This is amazing release, but I was really hoping we could get back legacy view support in Lancer Edit with the old, simple rotation/zoom system rather than the current pan/rotate. I understand that the current method allows for finer control but it's really not always necessary; could we get a toggle to switch between both modes?
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Staff roles: Coding Dev
(08-03-2019, 03:02 PM)Durandal Wrote: This is amazing release, but I was really hoping we could get back legacy view support in Lancer Edit with the old, simple rotation/zoom system rather than the current pan/rotate. I understand that the current method allows for finer control but it's really not always necessary; could we get a toggle to switch between both modes?
Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта.
в LibreLancer.Fx.ParticleEffectPool.CreateQuad(Int32& count, Vector3 position, Vector2 size, Color4 color, Single angle, Vector2 topleft, Vector2 topright, Vector2 bottomleft, Vector2 bottomright, Vector3 src_right, Vector3 src_up)
в LibreLancer.Fx.ParticleEffectPool.DrawBasic(ParticleEffectInstance instance, FxBasicAppearance appearance, Vector3 Position, Vector2 size, Color4 color, Vector2 topleft, Vector2 topright, Vector2 bottomleft, Vector2 bottomright, Single angle)
в LibreLancer.Fx.FxBasicAppearance.Draw(Particle& particle, Int32 pidx, Single lasttime, Single globaltime, NodeReference reference, ResourceManager res, ParticleEffectInstance instance, Matrix4& transform, Single sparam)
в LibreLancer.Fx.ParticleEffectPool.Draw(ICamera camera, PolylineRender polyline, ResourceManager res, PhysicsDebugRenderer debug)
в LancerEdit.AleViewer.DrawGL(Int32 renderWidth, Int32 renderHeight)
в LancerEdit.AleViewer.Draw()
в LancerEdit.MainWindow.Draw(Double elapsed)
в LibreLancer.Game.Run()
в LancerEdit.Program.Main(String[] args)
Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта.
в LibreLancer.Fx.ParticleEffectPool.CreateQuad(Int32& count, Vector3 position, Vector2 size, Color4 color, Single angle, Vector2 topleft, Vector2 topright, Vector2 bottomleft, Vector2 bottomright, Vector3 src_right, Vector3 src_up)
в LibreLancer.Fx.ParticleEffectPool.DrawBasic(ParticleEffectInstance instance, FxBasicAppearance appearance, Vector3 Position, Vector2 size, Color4 color, Vector2 topleft, Vector2 topright, Vector2 bottomleft, Vector2 bottomright, Single angle)
в LibreLancer.Fx.FxBasicAppearance.Draw(Particle& particle, Int32 pidx, Single lasttime, Single globaltime, NodeReference reference, ResourceManager res, ParticleEffectInstance instance, Matrix4& transform, Single sparam)
в LibreLancer.Fx.ParticleEffectPool.Draw(ICamera camera, PolylineRender polyline, ResourceManager res, PhysicsDebugRenderer debug)
в LancerEdit.AleViewer.DrawGL(Int32 renderWidth, Int32 renderHeight)
в LancerEdit.AleViewer.Draw()
в LancerEdit.MainWindow.Draw(Double elapsed)
в LibreLancer.Game.Run()
в LancerEdit.Program.Main(String[] args)
Please tell me the full path of the ale file you tried to open + view
Posts: 811
Threads: 80
Joined: Oct 2011
Staff roles: Coding Dev
(08-03-2019, 04:50 PM)Anton Okunev Wrote: Basically any FX from current Discovery, except some shields ales
D:\Discovery Freelancer 4.91.0\DATA\FX\ENGINES\bdm_cruiser_engine.ale
as example
It do open ale, but crush on view. With some shields ales (ku one) crush appears not instantly, but after 1-2 seconds (view window appears)
I can't reproduce this error at the moment, does it also crash when you use the system viewer?