Name: Koenigstein
Location (ingame): Uh....Near Syros? Or Mykonos? Somewhere around there where the combat was all at yesterday in Xi
Time (GMT): 2000 hours UTC
Date: Yesterday
Reason: Well, i have user time filter that comes into effect, blocking my user from 2000 UTC on, i charged yolo with the bismarck thinking im gonna die fast because i had to go, and i wouldnt leave without doing something. Turns out i managed to take out a cruiser and legate with one more legate left. I decided to leave my ship floating, because, it essentialy performs the 'Lock' task, so everything that was running still runs, and i may have estimated the time when i died wrong, had to shut down the PC obviously since i couldnt use it. Sorry again for DCing, i wouldve normally stayed. Sorry again!