Freeport 6, Tau-29, Tau Worlds.
Elite Outcast raiders and Enclave fighters have arrived in Freeport 6 at the same die. While station visibly became busier, no one could really guess what is this all around. Sections of the hangar and one section were sealed, it looked some shady smuggling operation. Outcasts are known for that and Freeports and known to live from such so in the end, there was nothing over suspicious.
Despite the high status of negotiations, Loyola is not feeling like they will achieve much here. Dressed in a suit and clicking a metal floor with her high heels, she would take Claire by the hand before they would slowly approach to the meeting room. Loyola for some reason even yawned, Clare could feel her fingertips being traditionally cold.
— I think it should start soon enough, you will finally see your cousin. Hopefully, we will be able to set things properly and if not, we will have to go our own way.
Loyola looks around at her guards, preparing to enter the room. Leaving her family pistol and a short blade from her boot, before entering. It the end it was a little tense. The conference room was the one you would expect from Freeport. Nothing luxury, but at the same time clear and even somewhat decent. But still not suited for the rank of people who were about to use it.
As Enma ordered, the room was separated with bulletproof glass. Loyola could ask to lift that up any moment, depending on the situation. Closing the door behind them and leaving two guards on the other side, Loyola is inviting Claire to take a sit before falling into the chair herself. His Highness is not here still, but at the same time, they came a bit more early themselves.
— One, two, three...
Outcast spoke into the microphone to check sound, it seems to work well for what it is. Not able to combat her addiction to pocket devices she couldn't wait for a few minutes without using those. Scrolling some feed, she's cracking her neck, then she would get her hair behind the ears. She starts worrying a little if Joseph wouldn't come after all. Placing her communicator on the table and trying to dry her palms that got a little sweaty.
— I hope he won't get late, I mean he got one more minute. Let's see if punctuality is something DeFrances are capable of...
Loyola spoke to Claire with a bit more worrying, but still a calm tone. Now when she actually starts thinking about it, her eyes spark with curiosity. While it does not matter at all, making such observations is a good thing to kill time while you are waiting.
The Tau-29System AboardFreeport Six Time Stamp Unavailable
A gallic shuttle settled down on the hangar pad with relative ease. There was a point in time where such a sight meant soldiers disembarking for routine smuggling checks. Though now it was due to Gallic citizens going about their day-to-day lives. After a few minutes, Joseph emerged from the shuttle and he was flanked by two body guards. Members of the Royal Guard, though nothing denoted them as such. To the common on-looker, here was a business-man with his personal escort. Joseph held his chin high and strolled casually through the various people who were around the port. He wore a simple black suit, tailored black pants, and shined - extremely well shined black shoes. The only thing that broke up the black-on-black style that he chose to wear in favor of a Royal Navy uniform was a simple and small purple fleur-de-lys on his suit's lapel.
It wasn't long until he and his men found their way down the corridors of the freeport, eventually ending up approaching the two Outcast guards at the location they're suppose to meet at. The outcasts were stationed just outside of the room, and he simply smiled, taking note of the weapons that were left laying next to one of the guards, an indication that the woman he was about to meet inside was unarmed. As he approached the door, the two Outcasts made motions to stop him, which his own men reacted in kind - only stopping from drawing their weapons when Joseph held his hand up. "No need for that. These two men are merely going to ensure that I'm unarmed before entering the room. You both can stand down." He remarked, stepping forwards - closer to the guards. There he held his hands up as one of the Outcasts stepped forwards and, quite frankly, aggressively patted him down. His facial expression was bland, though he was quite thoroughly annoyed by the time the pat down was over with. "You're free to go in." The man said in a raspy voice, probably due to all of the cardamine he's inhaled through re-breathers.
"Tres bien. My men will wait for me here. Just so you're aware, monsieur. If I don't come out from that room, they're ordered to kill you - and anyone else alive in this room. Oh... and you should know that you'll be dead before you react." Joseph said with a smirk, reaching his hand up to the side of the man's face and giving him a pat on the cheek. As soon as he finished this gesture, one of his own guards cracked their knuckles and stretched out their shoulders. "So do play nice, oui?" Once he was done tormenting the man who shook him down, Joseph stepped forwards and opened the door, stepping inside shortly after and letting the door close behind him.
She wasn't kidding about the bullet proof glass, and his smirk turned into a disappointing and clearly annoyed frown. He looked at them through the glass and merely shook his head, taking a few steps towards his chair but coming to a complete stop half way between the door and the chair itself, gesturing back towards the door as he began speaking. So this is how a king is greeted by a potential duchess? A rough shake down by an armed thug, and a bullet proof glass? Tsch..." His eyes remained locked on the woman, ignoring the fact that his cousin was in the room. "Clearly I've wasted my time just coming here. Either we change where we're meeting, or I'm killing both you, and your guards and taking Claire with me. You may play games with your associates. But I don't play these games, madame, and I will not be so blatantly insulted." He finished, clasping his hands behind his back. While he waited for her to respond, he broke his cold gaze from the woman and looked directly at Claire for what would essentially be the first time since coming into the room, and his facial expression read what could only be described as utter disgust.
Claire sat on the opposite side of Joseph next to Enma, similar to Joseph in attire. She was wearing a business suit to remain incognito, although lacking the minute details and decorations of her cousin's suit. As much as she would have preferred to attend in a Gallic uniform or royal dress, that would have caught the eye of many Freeport visitors. In a busy transit point between the Tau sector and Kusari, finding Gallic royalty would cause understandable concern and suspicion, given the Enclave's reputation and activity in the sector. Unease permeated the atmosphere, and Claire could feel it well.
The sight of the door opening and her cousin arriving caused both of them to jump up before Joseph caught sight of them. Claire's heartbeat rose sharply; The moment of seeing a fellow DeFrance, and none other than direct heir to the throne, made her more than anxious. The woman was aware that they were quite a distance apart in titles and status, but this was the first time she would see a family member directly as opposed to seeing death confirmations on the Colony News Service.
Just as his status implied, Joseph's presence was more than intimidating. She eyed him with unrestrained admiration until he stopped walking towards them, criticising the choice of location. His comments over the room were valid, and neither Claire nor Enma could risk disregarding them. As much as she was excited to hear the implication that her cousin would bring her back, his follow-up glare at Claire spoke untold stories of his opinion towards her, or at least that's what she thought. Having dealt with Gallic nobility previously, she was well aware of the subtleties that followed aristocratic meetings; This did not bode well.
"Votre Altesse, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I am Claire Sophie DeFrance d'Orléans." Claire spoke up, interjecting before Enma could reply. She would have been more joyful over finally seeing her cousin in person, but the realisation that this could go south set in. Despite her unease, she kept a stern face. "I'm sure we can change the location to something more suitable. As far as I'm aware, this conference room was requested for your security given the understandable concern of meeting with the Outcasts for the first time."
She shifted her gaze towards the woman beside her.
Loyola sighed in some sort of desperation, she is well aware of DeFrance temper from the rich experience of dealing with this family. You have to stroke their ego for hours before they would even consider your opinions. And each of them is having ego size of a red giant. She could try to prepare herself morally for this, but it's always somewhat striking and stunning. Right now though, thanks to her nice mood she would not take it close enough. Joseph looked aggressive, but if force will be used here, then it will be used all around the station. And by any means, escaping from the Outcast in Taus if they are on your tail is not an easy task. Loyola is sure that both of them are aware of that, so it brings some confidence.
She really appreciated Claire basically playing in her favor and calming him down. After all, they are both here because their kingdom has collapsed. Otherwise, this meeting wouldn't have happened. Somehow, Loyola feels like she's having a better base for this negotiations, maybe in raw military power, Outcasts are way behind. But after all, Outcast cartels got a serious financial foundation and no one yet succeeded at taking over their homeworld. What naturally cannot be told about Enclave, which long term existence is under big debate.
— Oh, of course, your highness.
Loyola smirks at Joseph, pronouncing it in a slightly sarcastic way. But with her Hispanic accent, it's almost impossible to notice. Outcast then raising her hand, the glass would roll up into the ceiling, just taking a few seconds to be fully out of sight. Enma then smiles at the prince, proceeding with a calm and confident tone. Her accent would cut his ear a bit, but nothing too horrible.
— There's no need to be this demanding and rise the tone of the discussion this high without apparent reason. As Claire said those were measures for your own security. There is no problem in fulfilling your desires and there's no need to burn your emotions over minor and not really important details. I know some things may be irritating, but the health of your nervous system has more value.
She pauses, switching her tone yet again to more formal. Loyola sounds like nothing just happened, apparently, she just wants to reset the whole thing. A smile wouldn't leave her face even for a second.
— it's an honor to meet your royal highness, I hope that you had a nice journey on the way here. Taus has been messy lately, and I believe that installing a proper order here is one of the goals of our meeting. As you see Duchess is doing great and is not harmed in any way. I find her absolutely beautiful.
Loyola then turning her head to Claire, taking her hand and approaching to kiss her cheek. This may damage diplomatic procedures, but Loyola values her way of life a little bit higher. Then returning straight to business, addressing Joseph once more.
The Tau-29System Freeport SixConference Room 0930 hrs
Both women spoke at different intervals, and Joseph listened to what they both had to say, albeit halfheartedly. Once they were both done speaking, he held his hand up and slightly waved it in a dismissive gesture, the direction seemed to indictate that he was dismissing Claire's statement, but in particular her introduction as became clear with what he said next, "While I appreciate your introduction, Claire. It was rather pointless, I know who you are. Further more, this conference room wasn't requested by anyone from my security team, I would know because I would have given them the instructions to find a suitable room, without bullet proof glass. Non, only a coward would do something like that, out of fear for being killed on the spot." He continued speaking, taking a few more steps further into the room before stopping directly behind the chair. He placed both of his hands on the back of the chair. He knew, too, that he was standing in a room with a ruthless killer. Outcasts weren't necessarily known for their hospitality - being high on mind altering drugs nearly all of the time. But it didn't phase him.
"Both of you are aware that you're standing in a room with a ruthless killer. Aware that any misspoke word, misplaced movement, or misdrawn breath will be the end of you. It only takes a push of a button and marines will storm this very conference room." He spoke plainly, and even more disturbing, calmly. He raised his hand up towards an ear piece and that he was wearing, once he was done pointing this out he placed his hand back on the back of the chair and ran his fingers across the wood, looking down at the chair as he did this. "Anything that happens to me, will ensure that the only people leaving this room are my Royal Guards, and our corpses. Something I'm perfectly fine with."
He watched as Loyola had leaned over and kissed Claire on the cheek, the gesture she pulled didn't seem to phase him either, so he continued, making his own gesture of an open palm to the other side of the room, a bit further away from the conference table. Now, before we begin with our little discussion, and address these concerns that both plague us. I'd like to speak with my cousin. Preferably in private. Though if you wish to remain in the room, Dona, you can. Claire?" He gave a slight tilt of his chin in the direction he was gesturing towards.
Enclave Shuttle (0930 hrs) --Freeport Six
On board the unmarked Enclave shuttle, Joseph leaned back against the couch and twirled a glass of wine in his hand as he listened - and watched - the conversation through the live feed that was playing before him. He wore a faint smile upon his lips before taking a sip from his glass of wine. "I'm quite impressed that you were able to find someone my physique. Doctor Cyril, especially one whose... so willing to die for our cause." Joseph said, giving a nod of approval towards the scrawny doctor, who remained standing nearby - also watching the feed.
"Hahah. Oui, your highness. It was a difficult task to do. I'm quite happy with my handy work. You know it was super hard to sculpt your facial features to be an exact replica of the real thing? The fact that he didn't die in the process like many others is absolutely astonishing to me. Though, it's nothing like having the real you around, your highness. There's some imperfections but they're easily over-looked by those that don't know you well enough. This was the perfect test bed, and honestly I'm glad that you came back when you did, your highness. It would have been quite difficult passing him off as you to try and gain control of the Enclave for those loyal to us."
"I think I'm even more impressed with the clarity of the video feed." Joseph remarked, once more as he watched the women speaking directly to him.
"Oh oui. That took a few years to perfect in and of itself, and I had just got it working when the Kingdom suddenly collapsed and I found myself being forced to flee from my lab at the Palace. Thankfully I had some loyalists with me when everything went to hell, and that most of my research was saved. Including the reclamation posion you wanted me to develop. Once my new lab is set up, would you like me to continue work on that? If things go well here with the Outcasts, I may have a source of Sirian slaves and Cardamine to continue that work, and with the station under your control. Enclave spies wouldn't try prying."
"You can work on it. Though I'd prefer that we don't unleash such a weapon on the Gallic populace. That kind of warfare might still be on the agenda for greater Sirius. But the last thing I want is to be the ruler of corpses. Keep it self contained and secretive and keep me informed on when the drug is suitable for deployment, hopefully by then we'll be securing my home." Joseph smiled softly, taking another sip from his glass as he watched the man look at Claire and look towards where he was gesturing. "The ultimate test is about to begin, Doctor. My favorite part about this is just... how me he is."
"When the test is done, will you reveal yourself to them? Or will you continue letting him play this little game." Cyril chirped.
"Non, he knows exactly what we want from them. He'll continue the negotiations."
Loyola listens carefully, looking amused. She would lean back, relaxing even more. Outcast makes shorts at and seemingly random parts of his speech, several times she would almost open her mouth to interrupt him, but managed to hold herself at the very last moment. She then grins and starts speaking, sounding amused and like she's about to laugh.
— You know, your royal highness, it's rather amusing to hear about capabilities of any sort of royal guard, since I somehow host two of your kind. I think my boys have captured Calliope without many issues. And with Claire, it looked like half of the crew were in fact Council agents or something and I had to drop all of my business and rush in to get her out of there. I've seen a lot of things in my life and you are not going to scare me, your highness. I really value your royal breath, so you may not waste it on threats.
Enma takes a glass of water making a short sip, looking at Joseph, a bit lowering her head. Then looking at Claire, touching her hand again and nodding.
— I never intended to break your family ties and the reason why Claire is here to exactly to talk with you, your highness. I am not going to leave the room, but it's quite long and I think I won't quite hear you if you walk to the opposite side.
Outcast just remained sitting there, pulling a communicator from her pocket. Preparing to entertain herself if they were actually walking away or talking right here.
Claire looked a bit shocked over what Enma just said. It was one thing to convince each other that they are on a level playing field, but entirely another to dismiss Joseph's claims and rub salt on multiple wounds. Refraining from throwing unnecessary comments and noticeably upset, the noble silently stood up and started walking towards the far end of the room, nodding to the prince and expecting him to join mid-way.
As they reached the end of the room, Claire looked behind her to see if she was truly within earshot. Judging that to be enough distance, the woman turned her gaze to the man before her and decided to speak up silently to avoid the Outcast from overhearing what she was about to say.
"I'm really glad you're here. It's the first time I've seen a family member ever since Gallia was taken over by those terrorists, I just wish the circumstances were different. Please tell me you have something planned? I can't stay here." she spoke quietly, nearly a whisper. Nevertheless, the lookalike could notice the sincerity in her voice and that she was very eager to listen to what he had to say.
The Tau-29System Freeport SixConference Room 0930 hrs
He didn't bother responding to the Outcast taunting him about an event that happened during his absence, an event he hadn't really cared about to begin with. He looked back at Claire as she stood up and smiled faintly as she began walking over towards the corner of the room he had motioned to. Once she passed him he looked over at Loyola again, "If you'll excuse us. Madame." The lookalike Joseph gave a slight bow, lowering his arm and placed his hands behind his back as he proceeded over to Claire, who after a moment began whispering. "I'm really glad you're here. It's the first time I've seen a family member ever since Gallia was taken over by those terrorists, I just wish the circumstances were different. Please tell me you have something planned? I can't stay here."
Joseph nodded slightly, as he stood at an angle where the Outcast couldn't exactly read his lips, as a precaution, he also spoke in a soft whisper. "We're glad that you're alive, and relatively unharmed. We humbly apologize for what's about to happen in the next couple of minutes, and take no pleasure in doing so. But to ensure your safety, you need to play along. Oui?" He said looking her in the eye, she didn't need to respond directly to him, as the tone of her voice conveyed enough sense, that she placed some trust in him. He just needed to see how far she would be willing to go for them, he then spoke directly to her in their own tongue - still in a whisper. "Le prince est sur la navette, dans le hangar. Tu le connaîtras une fois que tu le verras. Quand je vous dis de partir, allez-y immédiatement. Ne reviens pas. Le garde à l'extérieur vous escortera.."
Without warning, the quiet discussion turned loud as a solid thwack resounded in the room. Claire was physically turned away and Joseph's hand was raised, slowly starting turn red in color. It was clear that he had just back handed her - and hard. "You always were the pathetic and stubborn one, little Cousin. Stupid enough to leave home to try and play soldier because your father never loved you, and now here you are. On some... valiant mission? Charlotte's dead, darling. You're only prolonging the inevitable by continuing to play these games that a child shouldn't be playing. We're not on your estate where you can play with your little dollies, Claire. This is the real world, and this naivety needs to end. Now... go get yourself cleaned up while I continue my discussion with Madame Loyola, and fix your make up before you return. Your tears are going to smear it."
Joseph lowered his hand and turned his back completely on Claire, beginning to make his way back to the center of the room, putting himself between the door and the outcast. His hands clasped behind his back. "I'm sorry that you had to witness that, madame Loyola. But Claire can be stubborn, and she's never been sound of mind since as long as I've known her. She seems to think that her sister, Charlotte, is alive. That's not entirely the case, we have records that she was in fact killed in the boarding action upon the capture of the Calliope, while trying to defend her ship from the likes of you." Joseph smiled softly, tilting his head slightly to the side. "You see, I'm not as uninformed as you may think. Now, we came here to discuss a mutual issue between the two of us, and yet you're bringing up past aggression's that were out of my control entirely, and yours too it seems. Never-the-less we'll need to discuss how to proceed from here to smooth over our past so that we can work towards a brighter future, together."
"After all, Madame Loyola. We're here to make sure Malta, and the Kingdom of Gallia, reigns for centuries. Are we not?" His smile grew slowly into a smirk.
Enma is raising her eyebrows hearing Joseph going hard on Claire. She then narrows her eyes, making predotor-ish smirk. Outcast is making two short coughs cleaning her throat and putting her communicator at the table. Since coughing did not quite help, she's taking a glass of water, raising her hand to indicate for them to wait.
— Charlotte is dead? It pains me to see that Gallic intelligence is about the same level of competence as a royal guard. I am now starting to think that recent defeats of the Royal Navy are not the accident. More I see the situation from the inside, less I like your chances, your highness.
Loyola's face is expressing a mixture of disappointment and amusement. She stands up herself, coming to comfort Claire that was verbally assaulted for no good reason. Embracing Duchesse and stroking her head. Making a gentle and somewhat touching moment, probably for the first time. Outcast then whispers into her ear.
— Don't listen to insults, sorry it's my bad, I thought you have a loving family... not this. Shush, shush, don't worry, I will put him in the place.
Turning around at Joseph, barely holding herself from pressing him against the wall or at the very least pointing her finger. Her body tense and she wouldn't sound as soft and indifferent as she did most of their meeting.
— You know, I've had some romantic, maybe a little bit more childish opinion of the royal family. But how come the crown prince is only good at shouting at the helpless girl that sought for moral support from him? That's very... very low. Claire is the key player in the coming game and her fate is not being decided without her being present, like you or not. I did a lot and risked my reputation many times to protect both Charlotte and Claire and I am not backing down from that track, even if you are the offender.
Loyola looks back at Claire, winking and smiling trying to cheer her up.
— Well, if you think that she is that useless and helpless, maybe I should proclaim her a queen at Malta and we will see who of you will end up reclaiming the Kingdom faster? Enclave is surrounded by enemies, having no industrial base and I doubt it will be able to advance anywhere. While Cardamine and money are usually quick to make the path into the elite of any House, there are more creative ways. Now I suggest we all sit down and begin negotiations. And I won't ever hear you insulting Claire one more time.
Outcast looks directly into his eyes, looking determined to make her way in. She used to leave positions of power because of her personal principles and those negotiations are not even a matter of life and death. There are rules that she sets for herself and surrounding people, always fair rules in her honest opinion. Now she did not see a reason to back down before a spoiled rich f***bоy from the important family that is having a quite awful personality of his own, while his talents are not very apparent.
A normal person would have flinched at the sudden and aggressive action that the woman had took to get within his personal space. Though his hands remained behind his back, and he merely took a half step back to avoid her actually being directly in his face. "See... that's the issue with your kind. You presume to know everything, and yet you don't. If Charlotte was in fact alive, you would have proven it days ago, yet here you are... absolutely no proof in hand that she remains alive. All in an effort to string Claire along so you can have a plaything to entertain you." He replied softly, breaking eye contact and walking away from her in the opposite direction of Claire - the direction where Loyola was originally sitting. His pacing was slow as he continued speaking, "It's no secret that in recent months the Royal Navy has taken it's fair share of defeats, and those defeats solely lie upon the individuals who betrayed the Crown in her moment of need. But look at what we achieved prior to the glassing of Leeds. Bretonia - devastated and on the verge of economic and social collapse, forced to show it's true colors and attempt to evict civilians from their homes to remain remotely viable in the conflict. New systems, colonized and routes between Rheinland, Kusari, and Gallia established by the faithful servants of the Crown. Technology more advance than what you have ever witnessed prior to the invasion of Orkney. What have the people of Malta done since? Hmm?" He paused in his speech, taking a couple more steps before stopping and turning just slightly to look back at the woman.
"You've achieved nothing, and it shows. Your people still bicker amongst themselves about what type of government drug addicts should have. The constant rise and fall of various Don's looks like nothing more than consistent in-fighting, worse than what was seen during the height of the second Gallic Civil War." He laughs slightly, "Your people can't even establish cardamine routes into Gallia itself without being forcefully denied by Maquis, Council, and even Coriscan mobsters, and that was just during the reign of my family. You think getting ranking members of the Confederacy high off your drug will be any easier? Non... you won't succeed with them either, and attempting to do so will only draw the ire of the Corsican mafia."
The lookalike Joseph smiled once more, "See... madame, you are here because you are weak. Even as we speak, you know that your political rivals are moving against you, and that makes you nervous. You need the might of the Royal Navy so you can force these rivals into submission, or watch them burn. The Royal Navy doesn't need you. Why?" He gestured with an open hand towards the empty chair that she had previously been sitting in. "Because what makes us Gauls different than insects like you is the mere fact that my people are united. Yours? They never will be united while your rivals are alive. So... instead of making threats you can't keep, how about sitting your pretty little ass down, and we begin discussing what you promises you can actually keep."