I'd like to personally thank the Executive Administration and commend efforts we have achieved together guiding Universal Shipping forward.
But I am formally writing to announce my resignation of Presidential ruling over Universal Shipping Inc and all and any sub groups that follows.
So please come forward and rejoice our new President Sir Luke Emerson//"Dan."
Given this notice, I'll be automatically demoted to the first executive role available of Vice Chief of Staff
Best Regards
Charles Bell
Vice Chief Of Staff
Universal Shipping Incorporated
As you may already know, the Bellisario family is well known in Liberty and beyond for their fortune in estate and property management.
You may also know that my daughter, Lulatia, has gone against the wishes of her parents and decided to join your company instead of pursuing a more prosperous career in Bellisario Enterprises. My daughter has always been a rogue one within the family and she gets this from her father, my late husband. Although I cannot agree with her decision to become a pilot I can only say that it is her decision and hers alone.
That being said. It has come to my attention that USI is to launch something of a bank reserve. Now this has sparked my interest for the family and corporate capital is in need of a new safekeeping.
I have met some of your staff in the past and, apart from their obviously practiced manners, I must say I was not very much impressed. However, my daughter seems to be enjoying herself and I must say that on her visits home she is talking very highly of your little corporation. Even though I still disagree with her for piloting a vessel in the cold of space I must admit I admire her spirit.
So, to business. You are on the brink of launching a bank reserve of some sort and I also know that you are in dire need of financial aid. I therefor would like to propose a corporate loan at reduced interest as to keep both our corporations economically viable as well as putting the trust in a place where my daughter feels the need to be.
That being said, should you inform my daughter of this proposal it will automatically be null and void and USI may find herself in a legal turmoil regarding breaking corporate confidential laws. Please do try to be civil in that matter.
Madeleine Grace Bellisario Nassau
CEO Bellisario Enterprises
Please direct all communications to Mr. James Robinsson, ESQ, Corporate lawyer Bellisario Enterprises
After a long and fruitful office that I've held I wish to announce to both the executive administration and to my fellow co-workers that I will be officially resigning as Vice president and step down to more humble duties. Thank you for all your support till now and look forward to what the future holds for us all.
Juni Trent [VP] - Executive Administration Universal Shipping Inc.
Greetings, My name is Paul Smithers I'm the Chief Logistic Officer in the Universal Shipping Inc. Yesterday I've encountered a Lane Hacker in a netrual system that have done a lot of damage to our Op almost killing me, But took our fighters down alone. His name is Vladimir. I would like to have something dealt with this Lane Hackers always destroying our Operation when we try to support our Liberty Navy and our 5th fleet. I've a request that Liberty need to reduce the crime activity in her system, Because these Pirates/Criminals Destroying importanat meetings/Opreations very quickly and thats make our house weak and powerless.
To Sum Up, I would like to reduce the Crime activity in our system.
Mr. Smithers
Universal Shipping Inc
chief Logistics Officer
Name: Joh Flyingstar [*USI*]Elko[J-E] Rank: Junior Employee Department: Department of Trade Subject:Confrontation with BDM|B-243
I was doing a regular Premium Scrap run from GMP Bering to Alabama Shipyard, I didn't find any profitable cargo to my knowledge for the return trip at that time so I returned with an empty cargo hold. I was stopped by BDM|B-243 for a cargo scan and I complied, he/she asked where my cargo was with the assumption that we had destroyed it, we were immediately interrogated as to the location of our base, LH Glass had been asking company information in a previous encounter therefore I was paranoid about relinquishing that information, although I did give the base's name and the system it's located in. BDM|B-243 then asked my name which I supplied to him/her and we were told to continue our journey.
I have attached the relevant communication logs to this message,
[29.06.2019 17:31:17] Death: Duna was put out of action by Drunken.Despair (Gun).
[29.06.2019 17:32:38] Death: Duna suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[29.06.2019 17:33:40] BDM|B-243: Elko stop
[29.06.2019 17:34:26] [USI]elko[J-E]: hello
[29.06.2019 17:34:28] BDM|B-243: where is your cargo?
[29.06.2019 17:34:36] BDM|B-243: you destroyed it, didn't you
[29.06.2019 17:34:43] [USI]elko[J-E]: we're travelling empty back to base
[29.06.2019 17:35:01] BDM|B-243: where is that base?
[29.06.2019 17:35:19] [USI]elko[J-E]: not telling....
[29.06.2019 17:35:39] BDM|B-243: You are supplying unlawfuls, aren't you?
[29.06.2019 17:35:54] Death: Duna was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[29.06.2019 17:36:00] [USI]elko[J-E]: lol.... we only supply lawful corporations,
[29.06.2019 17:36:16] BDM|B-243: So why you are not telling me?
[29.06.2019 17:36:18] [USI]elko[J-E]: we don't have time for uncivilized groups
[29.06.2019 17:36:31] [USI]elko[J-E]: I don't trust you
[29.06.2019 17:36:55] BDM|B-243: I see
[29.06.2019 17:37:10] [USI]elko[J-E]: but the base is situated n Bering
[29.06.2019 17:37:26] BDM|B-243: Alright then, I will speak with your superiors
[29.06.2019 17:37:33] BDM|B-243: You may go
[29.06.2019 17:38:00] [USI]elko[J-E]: and we supply Alabama Shipyard with premium scrap
[29.06.2019 17:38:17] BDM|B-243: What do you bring from there?
[29.06.2019 17:38:39] [USI]elko[J-E]: at the moment nothing from that side though
[29.06.2019 17:39:13] BDM|B-243: Are you sure you don't want to tell me that base?
[29.06.2019 17:39:29] Death: KNF-Naginata suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[29.06.2019 17:40:13] [USI]elko[J-E]: it's called GMP
[29.06.2019 17:41:01] BDM|B-243: Hmm
[29.06.2019 17:41:21] BDM|B-243: Alabama shipyard is also buying Military Salvage
[29.06.2019 17:41:27] BDM|B-243: Do you know that?
[29.06.2019 17:41:28] Death: kentar_DeHi was put out of action by LR-Hemlocke (Gun).
[29.06.2019 17:41:41] [USI]elko[J-E]: nahh we're just dealing in premium scrap
[29.06.2019 17:41:56] BDM|B-243: no Salvage?
[29.06.2019 17:42:11] [USI]elko[J-E]: military salvage attracts too much trouble
[29.06.2019 17:42:17] BDM|B-243: Why?
[29.06.2019 17:42:35] [USI]elko[J-E]: I prefer these nice and easy runs
[29.06.2019 17:43:09] BDM|B-243: I see
[29.06.2019 17:43:16] BDM|B-243: Thank you for the information elko, you may go.
[29.06.2019 17:43:29] Death: KNF-Wakizashi suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[29.06.2019 17:43:29] [USI]elko[J-E]: thank you Sir
[29.06.2019 17:43:32] BDM|B-243: I will talk to GMP
[29.06.2019 17:43:40] BDM|B-243: what's your name again?
[29.06.2019 17:44:01] Rules Tip: Pirates can issue only one cargo or monetary demand per encounter. Telling the trader to stop is not a demand, however, if they ignore the request, they can be shot down without issuing further demands.
[29.06.2019 17:44:05] [USI]elko[J-E]: Joh Flyingstar at your service
[29.06.2019 17:44:16] 2019-06-29 17:44:20 SMT Traffic control alert: BDM|B-243 has requested to dock
[29.06.2019 17:44:27] BDM|B-243: See you later Mr. Flyingstar
[29.06.2019 17:48:21] Death: LN-Fallon.Petraeus was put out of action by LR-Hemlocke (Mine).
[29.06.2019 17:48:34] Death: LR-Hemlocke suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[29.06.2019 17:52:22] Death: BDM|B-243 was put out of action by HRAI|304A62 (Missile/Torpedo).
[29.06.2019 17:54:42] 2019-06-29 17:54:46 SMT Traffic control alert: [USI]elko[J-E] has requested to dock
Name: John Flyingstar - USI Elko Rank: Employee Department: Department of Trade Subject: Zaraxus (pirate) charging excessive rates
Hello, me and my crew were doing a regular Premium Scrap run to Aland Shipyard in Omega 7,everything was fine until we jumped into Omega 7 where we were accosted by the pirate Zaraxus at the jump gate, he demanded 50 million fr our safe passage but I managed to negotiate the price down to 30 million although this amount is still excessive considering our cargo of 4690 units only sold for about 42 million credits at Aland. I have attached the relevant communication logs and photographic evidence of the incident.
[29.07.2019 21:00:46] Zaraxus: Why hello there, Cut your engines.....NOW; theres a good chap
[29.07.2019 21:00:58] Zaraxus: well well well
[29.07.2019 21:01:02] [*USI*]Elko[E]: hi Zaraxus
[29.07.2019 21:01:04] Zaraxus: a full hold of Premier Scrap
[29.07.2019 21:01:12] Zaraxus: I'll make it simple, 50 million and you go free
[29.07.2019 21:01:28] [*USI*]Elko[E]: you must be drunk
[29.07.2019 21:01:45] Zaraxus: 40 million and your shields survive
[29.07.2019 21:01:47] [*USI*]Elko[E]: we don't even get 42million selling it
[29.07.2019 21:02:30] Zaraxus: 35 million and you wont be sucking space!
[29.07.2019 21:02:48] [*USI*]Elko[E]: how about 15million?
[29.07.2019 21:02:54] Zaraxus: you dare insult me?
[29.07.2019 21:03:09] Zaraxus: 35 million final chance
[29.07.2019 21:03:15] Death: Griggs_pudolvski was put out of action by XA-"Night" (Gun).
[29.07.2019 21:03:22] Zaraxus: you have 10 seconds to comply
[29.07.2019 21:03:33] [*USI*]Elko[E]: nahh jus offering 50% as payment though
[29.07.2019 21:03:43] Zaraxus: TImes up!
[29.07.2019 21:03:47] Zaraxus: Charging weapons
[29.07.2019 21:03:51] Death: XA-"Night" was put out of action by Mathieu_Centauris (Gun).
[29.07.2019 21:04:29] [*USI*]Elko[E]: 25million perhaps?
[29.07.2019 21:04:36] Zaraxus: 30 and you fly free
[29.07.2019 21:04:51] [*USI*]Elko[E]: aaww have a heart.....
[29.07.2019 21:05:01] Zaraxus: why have a heart when I can have money?
[29.07.2019 21:05:04] Zaraxus: Last chance
[29.07.2019 21:05:11] [*USI*]Elko[E]: 27million?
[29.07.2019 21:05:15] Zaraxus: next shot hits you
[29.07.2019 21:05:27] Zaraxus: 30 million or it's spacedust
[29.07.2019 21:05:38] [*USI*]Elko[E]: standby
[29.07.2019 21:05:55] /givecash zaraxus 30000000
[29.07.2019 21:05:55] You have sent 30.000.000 credits to Zaraxus
[29.07.2019 21:06:00] Zaraxus: good, now get lost
Name: Edward Moore Ship name: [*USI*]Plymouth[S] Participating Vessel: [*USI*]Elko[E]
I was running the new contract we have with BMM and ran into our usual pirate. You know him, we all do. New name, same ship. This time it's "Tavros". Seems he knows about the contract, how I don't know. I mean, we recently lost a member of our team, but he shouldn't have access now to our internal communications but it's still suspicious.
Anyway, normally I would just pay a pirate because it's not worth risking our lives and putting in an insurance claim, but I made an exception here - we opened fire per my order. I lost my ship, a new one is en route now. Elko seemingly survived but as yet I don't know how, he either escaped, was let off or he paid him, I don't know. But I didn't want to pay this fool. Some pirates genuinely have to work for a living on the lanes, I occasionally feel sorry for them - but this guy is explicitly attacking us and demanding extortionate amounts of credits.
[30.07.2019 19:06:25] Tavros: Hello there.
[30.07.2019 19:06:31] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: oi
[30.07.2019 19:06:31] Tavros: Please drop engines.
[30.07.2019 19:06:38] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Oh
[30.07.2019 19:06:41] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: we have our pirate
[30.07.2019 19:06:43] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Tavros
[30.07.2019 19:06:51] [*USI*]Elko[E]: aahhh
[30.07.2019 19:06:53] Tavros: Who are you supplying?
[30.07.2019 19:07:15] Tavros: Wouldn't it be that damn professor, aye?
[30.07.2019 19:07:26] Tavros: Ah there we go.
[30.07.2019 19:07:27] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: How is that any of your business
[30.07.2019 19:07:45] Tavros: Well know, i happened to read something about 300 million creds, ya know?
[30.07.2019 19:07:47] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: sorry Elko, didn't realise you were right behind me
[30.07.2019 19:07:48] Tavros: Money is my business.
[30.07.2019 19:07:59] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: how many?
[30.07.2019 19:08:02] [*USI*]Elko[E]: haha no problem
[30.07.2019 19:08:12] Tavros: Im having a good day here.
[30.07.2019 19:08:19] Tavros: Why don't you decide.
[30.07.2019 19:08:25] Tavros: Thread carefully tho.
[30.07.2019 19:08:51] Tavros: Tell ya what.
[30.07.2019 19:08:55] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: I have no idea what you're on about anyway
[30.07.2019 19:09:22] Tavros: If you make a more significant contribution to my account, i will make sure nobody knows about your dealings with that looney
[30.07.2019 19:09:24] Tavros: Professor.
[30.07.2019 19:09:34] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: What professor?
[30.07.2019 19:10:04] Tavros: The one that is building a base in Omega-3.
[30.07.2019 19:10:15] Tavros: You wouldn't want Hessians to know about it?
[30.07.2019 19:10:24] Tavros: Would be bad for business.
[30.07.2019 19:10:26] Tavros: Indeed.
[30.07.2019 19:10:30] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: The hell would you know about base building in the Omegas, you're just a dirty pirate.
[30.07.2019 19:10:41] Tavros: Omega's are my home, fool!
[30.07.2019 19:10:49] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Really?
[30.07.2019 19:10:50] Tavros: I have my contacts and spies nobody else has.
[30.07.2019 19:10:56] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: I could swear we know you from Liberty.
[30.07.2019 19:11:03] Tavros: Well, i travel a lot.
[30.07.2019 19:11:13] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Seems you do.
[30.07.2019 19:11:18] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Seems we can't get rid of you.
[30.07.2019 19:11:28] Tip: You were a new player once. If you see someone making obvious mistakes, talk to them and help them.
[30.07.2019 19:11:33] Tavros: You will have to accept this.
[30.07.2019 19:11:37] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Let's shoot this fool
[30.07.2019 19:11:45] Tavros: Cooexist or bad business for both of us.
[30.07.2019 19:11:50] [*USI*]Elko[E]: yeah I'm thinking the same
[30.07.2019 19:11:55] Tavros: What say you?
[30.07.2019 19:12:01] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: you're empty, my crap cost nothing
[30.07.2019 19:12:18] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: What's your beef with us anyway?
[30.07.2019 19:12:26] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: You seem to harrass us a lot.
[30.07.2019 19:12:44] Tavros: Well know, others would say i harass them the most.
[30.07.2019 19:12:53] Tavros: I believe i was decent before with Elko.
[30.07.2019 19:13:00] Tavros: And other members of your organisation?
[30.07.2019 19:13:02] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Decent?
[30.07.2019 19:13:05] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: You charge us 10m.
[30.07.2019 19:13:06] [*USI*]Elko[E]: just say the word to start shooting.....
[30.07.2019 19:13:13] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: chill at the minute
[30.07.2019 19:13:21] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: I'm happy chatting for now
[30.07.2019 19:13:24] Tavros: Could be 20, like i charge the Rheinland pigs.
[30.07.2019 19:13:31] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: until I refuse his demands
[30.07.2019 19:13:37] Tavros: I close my only eye when i see you empty.
[30.07.2019 19:13:40] Tavros: Is it not, Elko?
[30.07.2019 19:13:42] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Well fair enough, I could care less about them.
[30.07.2019 19:13:43] [*USI*]Elko[E]: okay
[30.07.2019 19:14:04] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: stupid rookies
[30.07.2019 19:14:05] Tavros: As for your question.
[30.07.2019 19:14:06] Death: Red.Baron was put out of action by [RHA]SOA-Dellingr (Gun).
[30.07.2019 19:14:10] Tavros: What do you get in return.
[30.07.2019 19:14:32] Tavros: I will make sure you know about any unlawful groups that are after you. Valuable intel.
[30.07.2019 19:14:58] Tavros: And no better way to get it then from a center of scumtown!
[30.07.2019 19:15:06] Tavros: And im the mayor.
[30.07.2019 19:15:09] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Anyway
[30.07.2019 19:15:11] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Can we go now?
[30.07.2019 19:15:27] Tavros: You may when you deposit to my own charity fund.
[30.07.2019 19:15:32] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: What?
[30.07.2019 19:15:34] Tavros: Havent you been listening?
[30.07.2019 19:15:42] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Charity?
[30.07.2019 19:15:51] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Sounds like you're demanding really
[30.07.2019 19:15:55] Death: Pepe:Ladron[TBH] was put out of action by (C~Manticore (Wasp/Hornet).
[30.07.2019 19:15:56] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: God, these drones
[30.07.2019 19:16:06] Tavros: Seems you have no nose for business.
[30.07.2019 19:16:09] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Can't fly for crap
[30.07.2019 19:16:26] Tavros: I am demaning a cut for protection and valuable intel.
[30.07.2019 19:16:34] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Protection?
[30.07.2019 19:16:42] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: From who, you?
[30.07.2019 19:16:43] Tavros: I am not the only pirate around here.
[30.07.2019 19:16:57] Tavros: There are far worse ones.
[30.07.2019 19:17:06] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: I beg to differ.
[30.07.2019 19:17:08] Tavros: Maybe you heard what happened to USI pilot just recently?
[30.07.2019 19:17:21] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: What?
[30.07.2019 19:17:33] Tavros: The fees have gone up to 30 million.
[30.07.2019 19:17:43] Tavros: A high demands indeed.
[30.07.2019 19:18:00] Tavros: Why don't you sleep on it.
[30.07.2019 19:18:19] Tavros: For now i want just a small contribution. 4 million from you and 2 from Elko.
[30.07.2019 19:18:37] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Why so many?
[30.07.2019 19:18:44] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: He's empty, I'm hauling junk.
[30.07.2019 19:18:48] Tavros: Lowest tariff possible.
[30.07.2019 19:19:08] Tavros: The standard tariff is 1 million per 1k cargo space. For empty traders.
[30.07.2019 19:19:26] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: What?
[30.07.2019 19:19:35] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Are you drunk?
[30.07.2019 19:19:49] Tavros: Im done taking sense into you.
[30.07.2019 19:20:06] [*USI*]Elko[E]: too much wine I'm thinking.....
[30.07.2019 19:20:19] Tavros: Show me the money.
[30.07.2019 19:20:27] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: Elko
[30.07.2019 19:20:39] [*USI*]Plymouth[S]: You have my order
[30.07.2019 19:20:46] Tavros: What?
[30.07.2019 19:20:51] Tavros: Returning fire!
[30.07.2019 19:20:54] Tavros: FoolS!
[30.07.2019 19:21:49] Death: Anoka was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[30.07.2019 19:23:44] Death: [*USI*]Plymouth[S] was put out of action by Tavros (Missile/Torpedo).
Security Officer Mick Brutus reporting in, on the latest Patrol around Liberty.
I started my Patrol in New York, near Manhattan and made my way to Pennsylvania - back to New York and then into Colorado. In Colorado I found some commotion made by some rookie Liberty Rogue vessels. I dispatched them and made my way back to New York.
Near Fort Bush i was intercepted by Officer LPI-Dawson[S] and he stopped me for a standard cargo scan.
Mick Brutus' Cargo
He noticed i had some pilots on my cargo and offered to escort me to Harrisburg Station so i could drop them off there.
Mick Brutus being escorted by Officer Dawson
We ran into more rookie Rogues and we quickly dispached them. Other that than the trip was uneventful, but i had a nice small conversation with Officer Dawson
[03.08.2019 14:12:01] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: Good day Officer!
[03.08.2019 14:12:21] LPI-Dawson[S]: "Hold it."
[03.08.2019 14:12:32] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: Stopping Engine.
[03.08.2019 14:12:33] LPI-Dawson[S]: "Commencing routine cargo scan."
[03.08.2019 14:12:53] LPI-Dawson[S]: "Seems you have been quite busy."
[03.08.2019 14:13:13] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: There was a commotion in Colorado earlier. Some Liberty Rogues were raiding the vicinity
[03.08.2019 14:13:24] LPI-Dawson[S]: "Would you mind if I escorted you to Harrisburg station in Pennsylvania to offload those pilots?"
[03.08.2019 14:13:36] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: I will accept that.
[03.08.2019 14:13:47] LPI-Dawson[S]: "Very well, follow me."
[03.08.2019 14:13:55] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: Ready to follow.
[03.08.2019 14:14:33] LPI-Dawson[S]: "I appreciate you picking up the slack in Colorado, we've been quite busy lately with the re-assignment of the Rio-Grande."
[03.08.2019 14:14:45] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: seems there are some more rogues here..
[03.08.2019 14:15:05] LPI-Dawson[S]: "Would seem so."
[03.08.2019 14:15:34] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: No sweat. It is good to pick up some bounties on these Rogues. While i'm not busy with official Universal Shipping duties
[03.08.2019 14:15:46] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: Extra credits never hurt
[03.08.2019 14:16:05] LPI-Dawson[S]: "Having an extra gun on the side of Liberty never hurts either."
[03.08.2019 14:17:06] LPI-Dawson[S]: "More rogues."
[03.08.2019 14:17:10] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: Yeah. I try to do what i can to help keep the trade lanes clean. It's important for us business wise.
[03.08.2019 14:17:18] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: Damn, these rogues...
[03.08.2019 14:17:59] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: Area clear i think
[03.08.2019 14:18:05] LPI-Dawson[S]: "Let's go before more show."
[03.08.2019 14:18:14] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: Coming
[03.08.2019 14:18:49] LPI-Dawson[S]: "Usually alot more rogues here."
[03.08.2019 14:19:15] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: Now i understand why you've been busy lately.
[03.08.2019 14:19:20] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: They're swarming the area.
[03.08.2019 14:19:54] LPI-Dawson[S]: "The Rogues have stepped up their game recently, they're absolutely everywhere."
[03.08.2019 14:20:17] LPI-Dawson[S]: "And with the Rio Grande being moved to the defense of California, we've had to hold Colorado alone."
[03.08.2019 14:20:34] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: i see. it must not be easy
[03.08.2019 14:20:42] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: We're here. i'll offload the pilots
[03.08.2019 14:20:43] 2019-08-03 14:20:47 SMT Traffic control alert: [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO] has requested to dock
[03.08.2019 14:20:45] LPI-Dawson[S]: "It's hard work for the hard working."
[03.08.2019 14:20:48] LPI-Dawson[S]: "Roger that."
[03.08.2019 14:21:46] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: All done. I appreciate the escort Officer Dawson.
[03.08.2019 14:22:16] LPI-Dawson[S]: "I appreciate with your compliance, usually people get roudy when I stop them, regardless of reason."
[03.08.2019 14:22:42] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: I guess not everyone feels confortable around the police... Even if it's irrational.
[03.08.2019 14:23:05] LPI-Dawson[S]: "It's to be expected, there's some crazy notion we're all out to beat the crap out of you with night sticks."
[03.08.2019 14:23:34] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: i guess... it's sad though. You're here to protect us all.
[03.08.2019 14:23:51] LPI-Dawson[S]: "While surely there are some evil bastards that slip through the cracks, just like with anyone corperation, it doesn't -
[03.08.2019 14:23:53] LPI-Dawson[S]: run rampant.
[03.08.2019 14:24:08] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: If it weren't for the LPI it would be harder for us in the USI and in the other trading companies to be able to fly around -
[03.08.2019 14:24:14] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: - safely as we do these days, around Liberty
[03.08.2019 14:24:27] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: Yeah. True. I get it.
[03.08.2019 14:24:54] LPI-Dawson[S]: "I'm just doing my job sir, as we all are. Liberty was built upon the backs of those who came before us, we must be willing -
[03.08.2019 14:24:58] LPI-Dawson[S]: to shed blood for that legacy."
[03.08.2019 14:25:15] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: I couldn't agree more.
[03.08.2019 14:25:57] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: I'm going to wander about a little. see if i can catch up to any of my colegues.
[03.08.2019 14:26:04] LPI-Dawson[S]: "I appreciate your given time, Mr. Brutus. I must return to Fort Bush. You stay safe out there."
[03.08.2019 14:26:18] [*USI*]M.Brutus[SO]: Thank you again Officer! See you soon
I'd like to personally thank the Executive Administration and commend efforts we have achieved together guiding Universal Shipping forward.
But I am formally writing to announce my resignation of Vice Presidential ruling over Universal Shipping Inc and all and any sub groups that follows. Having previously stepped down from the role of Presidency, my time is now to step back into a less administrative role and more of a "on the job" post.
Given this notice, I'll be automatically demoted to nearest role allocated by the Executive Team I await their decision on this matter.
I would like to report on some activities which have not been properly documented by other convoy members.
Last November we heard from our Core allies about a new Iridium field being uncovered in the deep Omicrons. After I personally figured out some convoy details, we departed from Liberty and safely arrived to Freeport 11. There I heard from our Core contacts that some raiders bearing the C~ tag were between Omicron Delta and Omicron Lost. I left the transports in the safety of the Freeport and headed into Lost to assist the Core. The fight wasn't going well but with my assistance we dispatched the enemy bomber and not too long afterwards the enemy cruiser named Prometheus was destroyed also. Following that I ordered the transports to move forward. Eventually we reached the far side of the system, near a large asteroid, and started the mining operation. This operation took several hours but we managed to fill up many transports with Iridium Ore without much trouble. I am very proud that I have organized this mission and successfully completed it; it is in fact a milestone for our company as it is the farthest Universal Shipping has ever traveled and operated.
I would also like to commend everyone on the team for their cooperation and professional conduct. This May we conducted the largest convoy run ever assembled by USI in many years. Without you it wouldn't have been possible.
That is all for now.
Nicole Burton
Vice President
Universal Shipping Inc.