Source: < Ewrin Mannlicher >
Emann@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Executive Office
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Guten Tag, Herr Van Gulhen,
Good news! Your application have been ACCEPTED.
You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions.
During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps and issue your tag pass and employment certification.
[align=left][color=#2E8B57][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]
『Firstname: Klauz
『Surname: Bergen
『Age: 35 to 39
『Date of Birth: Not sure...
『Origin: Rheinland
『Short biograph: My name is Klauz Bergen and i was orphaned as a child so was left to grow up going between temporary housings. My parents where killed while entering the atmosphere of Planet New Berlin on a routine docking procedure that went horribly wrong. As mentioned i was moved between temporary homes and didn't really have anyone else to fall back on so had to grow up fast and work hard to get anywhere and out of the "system". It has been a hard life and to be honest due to my upbringing i'm not even entirely sure of when i was born let alone how old i actually am exactly. I have come a long way and think i have built myself quite a nice little life inclusive of a Colossus and a Hegemon which i have worked very hard for and over a long period of time to acquire all on my own, I would like to utilise these assets (as they are currently parked up at Planet Holstein awaiting further direction) to grow within a group situation and i believe DHC is the right organisation for me and my crews and look forward to hearing from you.
『Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[X ] - Transport Division
[X ] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? <Daumann has a great reputation and from my viewings of your crews in the fields and on the lanes they are professional, courteous and hard workers and i would like to contribute to the overall DHC effort.>
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? <I am a hard worker who is loyal and honest and will always help a comrade in need and work towards the greater good of Daumann and Rheinland as a whole.>
『<Character Fullname>
『Klauz Bergen
『// OORP Notes:
『Discord Details: <N/A>
『Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes>
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes>
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <No>
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)
Source: < Ewrin Mannlicher >
Emann@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Executive Office
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Guten Tag, Herr Bergen,
Good news! Your application have been ACCEPTED.
You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions. During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps and issue your tag pass and employment certification.
『Surname: Bruch
『Age: I believe its 27, but who knows for sure? Is the one I call dad really my dad?
『Date of Birth: 5th May
『Origin: Rheinland
『Short biograph: Not much to say really, I am fresh of in my carreer, my father was always mining, so I guess I continue the family history in another round. I was born in the Frankfurt System but we moved due to the work of my father to Munich, he was always in the Aluminium field earning the familys income. Since I settled in Munich myself with my wife and kid, its now my turn to secure the familys income. I was hoping that the Daumann will provide me some work and opportunities for the future. Thats my life in a nutshell.
『Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[ ] - Transport Division
[x] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? I have to earn the family income and was hoping to find work and security in the Daumann Company. I really am a raw Diamond that still has to be polished.
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? Just to make sure that another Miner works with the right philosophy and follows the Companys Lawful atempts for a greater future in Rheinland
『Arno Bruch
『// OORP Notes:
『Discord Details: Seritjago#1296
『Have you read our Infomation Page: Yes
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: Yes
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: No, I am a Veteran and got a start package there!
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)
Source: < Ewrin Mannlicher >
Emann@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Executive Office
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Guten Tag, Herr Bruch,
Good news! Your application has been ACCEPTED.
You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions. During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps and issue your tag pass and employment certification.
You will find Daumann Heavy Construction is very supporting of families - do speak to your HR line manager to find out more about our Care and Support packages for employees.
Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!
[-|--] Erwin Mannlicher
No files attached.
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.
『Firstname: Hans
『Surname: Hiestand
『Age: 30
『Date of Birth: 4th April, 796 A.S.
『Origin: New Berlin, Rheinland
『Short biograph: Hans Hiestand was born on New berlin in 796 A.S., younger son of the Hiestand family, and younger brother to the Rheinwehr's Admiral Heinrich Hiestand. While Heinrich left for a life of military serivce, Hans instead attended the University of Hamburg and eventually earned Bacherlor and Master's degrees in Geology, before applying to Daumann's accelerated recruitment programme, and joining the company's mining division.
『Division to join:
[x] - Transport Division
[x] - Mining Division
[x] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? Daumann is the best company in Sirius.
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? Advanced degrees in Geology, with an advanced knowledge of mining operations.
『<Hans Hiestand>
『Hans Hiestand
『// OORP Notes:
『Discord Details: <You have it.>
『Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes>
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes>
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <Si, I am poor and need monies for moar Uruz.>
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)
Source: < Ewrin Mannlicher >
Emann@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Executive Office
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Guten Tag, Herr Hiestand,
Good news! Your application has been ACCEPTED.
You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions. During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps and issue your tag pass and employment certification.
Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!
[-|--] Erwin Mannlicher
No files attached.
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.
『[b]Age: 25
『Date of Birth: March 4th, 801 AS
『Origin: Liberty, Planet Pittsburgh
『Short biograph: After picking up a simple collection and delivery job, I've taken up a smaller transporting business for the DSE before finding a lack of contacts and trade partners and needed to broaden my searches upon being given a top to a local bar, I was suggested to try a local transporting business and decided upon myself to take myself to Rheinland in search of a place to call for my skills.
『Division to join:
[ X] - Transport Division
[ ] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? As part of holding a minature trading business, We've decided to expand our sources outwards to offer a hand to the Daumann
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? We've had years of experience finding various businesses to extend trade to. Joining a more formal faction like the daumann will extend potential trade for both myself and the daumann as we're always open to new and potential ideas
『<Character Fullname>
『[font=segoe script]Skytlar Johnson
『// OORP Notes:
『Discord Details: Already been given
『Have you read our Infomation Page: Yes
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: yes
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: No
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)
Source: < Ewrin Mannlicher >
Emann@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Executive Office
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Guten Tag, Herr Johnson,
Good news! Your application has been ACCEPTED. We have no doubt that your previous experience, and business ties in other Houses will serve you well working in contract with Daumann Heavy Construction GmbH. Welcome to the family!
You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions. During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps and issue your tag pass and employment certification.
Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!
[-|--] Erwin Mannlicher
No files attached.
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.