PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]medium SOURCE: Altona station, Hamburg system TARGET: Rheinland criminal database COMM ID: Feldwebel Paul Bommel, Reserveflotte TIMECODE: 181000HHoct819 SUBJECT: Some more
Quote:Vessel name: major_trader_ddwb
Vessel affiliation: Freelancer
Violation committed:
A2 § For the vessels of Transport class with more than 3500 units of contraband in the cargo hold ' cargo confiscation and 4.000.000 SC fine. (4.000.000 sc)
A2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives. (500.000 sc)
A2 §2.4.4. Insulting the Kanzler, the Republic or the representatives of law enforcement authorities. (500.000 sc)
A2 §2.4.6. Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities. (500.000 sc)
A2 §2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000 sc)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 14th October 819, 16:00 SMT
Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system
- The usual embargo breaker stuff. I ordered him to drop his cargo and the captain refused. Later he opened fire on me and hacked the Docking systems of planet Hamburg. After he docked a system wide "Looser" was recorded.
amnesty cost: 11.500.000 sc
Quote:Vessel name: Tigersclaw
Vessel affiliation: Civilian
Violation committed:
A2 §2.2.1. Military equipment such as Firekiss or Hornviper weapons as an addition to any Rheinwehr or Bundespolizei combat vessel obtained without a permission. (Death sentence)
A2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives. (500.000 sc)
A2 §2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 14th October 819, 21:57 SMT
Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system
- This civilian was in possession of a military vessel, if he hasn't changed his ship next time, this ship should be destroyed.
amnesty cost: Death sentence
Quote:Vessel name: TzuKai
Vessel affiliation: None
Violation committed:
A2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives. (500.000 sc)
A2 §2.4.2. Denial to provide of law enforcement authorities' representatives with information concerning your identification, documents on your cargo or your intentions in Rheinland space. (500.000 sc)
A2 §2.4.6. Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities. (500.000 sc)
A2 §2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000)
A2 § Any person spotted in piracy or in performing acts of terror is to be executed. (Death sentence)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 14th October 819, 22:04 SMT
Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system / Hamburg Gate, New-Berlin system
- The listed violator was ignoring my orders to identify when entering Rheinland. While I was hunting him to the New-Berlin gate, I informed Lubeck about the intruder. As you can see on evidence 2, they opened fire on him and locked the gate. Unfortunately he managed to get through where he and others opened fire without warning at me.
amnesty cost: Death sentence
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 14th October 819, 22:05 SMT
Location: Hamburg Gate, New-Berlin system
- See above, I assume that are some kinds of thugs of the above-mentioned violator.
amnesty cost: Death sentence
[color=#FFFFFF]Feldwebel Paul Bommel, Reserveflotte
Westfalen Battlegroup,
Rheinwehr Reserveflotte.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 07th October 819
Location: Fulda Border station, Frankfurt system
Circumstances: After watching Helgolands scanner entries, I saw the listed JCL callsigns moving to Rheinland. After a request to the Oberkommando I was free to intercept. .:JCL:.Eagle123 was destroyed after he entered. An ALG ship was ordered to bring the cargo to New-Berlin for the confiscation. I covered his back and some seconds after the ALG docked at the lane, the 3 IMG gunboats entered Rheinland and opened fire without warning at me.
amnesty cost: 5.500.000 sc
Administrator notice: I confirm the change of the listed .:JCL:.DasAuge
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Obt. Renate Bommel SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:violators
Quote:Vessel name: nico_2
Vessel affiliation: Kusari Naval Forces
Violation committed:
A2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives. (500.000)
A2 §2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000)
A2 §2.2.3. Equipment and ships that belong to terrorist groups and criminal organisations such as Red Hessians, Corsairs, Bundschuh, Landwirtrechtbewegung or Unioners.
A2 § Mounted equipment is to be unmounted by technicians on any Rheinland station and confiscated.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 14th July 819
- Zis captain was stopped at Alster shipyard. Said captain was in possession of "Natterturns" a common gun of ze Rheinland unlawfuls. After ze first encounter ze ship was destroyed. After ze captain was again spotted, ze Kadett Schmidt (I zought he was promoted?!) was ready to engange. shortly before ze vessel was destroyed, I got an docking request to Alster from zis ship.
amnesty cost: 1.500.000 + 5.000.000 = 6.500.000 sc
Until he's shown without illegal weaponry: Death sentence
Quote:Vessel name: Vetos
Vessel affiliation: Civilian
Violation committed:
A2 §2.2. Possession of illegal equipment
A6 §3. All Liberty-affiliated military units are to be eliminated on sight.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 14th July 819
- During ze handling of another violator, zis captain was ordered to unmount his liberty affiliated weaponry, while he is in Rheinland
Until he's shown without illegal weaponry: Death sentence
Quote:Vessel name: Bingo
Vessel affiliation: Zoners
Violation committed:
A2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives. (500.000)
A2 §2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 14th July 819
- Zis zoner was on ze way to Freiburg. His papers didn't grant him docking rights but ze zoner proceed his tour which is a violation of my orders and results in hacking of ze docking systems.
amnesty cost: 1.500.000 + 5.000.000 = 6.500.000 sc
From: Wachmann: Nic Becker
Located: Planet Hamburg, Polizeistation
Guten Tag,
today i have one request for the Database.
For more Details see Attachment.
Nic Becker
Quote:Vessel name: Pan40
Vessel affiliation: Cryer
Violation committed:
Carry Contraband (violation Article 2 §2.1 of the Law)
Denid to follow my orders (violation Article 2 §2.4.1 of the Law)
Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:
and Papers:
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Lastseen as docking to Altona Station: [18.10.2011 19:09:26] Traffic control alert: Pan40 has requested to dock
Violation committed:
Carry Copper Ore as IC Vessel (Artile 3 §2.6 of the Law)
Don't follow my orders and docked (Article 2 §2.4.1 of the Law)
in fact i am in a cruiser i cannot demand to drop the ore
Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
He docked at Planet Hamburg
Quote:Vessel name:[BH]HunterV.
Vessel affiliation:Bounty Hunter
Violation committed:
Bounty Hunter Destroyer in amburg came from Stuttgart (violation Article 4 §1 of the Law)
Don't follow my orders t leave Rheinland Space and docked (violation Article 2 §2.4.1 of the Law)
Shoots at me First (violation Article 2 §2.4.6 of the Law)
Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
SOURCE..................................................Planet Nuremberg, Munich System
COMM ID.................................................Thomas Wolthers, voluntary Rheinland Federal Police
Quote:Vessel name: Starlancer
Vessel affiliation: Bounty Hunters Guild
Violation committed:
§1. All Battleship and Cruiser class vessels that don't belong to the Rheinland Military are banned from Rheinland space, unless permitted by an Admiral.
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
22nd October, Hamburg System
Entered Rheinland space without permission. Did not obey my orders to stop, let alone to leave Rheinland space to Bering again.
Quote:Vessel name: Savarona-1931
Vessel affiliation: IMG
Violation committed:
§2. No traders are to pass the Libertonian borders when coming from Rheinland with the following exceptions:
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives.
Guncam shots that may serve as evidence: ***
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
22nd October, first near Planet Stuttgart, later seen near Dortmund station
IMG Atlast transport intercepted near Planet Stuttgart with Copper ore.. Said he was going to Kusari. I first let him go, but asked another Bundespolizei officer named Dietmar Hasefeldt to watch the IMG-transport. Indeed he was heading to Liberty, but escaped to Dortmund when engaged by the other officer.
Later on I spotted this vessel undocking from Dortmund and taking the lane to Hamburg with Copper ore.
Although I tried to intercept him the IMG kapitaen fled to Dortmund again.
Quote:Vessel name: Warren.Ward
Vessel affiliation: Interspace Commerce
Violation committed:
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives.
§2.4.6. Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities.
Liberty shipping agents violating their shipping guidelines and managing to escape with their ship / cargo intact. Guncam shots that may serve as evidence: **
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
22nd October, Frankfurt system
Said vessel was heading to Munich system. Upon ordered to stop for a scan they IC-vessel fled to Planet Holstein, but could not dock. Upon ordered to stop again, Warren Ward refused to do so, so I activated the weapons of the Geilenkirchen. Said IC-vessel opened fire and severly damaged the Geilenkirchen.
Thomas Wolthers
Priority: Medium
Encryption: Medium
Name ID: RFP|Wach.Stan.Stone.
Location: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin system
Date: 23rd October
Subject: Law violators
#1 Vessel name: Ghost~of~Didrik~Pining
Vessel affiliation: Pirate
Violation committed:
Article 2 § Any person spotted in piracy or in performing acts of terror is to be executed.
Article 2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives.
Article 2 §2.4.6. Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Near Stuttgart gate in New Berlin system I encountered fight between Rheinwehr ship and civilian Nick.Rush on one side, and two pirate ships (Ghost~of~Didrik~Pining and Ghost~of~Louis-Garneray) on other side. I asked them to stop shooting but they didn´t respond and continued firing so I join the fight. Other pirate soon destroyed Nick.Rush. Cowardly pirates then started to escape. Details in my report from 22nd October.
#2 Vessel name: Ghost~of~Louis-Garneray
Vessel affiliation: unknown but most likely Pirate
Violation committed:
Article 2 § Any person spotted in piracy or in performing acts of terror is to be executed.
Article 2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives.
Article 2 §2.4.6. Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Near Stuttgart gate in New Berlin system I encountered fight between Rheinwehr ship and civilian Nick.Rush on one side, and two pirate ships (Ghost~of~Didrik~Pining and Ghost~of~Louis-Garneray) on other side. I asked them to stop shooting but they didn´t respond and continued firing so I join the fight. Other pirate soon destroyed Nick.Rush. Cowardly pirates then started to escape. Details in my report from 22nd October.
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Rheinland Criminal Database Information System SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:1 Row removed
The following rows are now removed:
Violator fine for amnesty Transmission
[C]-CLT-Saint-Verdun = 9.000.000 #108
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Rheinland Criminal Database Information System SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:1 Row removed
The following rows are now removed:
Violator fine for amnesty Transmission
Maestro_D = 8.000.000 #96