The matter of motivation has been resolved with the briefing, I assume.
Darling, I could feel that explosion rocking my body all the way from Hudson! A fantastic, fabulous, sparkling job worthy of my radiance! As promised, payment has been forwarded to you.
Heavy steps can be heard as Asmodeus approaches the live feed.
Keeper Raven,
Having proved myself multiple times and over our long period of friendship I would like to bring up the topic of my recent request for your prototype engines and it being placed on my personal snub craft.
Your request is one we don't take lightly. Those prototypes are invaluable, and their internal function remains a closely guarded secret within The Covenant. The process behind their creation is difficult to say the least, with the materials being extremely rare. There's also the matter of maintenance being excruciatingly complicated and hazardous to not only one's physical well being but their mental health as well. You're asking us to put a lot of trust in you. You're also asking us to paint you as a target for our enemies. It won't be long before people notice that your vessel is using something made by us, and due to this we ask you be cautious with your steps and take into consideration future actions you may take that could potentially be associated to us, or even vice versa.
Despite all of this, The Inner Phalanx is willing to entrust you with our design. Should at any point it be determined that this has in some way damaged us politically or otherwise, The Covenant reserves the right to track and remove the prototype from your vessel in order to preserve our best interests.
Suit Respiratory Systems Can Be Heard Failing As Asmodeus Speaks.
Keeper Raven,
I am having complications with my suit, It is failing to keep me sustained. I am in need of emergency assistance and a course for Valravn Citadel has been set by my executive officer Ms. Shield. The Technocracy is the only people I can put my faith and trust in. Please help me.
You are most welcome to visit one of our health care centers for rejuvenation and renewel on Elgin. However, for further enlightenment. May you elaborate upon the failures of your suit so we can prep for your arrival?
Greetings, and apologies if any data was missed...
The Technocracy has come across an alarming piece of data, particularly that of massive movements of Order vessels in local transit, more so that they were sighted by the Atum all alerted.
The Crayterian Government reached out to us for help against the Nomad Threat. I will give you access to this Captains Log here. I had attempted to put my hatred aside for the Overwatch in an attempt to quell the increasing threat that is in Drake. Temporal Rifts are now spotted near the Hyper Gate and its nearing full charge. Once completed Nomads will have a direct line to Drake and it will be impossible to stop them.
Sadly this did not last long. The Overwatch protested my arrival and forced Crayter to cease their cooperation with me. I have since retreated from Crayter space and was told to not come back. I dont blame them since I am but one man and the Overwatch has more assets to spare then I. I will remain near to monitor the situation.
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
You are to be commended for putting aside past grievances to stand up to the larger threat in unity. Though, it is rather typical of the Overwatch to decline assistance from paranoia. As always, you are welcome to find refuge in Technocracy space.
These rifts are concerning. Our drone has inserted itself further into the Independent Worlds and have transmitted us very vague imagery of these rifts... Hm. How are they going to counter this gate? They're just going to... shoot it... right?