(12-24-2019, 01:37 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: See, if this is really the best Discovery has to offer in terms of communication within the community, there is literally no reason to stick to the place. Merry Christmas.
Bruh all he did was say that your color/font choice wasn't great. You're acting like he killed your dog. Chill tf out.
(12-24-2019, 01:37 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: See, if this is really the best Discovery has to offer in terms of communication within the community, there is literally no reason to stick to the place. Merry Christmas.
Bruh all he did was say that your color/font choice wasn't great. You're acting like he killed your dog. Chill tf out.
(12-24-2019, 01:37 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: See, if this is really the best Discovery has to offer in terms of communication within the community, there is literally no reason to stick to the place. Merry Christmas.
Bruh all he did was say that your color/font choice wasn't great. You're acting like he killed your dog. Chill tf out.
(12-24-2019, 01:37 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: See, if this is really the best Discovery has to offer in terms of communication within the community, there is literally no reason to stick to the place. Merry Christmas.
Bruh all he did was say that your color/font choice wasn't great. You're acting like he killed your dog. Chill tf out.
Personal Terminal "DT900 - LPI edition"
System Startup - [OK]
Searching for Boot Record - [OK]
Exchanging hash keys - [OK]
Initializing secure connection - [OK]
Tranmission initiating - [OK]
> Acсess officer file := "Andrew-Wilson.ini"
Officer file located - [OK]
Rank identified - "Sergeant"
> Pass := "WhyNotStarbucks\r\n"
Access allowed - [OK]
> Execute: Mail, Data
> RCPT := "One Police Plaza"
> Topic := "Two smugglers"
> Mail Body := *Two smugglers were caught today. Miner Nevers had Artifacts which he claim to be purchasing in Omicron Delta, I confiscated them, but looking at his Sunburst, decided to not fine him.
A second smuggler Freelancer RogerWillco already tried to be caught today before, but the previous time he was able to escape. His trick didn't work twice though and we caught him this time together with Jeremiah Sawyer. He was silent and tried to escape while trying to kill Jeremiah, but we successfully disabled his ship anyway.*
> Details:="shipname Nevers, ID discountinued Miner, 540 Artifacts near Planet Manhattan || shipname RogerWillco, 3520 Kemwer Muniitions near Colorado JH " > Results :="Nevers had his cargo confiscated, RogerWillco was destroyed with a help from [LN]Jeremiah.Sawyer." > Upload front.image
Intercepted another gallic battleship, and once again in California. I have a feeling something is really honeyed there for them, for example captured gallic battleship Carcassonne was really close to this location. The battleship was reported by civilian train passing through the system, named James~Martin. He said mentioned battleship destroyed our cruisers there, and he has visual evidence containing the battleship surrounded by a lot of cargo debris. LN Battle Cruiser came and decided to escort with fining him, but they didn't come to agreement which led to opening fire.
[22.12.2019 12:02:10] Amper: Hello there
[22.12.2019 12:02:14] Parkan: hello?
[22.12.2019 12:02:20] Amper: What are you doing in Liberty?
[22.12.2019 12:02:21] Parkan: do i know you?
[22.12.2019 12:02:33] Amper: Nope. You don't
[22.12.2019 12:02:53] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Identify yourselves.
[22.12.2019 12:03:03] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: What the HELL?!
[22.12.2019 12:03:09] Amper: Target has been restricted from docking.
[22.12.2019 12:03:10] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Oi c*static*nt
[22.12.2019 12:03:17] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: What the hell is this,.
[22.12.2019 12:03:25] Parkan: hmm i was not thought abou docking at all
[22.12.2019 12:03:28] Amper: Wilson: Police is here, having visual target gallic battleship
[22.12.2019 12:03:38] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: This is unacceptable.
[22.12.2019 12:03:51] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Get away from the planet and it's nearby defenses.
[22.12.2019 12:04:05] Amper: I'm pointing that
[22.12.2019 12:04:13] Amper: Target has disguise
[22.12.2019 12:04:32] Amper: by Kishiro trading company
[22.12.2019 12:04:32] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Just because we are at peace with you doesn't mean that you can just bring your capital ships in here.
[22.12.2019 12:04:38] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: And it's a thin peace too.
[22.12.2019 12:04:47] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: He's Enclave, broken IFF.
[22.12.2019 12:05:11] Parkan: ok ok leaving.. for now,,
[22.12.2019 12:05:18] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: You must pay a 25M fine and be escorted out to Magellan.
[22.12.2019 12:05:19] Amper: Huh, just leaving?
[22.12.2019 12:05:38] Amper: A civilan reported me
[22.12.2019 12:05:44] Amper: you destroyed our cruisers near Los Angeles
[22.12.2019 12:05:52] Parkan: cruisers?
[22.12.2019 12:05:53] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Do we have proof of that?
[22.12.2019 12:06:21] Amper: Sadly only his words for that, I'll ask if he has visual evidence
[22.12.2019 12:06:27] Parkan: hawe not seen any cruiser or bs here
[22.12.2019 12:06:28] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Who is our 'witness'?
[22.12.2019 12:06:37] Amper: He's named James-Martin
[22.12.2019 12:06:43] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Order him to come here.
[22.12.2019 12:08:06] Amper: Actually
[22.12.2019 12:08:21] Amper: We have partial evidence of this ship being in a fight right here
[22.12.2019 12:08:37] Amper: Can you see its state? It was obviously fighting something before
[22.12.2019 12:08:53] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Yeah.
[22.12.2019 12:09:03] Parkan: you never hawe run in planet right?
[22.12.2019 12:09:23] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Kind of unclear though.
[22.12.2019 12:09:43] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: For this you still have to pay 25M, and be escorted out of here.
[22.12.2019 12:10:07] Parkan: nah.. not interested.
[22.12.2019 12:10:21] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: You sure?
[22.12.2019 12:10:33] Parkan: how about ill pay 10 m and you leave?
[22.12.2019 12:10:43] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: This is an insult to our adress too.
[22.12.2019 12:10:48] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Crew action stations!
[22.12.2019 12:10:54] LNS-Louisiana: Hamilton: Take this son of a *static* down!
[22.12.2019 12:11:21] Amper: powering up weapons to assist liberty forces
[22.12.2019 12:11:23] Amper: engaging hostile
[22.12.2019 12:11:52] Death: Parkan was put out of action by Amper (Gun).
[22.12.2019 12:11:55] /time
[22.12.2019 12:11:55] 2019-12-22 12:11:55 SMT
Thinking how to create a message about choosing colors for a font better?
There are some other parameters which needs to be considered in color choice, not sure yet how to say them.
Ehh... Days ago I've promised myself to not take part in such discussions, but here we go. You see, both of you have a problem - the lack of balance between readability and style. While Sombra's posts look very aesthetic and cool in terms of design, I should admit that it's hard to read without focusing in or Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Ving the text somewhere else. Darkwind's posts are easy to read, but they look trashy in terms of aesthetics and design. Of course, it's all in my humble opinion, but I feel that a lot of people might agree with me.
So, the problem of OP is mixing the terms of design and readability, they are different things, but they both are important. If your posts have trashy design, nobody will even care to take a look at them, if your posts are especially cool in terms of design but absolutely hard to read, they will catch someone's eye, but there is a chance that the reader will get tired and stop reading it at all. What is important is keeping the balance between these two sides.
Sadly the OP is so fixed on the topic of "make it as easy to read as possible", so he forgot that all them big fonts and bright colors might actually make your post look ugly af, but still easy to read. Btw, there is a tutorial on forum posts styling from Protege: check it out.
Also, I guess, that there is a thing that might make people angry: your anti-examples literally look like public shaming and it's not a good thing. Moreover, there is a special, moderated section on forums for tutorials here. While it's obvious, that originally you didn't want to harm or offend anyone, you occasionally did it.
EDIT: Speaking about anti-examples and design, your example #2 literally uses too big fonts in unjustified places as well as no marking at all. It might be fixed by simple usage of horizontal lines -
or colored horizontal lines [hrc], which were literally created for this purpose - to separate one part of the message from another
(12-27-2019, 07:05 AM)Corpus13 Wrote: Ehh... Days ago I've promised myself to not take part in such discussions, but here we go. You see, both of you have a problem - the lack of balance between readability and style. While Sombra's posts look very aesthetic and cool in terms of design, I should admit that it's hard to read without focusing in or Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Ving the text somewhere else. Darkwind's posts are easy to read, but they look trashy in terms of aesthetics and design. Of course, it's all in my humble opinion, but I feel that a lot of people might agree with me.
So, the problem of OP is mixing the terms of design and readability, they are different things, but they both are important. If your posts have trashy design, nobody will even care to take a look at them, if your posts are especially cool in terms of design but absolutely hard to read, they will catch someone's eye, but there is a chance that the reader will get tired and stop reading it at all. What is important is keeping the balance between these two sides.
Sadly the OP is so fixed on the topic of "make it as easy to read as possible", so he forgot that all them big fonts and bright colors might actually make your post look ugly af, but still easy to read. Btw, there is a tutorial on forum posts styling from Protege: check it out.
Also, I guess, that there is a thing that might make people angry: your anti-examples literally look like public shaming and it's not a good thing. Moreover, there is a special, moderated section on forums for tutorials here. While it's obvious, that originally you didn't want to harm or offend anyone, you occasionally did it.
EDIT: Speaking about anti-examples and design, your example #2 literally uses too big fonts in unjustified places as well as no marking at all. It might be fixed by simple usage of horizontal lines -
or colored horizontal lines [hrc], which were literally created for this purpose - to separate one part of the message from another
Changed tutorial name and added
Quote:Disclaimer: It's only about font readability. For a style formating you can read other guides.
Quote:your anti-examples literally look like public shaming
Mm yeah. I will stop adding anti-examples. +removed names.
Quote:EDIT: Speaking about anti-examples and design, your example #2 literally uses too big fonts in unjustified places as well as no marking at all
Useful. fixed font sizes, tried to add lines, but it didn't work, because they are against terminal style.
Quote:there is a special, moderated section on forums for tutorials
Now that this is purely about readability I can say that I actually agree with you and call this a good guideline on where to start when formatting things!