Hello! This is the official feedback and announcements thread for the Core| player faction. Before submitting feedback, please be considerate that what you post is at least constructive. Posts about strategic or tactical ganking are not helpful, but if you have feedback regarding to generally poor gameplay showed by our members we won't mind hearing it so that we can address the issue.
Some of your questions may also already be answered in our faction section. It' a big ask but maaaaaybe consider doing a brief search beforehand.
Before you post please see the FAQ. Your answer may be here waiting for you already:
Quote:"Self-proclaimed the 'Protectors of Humanity', The Core is a ruthless, military quasi-state operating primarily within the Edge Worlds. They are relentless in their exploration of uncharted space; feverishly searching for alien artifacts, ancient technology, and rare resources, all in the name of profit and power. The Core initiated a bloody war with The Order, Hessians, Corsairs - and many other rogue elements in the Edge Worlds to gain passage to remote Nomad systems - becoming a dominant force in the Omicron and Omega sectors."
Q: What is The Core's relation to BHG? Why are they no longer called the BHG Core?
A: BHG Core split from The Core as soon as Core| went official. Relevant infocards were updated and replaced, signifying the inRP split. The Core is now a large and powerful paramilitary that is independent of BHG. The Core is no longer called BHG Core, it is just The Core. They are not same as BHG.
Q: How does AP Manufacturing tie into all of this?
A: AP Manufacturing is a diversified heavy industrial manufacturing corporation owned by The Core and Interspace Commerce. They also partake in mining, transportation of goods and since Core injected the corporation with their own researchers and scientists, they also now work in those two fields. Interspace Commerce has the majority share in AP Manufacturing.
Q: Core likes to say they control everywhere, even my Momma's bedroom! But lore-wise what territories do they control?
A: The Core controls Omicron Delta, Omicron Rho, a third of Omicron Minor (split between Order and the Nomads, starting around the Delta hole) and a large exclusion zone around the Omicron Rho jump hole in Sigma-15. The Core contests Omicron Lost and Omicron Kappa with the Artificial Intelligence of Gammu. The Core controls a 30k zone that covers Dagger Outpost and Planet Absconsum in Omega-55
Q: Some Core players in-game act like jerks towards me. They make me feel little and are snobbish and arrogant. Also, they took my pants and nomad specimen from me. Why?
A: Core pilots aren't the nicest people. They deem the Edge Worlds 'their space' and everyone else is below them. Whether it be Zoner, Order, LSF or your momma. They steal your specimen because they want to monopolise the tech for themselves. Every nomad is The Core's property in their own (deranged) eyes. Nomads are an exploitable resource. Like zoo animals.
Q: But why are they such arrogant jerks sometimes?
A: because this is their RP. They act so high and mighty because they believe it due to being charged with a high amount of zealous propaganda. Any 'insult', rudeness or other unpleasantness that is directed towards you is RP and not aimed at the person of the player. At the end of the day, it's bravado. Please don't take it personally!
Q: Are all Core like the above?
A: Nah, not all of us are. There's variation between characters because we want to encourage uniqueness and individual RP.
Q: How do The Core finance their operations?
A: The Core has a majority monopoly on the following on Iridium. They mine it from Planet Nauru in Omicron Delta, which is the largest known source of Iridium in Sirius. They also mine it in the recently discovered Iridium field in Omicron Lost. This is then exported to either Freeport 11, where it is sold onto parties via the Zoners, or The Core sell it to other Corporations and Shipyards throughout Sirius. Iridium itself in an important component in armour, anti-matter weaponry, it can also be used for increasing the efficiency of polymers, creating high-temperature alloys for use in fusion reactors and other high-temperature environments. As Iridium is an extremely rare metal and it's only known abundant source is in Omicron Delta, which is under the control of The Core, and there is a lesser known source in Omicron Lost, the majority of the Iridium market effectively belongs to The Core.
And Iridium is only one of their exports. The Core is also the prime seller of rare alien technology and research materials to interested buyers in Sirius, much to the anger of more conservative groups such as The Order.
The Core also controls the lawful market on Azurite Gas.
Through AP Manufacturing, The Core also sells military/security ships and equipment to Military and Corporate groups in Sirius.
Recently, Interspace Commerce purchased the majority shares of AP Manufacturing which greatly to the faction's financial standing. They're being bankrolled by the richest group in Sirius
Q: Who supplies The Core?
A: The Core is either supplied via supply convoys done by AP Manufacturing, or is supplied through the assistance of their allies. This post goes into more depth. The Core is allied with four out of the five Houses and has business with their respective Corporations, with relations with Gallia being worked on.
Q: The Core tries to enforce its laws in areas it doesn't even control, why is this?
A: The Core laws aren't territorial laws per se. It serves as a legal codex to justify the bad things they do. I.e., getting away with outright murder in Omicron Theta because the 'Laws' permit it - when issues are raised, people can just be pointed to the laws. It's also a means of controlling The Core's own pilots, civilians. Overall though, the laws are a roleplay entity and it's up to the player's character if they wish to respect them or not. They're not 100% reflective of lore.
Q: Does Core have allies in its Zone of Influence?
A: The Core has allies in its Zone of Influence: Intelligence factions. Unfortunately, there is a misconception that because Intelligence groups may not be active ooRPly, this means they are not there in lore. In lore, The Core is supported by LSF, MND and KPT (and BHG) within the Edge Worlds. However, one key thing to note is that because The Core is a lawful, legal entity, they have managed to gain the approval and support (money, manpower, arms, resources) of numerous Governments and groups throughout Sirius thus compared to other factions in the Edge Worlds having local support is not as necessary.
For further information on 'The Core', please see this thread.
Will Core be taking over BHG| and making Core BHG like once before, or will they stay seperated as both faction leaders are banned. Lyth and Impy I speak off. OR will you stay seperated please.
(07-24-2016, 02:16 AM)Shaggy Wrote: Will Core be taking over BHG| and making Core BHG like once before, or will they stay seperated as both faction leaders are banned. Lyth and Impy I speak off. OR will you stay seperated please.
the Core is completely different from BHG in both goals and motives, no we wont.
They've always been separated since BHG|Core stopped being a thing.
Hello @Wesker , I have a question please. I understand that Order lore restrict dealing with nomad remains but after seeing the Core making some contracts to sell nomad remains all over Sirius, and that makes the Core the only faction that can be contacted to make such nomadic deals. My question is what is your plans for the Core lore are you still going to support Sirius factions/Pobs with nomad remains? Thanks.
(07-24-2016, 05:22 AM)DonSam Wrote: Hello @Wesker , I have a question please. I understand that Order lore restrict dealing with nomad remains but after seeing the Core making some contracts to sell nomad remains all over Sirius, and that makes the Core the only faction that can be contacted to make such nomadic deals. My question is what is your plans for the Core lore are you still going to support Sirius factions/Pobs with nomad remains? Thanks.
That's actually a really good question.
I'm gonna have to consult with HC, if we were to go strictly by the Core lore than wed only sharing nomad remains with our closest allies however it looks like @Lythrilux was interested in making Sirius wide business deals with nomad remains before he was unjustly banned. So your answer is basically I'm unsure at the moment but I'll get back to you on it as soon as possible.
(07-24-2016, 05:22 AM)DonSam Wrote: Hello @Wesker , I have a question please. I understand that Order lore restrict dealing with nomad remains but after seeing the Core making some contracts to sell nomad remains all over Sirius, and that makes the Core the only faction that can be contacted to make such nomadic deals. My question is what is your plans for the Core lore are you still going to support Sirius factions/Pobs with nomad remains? Thanks.
That's actually a really good question.
I'm gonna have to consult with HC, if we were to go strictly by the Core lore than wed only sharing nomad remains with our closest allies however it looks like @Lythrilux was interested in making Sirius wide business deals with nomad remains before he was unjustly banned. So your answer is basically I'm unsure at the moment but I'll get back to you on it as soon as possible.
Just like to add something. I haven't played for a while, and I'm not really aware of whats new in Core lore wise, but if your lore regarding alien material revolves around safely containing it, studying it, and limiting access to it from unknown third parties, then running a Sirius wide remains shop selling remains to random strangers, is not exactly something that answers to that lore.