Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína Recruiment
Señor Dross,
Belonging to the Gaians is a concern indeed. Those eco-friendly fanatics took Kirkwall from Malta and are now conspiring with the Gauls. Perhaps, you are not originally Gaian and joined them to hide yourself but it still raises our brows what you would seek from our organisation after joining the Gaians. Moreover, our employees reported you flying on a Zoner capital vessel in Omicron Tau which is already an offence to Maltese laws. In addition to the aforementioned reasons, we know very little about your background - this makes you appear even more suspicious.
While our organisation is known to work with all sorts of people, we still care about our security and reputation within Maltese society. Some foreigners of dubious background who had served alongside our enemies, and pilot or fly with a capital vessel of large value within restricted space certainly do not contribute to our good corporate image. Yet, obtaining such a vessel and joining the Gaians after the Unioners is a feat by itself, so consider catching our interest.
Many talented Maltese or mercenaries of more credible background seek to work with us. Convince us we truly need you despite your flaws, prove your credibility, and we might reconsider your offer of services. Even if admitted into the Cartel, you need to realise that most probably you will need to leave your old personality in the past and assume new forged identity not o raise reputational issues for la Corporacion.
Name: Erikk "Ace" Schwarz Biography: Erikk Grew up on the planet Malta, raised only by his mother. His father was once a fighter pilot with the Rheinland Military, but now dead. Erikk became a pilot running security for smugglers, and sometimes even doing some smuggling himself when the pay was good enough - but dog fighting was where he excelled. The Cadiz Cartel, seems to pay extremely well, but middle-manning is not for the young pilot - making a name for himself working for them exclusively has become a desire he wishes to fill. Desired Branch: Security //RP Archetype: Securing the Cartels trade routes, running security for smugglers, sometimes smuggling Cardemine. //What is the surname of the family running the Cartel? Escudero
Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína Recruiment
Señor Schwarz,
We are always in dire need of good pilots and are happy to welcome you in the family. You surely will be able to fulfil both of your objectives of getting rich and famous with Cadiz Cartel. Stay loyal and professional, and everything will go smoothly and perfectly. Please, report to Señor Daguza Ecoas who is our Capitan de la Guarda of Estremadura base to fill the defence wing. From now on you serve under his command. For any additional information, feel free to address Corporate Security Division and/or Human Resources division.
Get ready for your new exciting and prosperous life, Señor Schwarz.
Name: Teofilo Alesci Age: 43 Biography:
Teofilo is a hitman by trade, with years of flight experience in small craft, and has his own customised fighter to show for it, having worked for various organisations, Maltese and non-Maltese at different points in time.
Born on Malta to parents who were part of the Maltese Navy, Teofilo was conditioned to discipline while growing up, and naturally developed an interest in following his parents' footsteps, not knowing much of anything else, and learning many of the skills that were imparted to him by his parents. He enlisted in the Navy, but soon found himself limited by bureaucracy and internal politics. Extremely dissatisfied with his job prospects, he eventually left to pursue mercenary work through contacts that he gained from his time in the Navy with the skills that he acquired, looking in the Taus and Omicrons for any contracts that he could find, and at one point moving to Liberty and Bretonia to work for local pirate groups.
Despite his mercenary attitude, he is careful not to associate with any of Malta's enemies to avoid being blacklisted by the Maltese government. He specialises in doing wetwork and security details. Teofilo has developed somewhat of a reputation among his employers for taking multiple "side-jobs" even when his loyalties have been paid for, although there is never apparent evidence of any conflicts of interest. Currently, he is not affiliated with any organisation and has returned to Malta seeking a stable income with his piloting experience.
Desired Branch: Security //RP Archetype: Security, assassination, intelligence gathering, piracy. //What is the surname of the family running the Cartel? Escudero
Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína Recruiment
Señor Alesci,
Your experience as a Navy pilot and an adventurer certainly make you a credit. The Cartel is always in need of skilled pilots to carry out various jobs involving necessary violence. Hereby you are officially accepted into our Security Division. We wish you luck in your new position and assure you that since now there will not be any financial problems for you and/or your family. For any additional questions, please contact Senior Security Officers or Human Resources Division.
A new profitable and successful life awaits you, Señor Alesci.
Name: Mateo Volio. Biography:
Born on the planet Malta. In childhood, I learned what cardamine and all the delights of smuggling .. Parents were smugglers. He was engaged in self-education. When he was 18 years old, he received his personal ship "Eagle" as a gift from parents. Then he became a freelancer. For a long time he earned money as a bounty hunter, in general, a freelancer in the world of crime. When he was 26 years old, his father was caught by the police of Bretonia, and his ship was destroyed. So he lost his father. Later he continued to work as a freelancer until today. Desired Branch: Security //RP Archetype: Security of Cartel. //What is the surname of the family running the Cartel? Escudero
Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína Recruiment
Señor Volio,
Your humble origins will not be an obstacle in the corporation. You are herebyaccepted into the ranks of the Security Division of the Cadiz Cartel. Please, contact Chief Security Officer, Señor Ecoas, for your further instructions. Serve well with diligence and in no time you will become quite rich to make your Orange Dream come true.
Enjoy your new status, and have good fortune in your new life!
inRP information:Name: Franci Alvarez Age: 35, 791 A.S Origin: Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha Biography: Born on Planet Malta in the Omicron Alpha system. Alvarez childhood was normal, at least what you can say about a normal childhood on Planet Malta. He finished the school and was working for a small group of smugglers, sending their ships into Liberty, Bretonia and Kusari, to supply the allies of the Outcasts with the orange dream.
It didn't took to long and Capt. Henrique Ferreira of the 75th Mosquito Squadron saw Alvarez skill and knowledge about handling Freighters, while both of them got chased by a Liberty Navy patrol through the Badlands of the New York system. After a intense chase, both of them managed to escape the Liberty Navy patrol and took a break on Buffalo to restock their cargo and fuel. Capt. Ferreira was so impressed about Alvarez pilot skills, that he invited him to join the 75th Mosquito Squadron which Alvarez gladly accepted.
The time came, when the 75th Mosquito Squadron moved more and more into the shadows of the Maltese until they were completly gone, only the badge on his jacket was the last memory he had.
ooRP information:Appearance: Searching for it Desired Branch: Security / Logistics RP Archetype:: Security, smuggling, piracy, scouting Discord:Gerhard Wolf#4249
Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína Recruiment
Señor Alvarez,
Your being a refined veteran of Malta, la Corporacion welcomes you into our ranks. You are herebyaccepted and assigned to Security Division where your talents can truly unfold. Please, contact CSE Señor Ecoas for further instructions. For additional questions, please, contact the HR department.
We sincerely wish you all the best in your new capacity and welcome you as the fine addition to our corporate family. Success and riches await!
inRP information:Name: Katarina Martorello Age: 26, 19th April 800 A.S Origin: Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha Biography:Katarina was born and bread on Malta, having two older brothers, she had to prove her strength to her familia. Growing up on a cardamine farm, Katarina would get a great understanding on the wealth that came with it, delivering cardamine to other familia's and houses in deep space as well as across the other side of Malta.
In her late teens she started messing around with her older brothers Rapiers, both brothers were pilots of Familia Martorello, they would defend transports that were coming and going. Katarina would be shown the ins and outs of how to fly a Rapier, in her early twenty's Katarina's parents purchased a Rapier for her. It became her personal Rapier, no longer needed to mess with her brothers ships. Katarina later became a security pilot for Malta. A few years later was offered assassination work, and a year later she became the most skilled pilot in Familia Mortorello. Pilots wanted her to fly escort for them, they felt safe when they saw the name Mortorello on scanners, there was alot of sighs of relief. Katarina Mortorello became a very welcomed and liked young lady who would defend the name of Mortorello and the Maltese Nation.
ooRP information:Appearance:Picture Desired Branch: Security RP Archetype:: Security, Protection of the Cartel and Assassination. Discord:Shaggy#2615