was to combat the Nomads yet they where more focused on shooting innocent Zoners. Corruption comes in many forms and while Im not proposing to kill literally everyone I will say that some need to die for a more prosperous future.
Charmed as always to see you, my darling Asmodeus.
We have not met yet, but I can assure you, we will get very well-acquainted with each other in the future. My name is Aquarius, and the Keepers have charged me with the honor of handling our affiliates with a very special operation.
I'm sure someone like you has heard of a cute little group called the Unioners out in Rheinland, hm? Well, the Union has been a thorn in our side as of late, and the Inner Phalanx has decided to give them a little distraction for their services. You and a team of Affiliates will enter their territory and strike one of their bases, to be disclosed at a later date. Equipment and intelligence will be provided, along with clandestine support where we can provide it. Annoy the smoldering hive a bit once it's been struck, and exit the combat area after the deed is done. Do all that, and 100 million credits will be yours.
Heavy steps can be heard as Asmodeus approaches the live feed.
A pleasure... Providing support to Auxesia in operations against the Unioners is something that will put a smile on my face. However, I feel there is a lack of detail as to why. What is the reason you require this distraction? Rest assured the Amenhotep and its crew is eager to get back into combat. Just give me something more to go on.