Well if you have somthing in mind maby you should give an idea of what kind of system? (also I think this should be in the "Discovery Mod Discusion" part of the fourms (maby a moderator can move it?))
Kiggles :mellow:
I've been mildly miffed by one-shot weapons since their implementation, oh so long ago. I remember the days when fights were a matter of who could aim better, rather than who could aim a single shot. - Virus
Korrd mauby u give idea? I have some probs with my MilkShape 3D program! Do some sistem and i will get some ships model from other games and own models! i have 2 models now this is Angel wing from Nexus and Argon Nova from X2
Hey angel! Wait 5 days and u will have 10 new GOOD ships! 2GB 3BS and 10 Fighters!ok? I just need to change-over this models for freelancer! give me 5 days!
Angel,Jul 19 2006, 10:43 AM Wrote:Took me 6 months to build the added systems we have now.
Mine are still being made. But I think I started after Angel did, so its been like 4-5 minths for me so far. But I'm about 80% done. Mainly patrols, commodities, and NPCs left to do.
AssAssiN2,Jul 19 2006, 09:59 AM Wrote:New sistems is nothing! Discovery need more ships! How u think? I can give TNG or FLAK ships now if u want!
Discovery mod has never been into adding ships like crazy. Its more into RP and providing an environment that expands the original freelancer game without warping it (at least not too much). My suggestion is before putting so much work into adding the ships perhaps post screenshots of what they look or will look like so that Igiss and others can decide if they fit in or not. If you're making the ships for your own reasons than our opinion doesn't really matter :cool: