I am unsure if you have been made aware, but I was recently transferred to medical on the Citadel. I was on board the Glaring when it was heavily damaged by Core forces out in Minor, and we were left for a short time in poor conditions. I am alive, however I think I may need the fore-mentioned... Changes.. To live properly and with use.
As you gave me your contact information, I felt the desire to reach out. I really don't have anyone else to do so with.
...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Venator Jau
Warden DeMatha,
I was unaware you were actively flying. Even after the brief time we spent together, I would have officially grounded you had I not thought it obvious you'd be grounded already. While the designs for your new legs are far from complete, I'm positive we can fix something up for you until then. I've been doing some reading, and I'm fairly confident that most of your leg soreness was a result of uneven stress on your fasciae lata. As such, we're going to proceed with amputation ASAP, and give you temporary legs with special reinforcement in the equivalent region.
I can't express how sorry I am that we can't get you permanent appendages yet; I'm not interested in treating you like a tinkertoy. We're trying to get the design finished as fast as possible, and have already ordered production of certain components so that we can assemble it all without delay. If you're okay with it, I'd like to implant tracking and monitoring devices to record your blood pressure, endocrine levels, and graph your muscular tension over time, and as soon as you're physically comfortable with it, start running physical tests.
It's a tall order, and heaven knows you're exhausted as is, but the sooner we get the data we need, the sooner your permanent legs can be finished, and then we can move on to your eyes, internals, and finally, spinal reconstruction. I want to be fully transparent with you, Merlin, and really value your input on all this. I'll be back to medical to check up within two days, as soon as my business outside Inverness can stand my absence.
I am glad you can't see me yet as I feel I have failed you. Yes, I have been flying ever since I came to Inverness. My mainstay has been as a mercenary pilot up until this point, and I felt compelled to work in this way to be of use. Originally with my own ship, the Cattail, until I was approved usage of a Pleco. I even had my power generator moved over to the Pleco so I could act during the situation in Bering. When the need for someone to run the operation into Minor was announced, I had to pounce on the opportunity. It was a poor idea.
Needless to say, I am furtunate enough to be able to abide by your grounding. As I can't really move much anymore, I had to request my generator to be moved once more to my medical room, where it takes up half of the space.
I am sad about the required work you will have to do, but purrhaps it is such because I messed up so. I shall await your arrival, though the shame will cause me to dread the wait.