Apex Corporation is a group of Freelancer that was founded by the ex Coalition trader Anatoly Porchenkov. The main idea of Apex Corporation is import and export commodities, establishing relationships with all trading company.
The Apex Corporation wants to establish a network through Sirius making jobs easier.
The original story of Apex Corporation comes from Anatoly Porchenkov an ex Freelancer (Coalition) trader who works as Freelancer many years ago. History comes from a small office on Planet Jiangxi where Anatoly works as Co-manager of Sevastopol Institute of astronomy his passion for stars leads him to acquire small "Sunburst" class vessel name him Apex, on his path he met a lot of traders who had the same familiar past, a past of poorly life a life no one wants, then he comes on idea opening new Corporation a corporation where everybody will have a chance to earn to live a normal life, then comes one of the most known words "OUR PAST, YOUR FUTURE".
It was announced that a new corporation was opened, a corporation who will have a bright future, "Apex Corporation".
Rumours of newly opened faction come all the way to the New Berlin to the well-known trader Klaus Weber who established contact with Anatoly and started their cooperation, Klaus Weber provided equipment for the ships and the brand new "Serenity" was presented to Apex Corporation, and the new line of the network is open for corporations for establishing communication with Apex.
After a great donation from Klaus Weber, a new headquarters was build in the Cambridge system.
Establishing cooperation with trading companies all over Sirius
Continue to operate and grow bigger
Import and Export goods from far side of Sirius
//This is current, diplomacy will effect on our relationship with factions
Kingdom Of Bretonia
Infected forces
Director:Director is the leader of faction he is responsible for every action in faction
Current Directors:Anatoly Porchenkov, Sara Porchenkova, Klaus Weber
Director of bases: DoB is the main chief of bases he is responsible for every import of commodities that arrive to bases.
Current DoB:Klaus Weber
Chief Engineer:Chief engineer is the leader of the transport convoy he is responsible to deliver goods for every base that he is assigned for.
Current Chief Engineer:Mr Ruch
Engineer:Engineer is the lowest rank in Apex his job is to follow orders of his CE and make them complete as professional as he can.
Current Engineers:Thompson Enfield, Sakirro Tamaechi, Adven Turoes, Chi Maera
BK-65 "Serenity" Conceived in Bretonia at the onset of the Gallic Invasion, the Serenity-class Transport began life as a test bed for a new construction technique based upon prefabricated modules. The concept was to create a mass-producible ship that would be inexpensive to manufacture and easily maintainable, given the shortage of premium quality materials that were otherwise being diverted to combat vessels
DSE-720 "Camara"Built by Deep Space Engineering as an answer to moving goods through the trouble, the Camara is a wonderful little Transport of its own design. The ship has a generous cargo hold and a rather unique shape for simply slipping through asteroids or whatever else might be in the way.
The Camara was originally a DSE exclusive, but the popularity of the model found it in strong demand by independent contractors across the colonies where the model found strong appreciation in Rheinland
IDC K-FR-2303 "Sunburst" A cheap and efficient Freighter, the Sunburst is widely available on the civilian market. It is often used by smaller shipping companies operating on a tight budget, or by Freelancer traders making their living on safer domestic routes.
Series Z "Sabre"As commerce and some economic freedoms began to flood the Border Worlds, so did greater access to technology and the need for change. The Sabre is the fruit of the Border Worlds' ingenuity and pure capitalism coalesced into one lethal embodiment. This ship boasts enormous power capacity as well as extreme defensive capability.
CTE-6000 "Eagle"Few vessels have seen as much popular and widespread use in Sirius as the CTE-6000. With her ease of maintenance, rugged reliability and near universal supply of readily available parts, the nimble Eagle often finds itself in service as the space superiority fighter of choice for pilots ranging from convoy escorts to house terrorists.
WAR-4b "Waran"Based loosely on an old, unpopular bomber design, the "Waran" still bears the name of the vessel it has come to replace. Many rumors circulate about it's origins. Some say Junkers mated the powercore of the old Waran to the Raven's Talon frame. Some say the Independent Miners secretly constructed this bomber as a craft for unscrupulous clients such as the Lane Hackers. Whatever the origin, the result is a sturdy bomber capable of unleashing withering firepower on a hapless target.