There are three more modular stations, this time belonging to Liberty forces themselves, that have gone silent and dropped all communications with Liberty Government. Due to failure to comply with Liberty Laws and concern for national security that these bases might contain sensitive data that could fall into wrong hands we are urging all available Liberty Forces to investigate if there are ships still using those modular bases and deal with such risk based on your own judgement.
We are ordering for forceful deconstruction of these stations and any sensitive data that might be within.
Phoenix Research Complex belonging to Phoenix Research Division, last contact at 825-09-07. Edwards Research Centre belonging to Liberty Navy 10th fleet, last contact at 825-12-03. Westphalia Depot belonging to Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet, last contact at 826-01-10
- Robert McKay, Secretary of Defense
initializing image feed...
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Secretary McKay,
. . . . .Orders recieved. Tactical Command INDEPENDENCE will be on station with Combat Engineer Squads 15 and 34 providing assistance. Operational readiness in eight hours and counting. Rogue units or not, there will not be anything left when we are done.
Liberty Police, Incorporated, Primary Division, will be given authorization for Z21 and any other operational zones, as deemed necessary.
Estimated time to accomplishment of primary operation milestones, 96 hours.
Kazuo, Jason
Fleet Admiral
Liberty Navy Primary Fleet, Admiralty Office
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
[Communications ID: Chief Holiday Liberty Police Inc
[Recipient ID: All Liberty Forces
[Priority: [Omega - Very High]
[Encryption: [Omega-1V - Unbreakable]
Good day,
The Blackwatch Fleet has been alerted and acknowledging the permission granted to enter Z21 by Fleet Admiral Jason we will start the Siege in 24 or so hours. God speed.
In Service To The Republic of Liberty
Chief of Police
Liberty Police Inc.
......Transmission Terminated]-----
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
Incoming Transmission Liberty Security Force
Dept. of Internal Affairs
Sr. Agent-in-Command 'Veritas'
DHSNORTHCOM and TACGUARDCOM acknowledge and will comply. Heavy assets will be on station within the next standard day. Investigative teams and Internal Affairs CSAR will be available for tasking by field command actual at each site.
In service to the Republic.
Senior Agent-in-Command
Dept. of Internal Affairs
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
COMM ID: Anna Brown
TARGET ID: To: Robert McKay, Secretary of Defense
Mister Robert McKay,
As first in command of Liberty Navy vessel Amber Bay I'm blowing the order to Lt.Commander Silvia Greer, also XO of the ship. The ship will rendezvous with other at the coordinates of the Edwards Research Centre and it will begin the forceful deconstruction.
[Communications ID: Chief Holiday Liberty Police Inc
[Recipient ID: Admirals 5th Fleet, Liberty Navy
[Priority: [Omega - Very High]
[Encryption: [Omega-1V - Unbreakable]
Good day,
The last of the Illegal Modular bases have been destroyed, With this I relinquish LPI's authorization to enter the Alaska System. We are grateful for having the opportunity to aid the Republic of Liberty in this time of need.