Sender: Nicole Burton Recipient: Steve Veltman, Secretary Hawthorne Subject: SBC Ownership Status
Secretary Hawthorne, Mr Veltman.
The President of Universal Shipping is very saddened as he has spent too much energy on this matter. Mr Veltman during a time when our House is being invaded you are mounting a legal challenge forcing us to spend time and money which would had been better allocated on improving the working conditions of our employees or ensuring that our great Navy remains well supplied while defending our House.
Where is your patriotism, Mr Veltman? Fortunately for us, this strife has come to an end.
Our legal team has uncovered that you have deceived us. The company you represent has no legal ownership over Sirius Base Construction. For a period of time last year you entered a partnership in which you used the station's facilities and covered some of the expenses but nothing which refers to ownership and so far you have failed to produce any document which confirms your claims. On the contrary, we signed a transfer of ownership at 29th November 825 A.S. which was confirmed in a separate letter by Josef Tomsovsky, CEO of Sirius Base Construction LTD.
This transfer was subsequently confirmed by the Government of Liberty:
(01-06-2019, 07:28 PM)The Republic Of Liberty Wrote: We acknowledge the transfer of ownership. (...)
- William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economics
Mr Veltman if you or someone else from your company continues with this charade we will have to defend our interests and those of the Republic and activate FR5 protocols which will bar =DSE- from visiting any Universal station in Liberty, including Sirius Base Construction. On top of that we will file a Cease and Desist order as well as file charges of Deceit. Since Martial Law is in effect that would mean prison time on top of reparations by the Deep Space Engineers (=DSE-) to Universal Shipping Incorporated.
This is not our way but during a time of crisis we will not allow opportunists to take advantage of our weakened state.
Thank you.
Nicole Burton
Chief of Staff
Universal Shipping Inc.
SENDER: Steve Veltman
TO: William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economics
cc'd Nicole Burton
Secretary of State. Nicole Burton and her "legal" team are resorting to intimidation and threats,
rather than dealing with the evidence on hand. I have personal correspondence between the original owner of SBC and myself which states quite clearly our decision to allow *USI* to lease the base. This I will freely make available to you Mr Hawthorne in your deliberations.
This was clearly the case for the majority of the discussions between *USI* and Josef Tomsovsky, who was in partnership with =DSE- highlights the ongoing arrangement about the lease of SBC, not the purchase. That private correspondence supports this. Your own correspondence supports this repeatedly.(Here)
I'll quote your actual words Ms Burton "My name is Nicole Burton and I am representing Universal Shipping Incorporated. I'd like to present to you the final version of the leasing contract as discussed and negotiated at Trenton two days ago." (Emphasis on final version mine)
I also include the copy of the updated agreement signed by you, Ms Burton. I repeat there was no intention to do other than lease and therefore the accepted legal form which highlights without any ambiguity that the agreement was a LEASE only of SBC.(Here)
The lease arrangement was exactly what I knew to be intended. I was totally surprised to have found that the legal documentation was changed without my knowledge and I would not have agreed to transfer ownership to *USI* and I seek redress. Particularly in regards to loss of access to SBC and the loss of all resources regarding the upgrade that we, at =DSE-, paid for completely and fully. *USI* has stated they were terminating its activities at SBC which meant this mess could have been sorted amicably and =DSE- could again regain its rightful and legal operational control of SBC.
As for you, Ms Burton and the vulgar and offensive claims I am not loyal to Liberty. Those comments are slanderous and libelous and my advise to you is to retract them before you fall further down the dunny. That is a shameful and disgusting low to which you have descended. =DSE- are loyal patriotic citizens of Liberty... the best in the business.
The deceitfulness is perhaps yours. It could easily be argued you and Mr Josef Tomsovsky engaged in an elaborate scheme to rob =DSE- of the lawful co-ownership of SBC which would be beyond the pale. Clearly it could be seen that this was orchestrated by you and Tomsovsky don't you agree? All you did was change the agreement on the 2nd day of December, thus deceiving the Secretary of State, and myself because it was never shown to me.
As for your empty threats of incarceration based on your scaremongering about reparations. What a joke your legal team must be. So easy to read through the bluster and posturing. Remember, they are just the tail that keeps the flies off *USI*'s smelly backside. I have already instructed my lawyers to start the process to evict *USI* from SBC and should you not leave by the due date as indicated, then the legal action steps up. Don't add defamation to the legal fight.
You bring shame to *USI* and to Liberty particularly at this time.
Sender: Nicole Burton Recipient: Steve Veltman, Secretary Hawthorne Subject: SBC Ownership Status
Mr Veltman,
We are in the middle of war, one in Bretonia and the other in California and instead of supplying and supporting our valiant soldiers we have to instead waste valuable time and effort defending ourselves from opportunists such as yourself.
We asked you plainly to provide evidence or drop the case. Instead you are vaguely promising to provide documents.
Then, in the next paragraph, you are trying to deceive the Government of Liberty by referring to the original agreement with CEO Tomsovsky which was indeed a lease contract but it has been revised to an ownership transfer contract on November 29th according to the documents I already provided.
We are now certain that you are working only in bad faith, seeking anything to use it in favor of your case even going as far as to attempt to deceive the Government of Liberty. If you had anything substantial you would have undeniably shared it already. As a result Universal Shipping will no longer do business with the Deep Space Engineers by activating FR5 protocols on your ships and we will no longer respond to your communications. We also reserve our rights to use further legal action against =DSE- should the circumstances dictate.
Thank you.
Nicole Burton
Chief of Staff
Universal Shipping Inc.
SENDER: Steve Veltman
TO: William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economics
cc'd Nicole Burton
Ms Burton. We see through the bluster and obstructive approach that your lawyers are engaged. Typical adversarial but nonconstructive approach They are simply the tail that keeps the flies and maggots off *USI*'s behind. They are paid to wag. Lets move forward from the rhetoric or is that all you are good at?
Be advised the comment that your lawyers had "uncovered" deceit is fabricated as you have not produced the evidence to prove that deceit. It is amazing that your legal team can magically produce unsubstantiated "evidence" of deceit but could not clearly see that I was a legal partner with SBC as acknowledged by Secretary of State himself!
>>Your entrepreneurship continues to amaze everyone currently working for the Base Licensure department. We acknowledge receipt of your payment and wish you the best in your new partnership.
- William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economics<< HERE
Also had your lawyers done their due diligence and even bothered to read the deed of ownership, you would have known I was a partner in SBC. And yet you say I have acted deceitfully? Be advised, Ms Burton, the defamatory and libelous comments you have been engaging in will not sit well in a Libertonian court of law. Get a new team of lawyers Ms Burton.
I have other proof Ms Burton, but in keeping with =DSE- commercial practice and due to the sensitivity of the contents you won't get to see it. Secretary of State eyes only.
But there are some serious questions that must be asked of your involvement. You MUST have been aware I was a partner in SBC Were you told that I was happy for *USI* to lease the base? I believe you were. Were you aware that I was not in agreement that SBC be sold and that Tomsovsky acted as a maverick on this? I think you may have.
The fact that SBC was understood to have been leased can be shown by the correspondence received sent by the President of *USI*, Mr Charles Bell on 3rd 10th. I quote. >>We have leased the base and co-owned the station whilst under lease/contractual hire-purchase however you see it. It is a legitimate and legal contract I cannot sell you this base, we can sell our share for the station...<<
Have you been acting in a deceitful way Ms Burton?
Sender: Nicole Burton Recipient: Steve Veltman, Secretary Hawthorne Subject: SBC Ownership Status
Mr Veltman,
As I said before we are not going to respond to you any longer, and only answer if you provide us with evidence. USI welcomes the fact that you retracted your previous (and outrageous) message.
Now to answer your last message.
You are referring to a partnership but that not mean you have ownership also. As a matter of fact you have never provided this channel with the contract details you signed with SBC LTD. From what I understand you were making use of the station's facilities in exchange for supplies and covering the monthly payments to Liberty's government. My legal team believes that you deliberately did not share the contract details because that will weaken your legal position even further.
Furthermore, this partnership you established with SBC LTD took place last May. Universal Shipping Incorporated arrived 6 months later and our employees found a decaying station. It did not have enough oxygen, it did not have enough food for the crew and even the hull integrity of the station was in a sorry state. It is obvious that whatever partnership you had with SBC LTD had long been terminated unless you want to tell Secretary Hawthorne and Liberty's government that treating your employees like this is a common practice by the Deep Space Engineers.
Finally, why even in the original lease contract to USI -- which you claim that you agreed to -- it does not make any reference to Deep Space Engineers or =DSE-? If you were really co-owners of SBC as you claim, then why it does not mention you?
Univeral Shipping Incorporated wants answers to all of these questions. I think it has become crystal clear to everyone watching this conversation that you have no counter-arguments to offer. Your attempts to deceive the government of Liberty will fail Mr Veltman.
Thank you.
Nicole Burton
Chief of Staff
Universal Shipping Inc.
SENDER: Steve Veltman
TO: William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economics
Secretary of State. I appeal to you to intervene on this matter. It appears the deceitful practice also impugns upon your position as a Libertonian leader.
Miss Burton why do you avoid the question?
Were you told that I was happy for *USI* to lease the base?
Were you aware that I was not in agreement that SBC be sold and that Tomsovsky acted as a maverick on this?
Could you explain how even your President new it was a lease only situation? >>We have leased the base and co-owned the station whilst under lease/contractual hire-purchase however you see it. It is a legitimate and legal contract I cannot sell you this base, we can sell our share for the station...<< Spoken byPresident of *USI*, Mr Charles Bell on 3rd 10th.
Have you been acting in a deceitful way Ms Burton?
Given that everyone, including yourself and the very President of *USI* all were aware that this was to be leased and why did you and Tomsovsky slip in the changes behind our backs?
Do you honestly think Mr Hawthorne would have accepted the bogus change of ownership had he known it was processed deceitfully ?
Serious questions to a very serious allegation of you defrauding not only =DSE- but abusing your powers to deceive the Secretary of State.
SENDER: Steve Veltman
cc William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economics
Ms Burton.
You are acting like a rather petulant child. To FR5 =DSE- from USI bases is petty. Given the war footing Liberty is on, it is beyond belief that any USI base be restricted to any Liberty corporation. =DSE- is doing its part, clearly USI is more concerned about "point scoring" than finding a solution to our disagreement.
As a consequence of your puerile decision =DSE- will by necessity and until SBC is returned or adequately compensated for, be requesting all *USI* ships to be FR5'd from DSE bases.
Sender: Nicole Burton Recipient: Steve Veltman, Secretary Hawthorne Subject: Monthly Payment, SBC Ownership Status
Mr Hawthorne,
Universal Shipping Incorporated has just transferred the monthly payment of Sirius Base Construction for March. This is simply a notification message.
Mr Veltman, we acknowledge your vengeful no-dock protocol on Universal Shipping Incorporated. Considering the notoriously inhumane living conditions that you are treating your employees (as already presented before) we would like to inform you that your decision was unneeded as we had already decided to terminate any association with the Deep Space Engineers as any further cooperation with =DSE- would be very negative for our company image.
Subsequently, we would like to ask you which stations the Deep Space Engineers own in order to avoid docking with them. We only know that you control Scrap Palace, which true to its name and your inhumane reputation was a decaying wreck orbiting Planet Houston.
As for your previous message, we did not answer it because you still failed to produce any evidence to support your claims. Quoting President Bell is not evidence of =DSE- ownership over Sirius Base Construction. Universal Shipping will always welcome any new evidence that =DSE- brings forward.
Finally I have some good news for you Mr Veltman. You have requested in the past Mr Josef Tomsovsky to come forward and provide his own testimony. So we contacted him and he confirmed that he will do so.
Thank you.
Nicole Burton
Chief of Staff
Universal Shipping Inc.
COMM ID:Sirius Base Construction, Administration TARGET ID:William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economics ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:High
Good day,
Secretary of state Mr. William Hawthorne.
I have been contacted by Charles Bell, The President of Universal Shipping Incorporated to testify in the matter of Sirius Base Construction station ownership.
In March 825 AS I have suffered a head injury, that required a complicated operation and long reconvalescence, resulting in my long term absence.
I was rehabilitating in New Tokyo for the rest of the year 825 AS and then took a long cruise with Orbital Spa and Cruise to further help with my recovery.
This is a very important matter, potentially affecting Liberty in the time of war.
I have decided to end the cruise sooner and come back to Texas to provide my testimony.
But please have patience with me. Since the whole issue seems to have grown up into titanic proportions.
As you can imagine it will take me some time to asses the current situation and have a word with my lawyers.
From communication I was able to read until now it looks like some sort of misunderstanding.
I hope we will be able to resort this as soon as possible.
In regards to Sirius Base Construction Monthly Tax, amount of 150,000,000 has been transferred to Liberty-Bank-001.
Please note that, this payment is for the months of April, May and June.
Total Transfer =150,000,000