The engines of the Aquilon began to spur down, using just the main generators now to keep system running. It was peaceful, almost serene on a ship that had been refit for war.
Wearing her usual casual attire, Melissa makes her way from the bridge down to docking bay 3, looking out for a Maltese or Core ship to be landed on docking pad A. She looks around and waits for what she could only assume to be a Sabre. She turns to her XO, Matt Keyes nodding to him. In a soft tone she politely asks him.
"Matt, remember what I briefed you on before we came out here, I want a strong security team airborne to ensure nothing happens while Miss Loyola and I are speaking. We'll be in there conference room. Only contact me if it's urgent."
The aged man nods and chuckles, without a word he makes his way to the bridge.
As Enma would land, there would be a skeleton crew working on the docking ports several ships ranging from Raven's Talons, Eagles, Warans and a couple of specialist ships that look like bastardised Sabres and Scimitars. As Enma's ship would eventually land, Melissa chuckles to herself and mutters under her breath before Enma could meet her.
"Here's to hoping that at least we can bridge some form of gap between my guys and the Maltese..."
Enma, naturally could not wear anything more or less decent. Having to pilot a fighter required her to at least wear pilot jacket and pants instead of a stylish dress. Like the rest of the hangars, it was kind of dark and not too welcoming. What she would not expect, is that Mel would meet her right here. It's quite unusual. She would walk off the ladder quite professionally, touching the hangar floor with her black boots. She had an empty paper cup in her hands, giving it to one of the guards before coming to Mel. Despite looking a bit messed up, she was holding herself quite decently. But she wasn't sure if Mel would appreciate the handshake or not. If Mel would prefer it, she would do it herself.
"Ah, sorry I did not really have time to make a proper makeup or anything. As I said it was a brief visit to Nauru without any plans to stick around in Delta. My contract with Core has its specifics and I do enjoy a lot of free time. What I usually spend working for myself or enjoying in different places. I am happy with the way things are, but it leads to a lot of spontaneous meetings like this. And unlike with you, they are often not very pleasing "
She looked around, seeing what ships Velvet had in use. Taking a few notes for herself, as it seemed.
Melissa would take her hand and shake it, her grasp probably a bit firmer than what En was expecting and she nods. She notices En taking notes and she chuckles.
"I wouldn't bother about learning too much about our ships. They're very widely available, En. The only thing interesting about our ships is all internal. The way it should be for an elite military... Anyway, good to finally put a face to a name properly. Welcome to the Cryolite, Velvet's flagship."
Mel looks her up and down properly and shrugs.
"I wouldn't worry about the makeup or whatever, I'm more interested in getting things sorted between the Maltese and our forces before Tau 37 and subsequently Omicron Tau become a warzone, for the sake of some idiot's ego, be it mine or this Mr. de Silva. Anyway, allow me to take you through the decks to the meeting room. Hope you don't mind the colours purple and pink... They seem to be the organisation colours."
Melissa chuckles and invites En to join her as she slowly makes her way to the elevator.
Enma carefully listened, trying to figure out what type of person she's dealing with. She always does that and comms have helped her only to a degree. What appears, for now, is that they are quite similar, the question stands if Mel is as manipulative as herself. She would carefully accept the handshake and then follow her to the elevator.
"You will not me surprise me with the ego size of Maltese leaders. Hell, look at me. With Zoner leaders it's not much easier. Though, I've been an advocate of the Zoners, when it comes to relations with Core. I've brought normalization between their relations back in the day. And the house I've built still stands. To my honest surprise.
I will talk with Guildmaster and Guildkeepers, but I will repeat myself, that in order to have Core backing you will have to at least be in the process of entering NCLE agreement. I know that work is already begun, but this agreement is crucial. Without it, I will have a very hard time convincing Core leaders. From Core point of view, this incorporation with organizations that base themselves in Omicrons is what leading to stability and commonwealth. Naturally, Core expects to be respected at the shot caller in certain areas for providing a political umbrella."
As they set off and make their way to the elevator, Melissa nods, as Enma finishes speaking, they reach a small corridor that has a few people running from one end to the other, wearing tan/red flight suits with the new Velvet insignia on them. As they reach the start of the corridor Melissa smiles as they reach the main elevators to take them to the appropriate decks. She presses the call button as an elevator is summoned. It wouldn't be overly obvious, but Mel has been very slyly checking our Enma's body language, tone of voice and the way she walks. As if sizing up a mark.
"Naturally, we've been friends with all members of the Core since our inception. Trish, John, Mr. Archos... All have been very, very fond of what we've been doing. Our activities mean that Core assets are more free to pursue their own goals. My only concern, is the monopoly they are establishing within the Omicrons... I have absolute faith in them as allies. But, what if they should one day decide that our purpose is exhausted?"
The elevator finally arrives as the doors open, Melissa invites Enma in, then follows her in, as the doors close, Melissa presses the button for deck 12-B. She looks at Enma and chuckles, she carries on speaking in a soft tone,
"Thing is, that's not what concerns me... Should we enter hostilities with the Maltese, if worse comes to worse, Core will have to make a choice. Us or them. And, honestly, with the way current politics in Malta is going... What concerns me massively is those who are currently in power, let that go further to their head. I mean, the situation in Tau 37 is now enough to worry me... Should these two forces have absolute control, what would be to stop one from going tyrannical? As I said, I have absolute faith in Core... But it's their allies in the Maltese now that concern me."
Melissa looks at her, something in the way she looks at Enma can clearly show that she's not comfortable with what's going on. The elevator reaches deck 12-B.
Enma shook her head on Mel's initial comments. She also didn't seem to be too comfortable to speak while walking. To add more to it, Mel looked sentimental enough to actually care about her people dying. At least that was coming from her speech.
"Core is, of course, trying to build up a powerhouse. But if you, as Zoners and other people who came here to live a free life want to keep your lifestyle... Now I know that it may sound strange. But I believe that you should support the Core. If Core won't grow enough power in coming decades and won't build up a certain political network, then Omicrons will simply be divided by the major Houses. And you know for well, that Core is much more liberal when it comes to Zoner economic and social rights than the Houses are. One of the purposes of my NCLE concept was to make people around here realize that we are all in one boat.
As for you hostilities with the forces of Don de Silva, then I would not overestimate the devastating consequences of such conflict. Yes, he leads the powerful family, powerful cartel with a lot of money to hire a lot of forces. However, at the end of the day, he's not to be Malta himself. You must know how hard it is to reach the consensus within the Zoner community. Believe me, reaching the consensus on Malta is not any easier. Power of Cadiz Cartel grows fast and Legion is being silent recently. But still, I would not be too worried. Though Tau-37 is an important system for Maltese and they might indeed be overly upset with growing conflict there. You never know.
As for the Core involvement, I doubt that Core will involve itself in a military scale of things if you will be an NCLE member. At least I found strongly protest against it.
Now, I want to you be ready for the military solution as well. Yes, war is the most extreme method to wage politics, but you always shall be ready. People are dying anyway, there's nothing bad in them dying for your political interest."
Melissa chuckles, acknowledging what Enma was saying.
"See, my concern isn't the Core, and negotiations regarding the NCLE have already begun. There is a lot to discuss on that with Nathan going forward. I have yet to see him put me short on any deal so far, and he was actually someone who gave me the initial boost to our forces that was needed. So, I would never doubt Core's backing. Especially seeing as currently, Core are constructing us a Bullhead Battle Cruiser as well. I would dare say, our ties with Core are about as strong as any other ties we have, especially currently. As far as our forces... You need not worry."
They make their way to a door labelled "Conference Room A" and Melissa opens the door, inviting Enma in first. The room was lit in a light pink/purple colour, the seats illuminated in a blue/red haze giving off a strange look as if they're almost floating. As En would sit down, they would be a soft velour fabric, similar to that of a fleece. Almost impossibly comfortable to sit on. Melissa invites En to sit down as she carries on speaking and the door closes.
"In my honest and humblest opinion, is that both Maltese and Velvet forces vacate the Tau 37 system until we have reached a fair and amicable resolution. I'm not leaving the Freeport to IRG to look over. They are scientists, not combatants. My pilots frequently tango with the Nomads, and more often than not they come out the victors. In fact, engaging Nomads now feels like second nature. Given the politics of Malta, which always has and always will be sporadic and impossible, Mr. de Silva's threats of having 500 million people would realistically be closer to 100 million at tops, of which about 1, maybe 3% maximum would be combatants. Meanwhile, we are used to fighting overwhelming numbers with unmatched skill."
Melissa pauses and goes to a table at the side and puts the kettle on. She looks round at En, speaking a bit more boldly this time, her Bretonian accent becoming more obvious as she carries on.
"As far as any military solution, it is the final solution and should always be considered. But, this is me planning for the worst. I would rather Mr de Silva pull his forces to Omicron Tau, so we can reach a peaceful solution. I just get the feeling he's already made his mind up. I will say as well, En. As far as his threat of us pulling out of Tau-37, I see it as nothing more than an idle threat, and can't really take it seriously, given the way he acts."
Falling into the chair, En would cross her legs as usual.
"Well, if you are willing them to pull off the system, you can inform them about it. However, I have my doubts about them agreeing on this. Tau-37 is not only the buffer system between Malta and it's enemies. It's also an extremely important transit system. For uh, example, it's something like Cortez for Liberty. But for sure if you want to highlight your position, you should do it. But I predict that it will end up in failure. In this case, we are again, back to a military scenario.
Estimates about Maltese population are more or less correct. It's sure a little bit below 500 million, but not much. However, you need to consider that Malta is being flooded with people from the outside who were brought there for labor. Those are not combat-ready, but they are being productive economy wise. Amount of forces that Malta will bring in to fight potential conflict will depend on the support of the war effort by independent Dons. Despite being proclaimed Unitary, Malta is still a noble republic. And each Don has his... bannerman so to speak. Recent history of the politics of Malta is an internal struggle between those Dons. But for now not so much, as Cadiz clique have more or less accepted Legion's ideological platform. And it makes me happy since it more or less reflects my vision and Eliza Valdez, I assume is quite happy too.
But the world does not end with Malta and I am discussing this with you because I am trying to play for something more than just wellbeing of one planet. Many people used to call me a traitor, but I believe that I carry the banner of my family decently and that my ancestors would be proud.
Sooo yeah, if you want them to pull out from Tau-37, you better be prepared for an armed conflict. "
Melissa nods with what En is saying and smiles, speaking in a softer tone than before, her Bretonian accent becoming a bit clearer than before.
"My reasoning is, they want us to pull out from the system, they should lead by example if they want to be taken seriously in negotiations. As far as them doing it, let us call that a stalemate. Nothing will come of asking them to pull out, so it's utter folly. Either way, I haven't see Eliza for long enough to wonder if she's even still alive, because she seems to almost be a recluse these days. As far as gathering the population of the Maltese in comparison to the Zoners... It's surprisingly easy to rally Zoners. You just have to offer them what they want. Freedom, sanctity and a way to live their life without oppression of being told they can and can't do what they want to. That said, as Velvet, we don't speak for just Zoners, as my ranks are filled with just about every walk of life, and many don't consider themselves as such. I maintain though, we are a Zoner organisation... Our position isn't as simple as saying we are one thing."
She chuckles, shaking her head realising just how far she digressed and she looks at En again, this time, stone cold in the eyes. her tone a bit more direct, almost colder.
"The reason we became Zoners, whether it's uniting under the banner or actually becoming, we became such to not be pushed around. No one wants to see another Gran Canaria, regardless of which side you where on. Either way, I want nothing to do with Malta. My main annoyance is the arrogance of the bastard I was dealing with. Until an amicable solution is reached, they are not welcome to Freeport 11. The rest of our stations we're involved with, it's down to their respective administrators. I just hope they can show us respect if they come to the Southern Omicrons."
As Mel stops speaking, she chuckles lightly, looking down at the table at some notes she made earlier and puts them to one side.
En would check her nails, thinking about something for a while. Mel was just a little bit colder, and En's tone would change a little to accord it.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. If I am honest, then I have to admit that I don't care about the Zoners. And I don't think I care about Malta itself. I don't know dear, I just have my vision of how things are supposed to be. And the reasoning of you standing up and taking a fight here is not much of my concern. Though, I imagine that Gran Canaria would be a painful experience. Both material and metal.
I really doubt that conflict will move to Omicron Delta if fights shall escalate in Tau-37. This is Core zoner of responsibility and Guildmaster will be calling shots for whatever happens. Do you have any sort of coalition to fight them in 37 though?"