It would seem my fellow rogues did me a solid by transporting all the required counterfeit software, That's a lot of free drinks... *Hemlocke would grumble at how much that would probably cost* Either way I'm sending this transmission to let you know that the deed is done and I would like to discuss the casino aspect of this idea of mine. It is about time that I had asked this anyway and I assume the answer to previous questions is "yes" So you have something lying around in that radiation infested rift of yours to turn into a casino i'm assuming. We have the perfect bartender for that and I have an old contact who can supply that casino with everything it needs to be top of the line gambling and bar. An Ideal location for this casino would be 7k above the plain slightly behind "Cerro la Punta" for a wonderful overview of the Neutron Star and the rift itself. Or perhaps 9k above the plain, middle right section of E5 on the Navmap, I'm sure the casino goers wouldn't mind a closer look at that terrifying cloud. I might need a detox after all that mapping...
.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID: Rick Tiltman:.
.:Topic: A Deal?:.
I believe you may be on to something, like the Idea of a SkyBox-esque view over the Race Track. If we place the liner currently in drydock at Vieques into one of the few Lagrange Points around the Rift we could feasibly have it stay in that location permanently. Before that however, we will undoubtedly need to reinforce its hull plating with heavy duty radiation shielding unless we want to open up a permanent contract for cancer meds with Cryer or a hefty insurance policy with Interspace. Frankly, I am not about to shell out that kinda money for either of those options. Which leaves shoring it up as the most cost effective option. Don't you worry we can handle that bit. For now, start spreading the word that a Race Track the likes of which has never been seen before is soon coming to Puerto Rico.
Been awhile. Liberty has been pretty busy with nutcase tech hoarders and swarming blues. Xenos have also been stirring up some dust lately. I spread the word a few months back, need to get back to it, seems we have new comms. Let me know if there's anything I can get my contact to haul for you. I'll be in touch. Junker Town is always a nice place to lay low for awhile. On the topic of the skybox I do sincerely hope that you take that radiation treatment seriously. Offense not intended but we all know the junkers love to cut corners just like we do, God forbid we have to kill someone cause they're pissed their fancy coat got irradiated and are rampaging all around the gambling ship's main bar.
.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID: Rick Tiltman:.
.:Topic: A Deal?:.
The construction of the track is moving right along, I apologize for the lack of communication, been dealing with the Feds poking their noses where they don't belong.