This is Ensign Jeremiah Sawyer of the Liberty Navy First Fleet
Good day, I'd like to report an incident in New York about a pirate carrying KNF pilots.
The vessel was right next to Manhattan, and at first didn't comply, but eventually the vessel has ejected the pilots, and a civilian one as well.
Unfortunately the vessel decided to make a run for it afterwards, but we took it down, with additional support from the LPI.
The pilots are currently on Manhattan, and are awating transportation, that I'd like to provide.
I'd like to ask the Kusari Government, or someone from the KNF to meet me in either Kepler or Galileo, so I can hand over the pilots back to where they belong.
The visual footage of the events, and the proof that the pilots are indeed safe can be viewed just below:
In case you need additional clarification on the events, please contact me.
That'd be all for now.
Sawyer, Jeremiah
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
03.November, 826 A.S
Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo, Kusari core worlds
Comm ID: Nito Kaisa, Masaru Takeda
Recipient: Ensign, Jeremiah Sawyer
Topic: KNF Pilots to be returned to Kusari
my name is Masaru Takeda, Nito Kaisa of the Kusari Naval Forces and I will speak for the Admiral circle of the KNF. It is good to hear that there are still honest people in Sirius and that some of them actually are honorable enough to return foreign soldiers back to their homes and families. I will attend to the meeting myself commanding the Battlecruiser Nuibari, you will choose day and time when our meeting will occur Mr. Sawyer.
This is everything, for now, I am looking forward to our meeting.
Takeda Masaru,
Nito Kaisa of the Kusari Naval Forces
This is Ensign Jeremiah Sawyer of the Liberty Navy First Fleet
Good day, I honestly didn't expect such a fast response.
My vessel is currently located in Colorado, and at the moment, I am ready to complete the transfer, I recommend the Galileo system, if that suits you.
In case you agree to the transfer right now or soon, I shall proceed to the Galileo system and await you there.
That'd be all for now.
Sawyer, Jeremiah
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
This is Ensign Jeremiah Sawyer of the Liberty Navy First Fleet
Greetings Mr. Takeda, I'd like to inform you that I have made my way back to Liberty safe and sound.
I'd like to thank you again for providing me with shelter onboard the Battleship Myoto after the Lane Hackers showed up, it's good to meet such a reliable high-ranking officer every now and then, you have earned my respect, sir.
I hope our next encounter will be as pleasant as the last one.
Jeremiah Sawyer
Sawyer, Jeremiah
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.