PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]medium SOURCE: Altona station, Hamburg system TARGET: Rheinland criminal database COMM ID: Feldwebel Paul Bommel, Reserveflotte TIMECODE: 150700HHdec819 SUBJECT: Docking systems hacked
Quote:Vessel name: Wilber
Vessel affiliation: Freelancer ID/LSF IFF
Violation committed:
A2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives. (500.000 sc)
A2 §2.4.2. Denial to provide of law enforcement authorities’ representatives with information concerning your identification, documents on your cargo or your intentions in Rheinland space. (500.000 sc)
A2 §2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000 sc)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 14th December 819, 22:41 SMT
Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system
- This Freelancer was stopped after entering from Bering. The order to stop was ignored and the docking systems of Planet Hamburg were hacked. The local security force was unable to stop him at the docking port.
amnesty cost: 7.000.000 sc
[color=#FFFFFF]Feldwebel Paul Bommel, Reserveflotte
Westfalen Battlegroup,
Rheinwehr Reserveflotte.
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Obt. Renate Bommel SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:A problem in Dresden
Quote:Vessel name: Wilber
Vessel affiliation: LSF
Violation committed:
Article 2 §2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000 sc)
Article 6 §3. All Liberty-affiliated military units are to be eliminated on sight. (Death sentence)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 15th December 819
Location: Leipzig station, Dresden system
Circumstances: Zis ship was spotted on a routine patrol in Dresden. Due the nebula I was unable to get clear information of the ship class and type. The docking control at Leipzig told me the systems were hacked but the captain disappeared.
amnesty cost: Death sentence
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Rheinland Criminal Database Information System SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:1 Row removed
The following rows are now removed:
Violator fine for amnesty Transmission
[IND]Fatal.Eviction = to be decided #116
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Obt. Renate Bommel SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:some more violators
Quote:Vessel name: Mr.MoneyBags
Vessel affiliation: Interspace
Violation committed:
Article 2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives. (500.000 sc)
Article 2 § For the vessels of Transport class with more than 3500 units of contraband in the cargo hold ' cargo confiscation and 4.000.000 SC fine. (4.000.000 sc)
Article 2 §2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000 sc)
Article 3 §2.6. Interspace Commerce hauling any of following goods [...]
Article 3 §3. The above regulations applying to Interspace, Ageira, DSE, Orbital spa & cruise and Cryer are valid for the entirety of Rheinland unless otherwise specified, which means the above corporations are only allowed to haul these goods legally within and out of Rheinland.
Guncam shots that may serve as evidence: Cargo Papers log
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 15th December 819
Location: Oder shipyard, New-Berlin system
Circumstances: Zis interspace ship was caught with a full load of engine components. After the captain got his violation, he hacked ze docking controls of ze Oder shipyard.
amnesty cost: 10.500.000 sc
Quote:Vessel name: Zueskiller
Vessel affiliation: Civilian
Violation committed:
Article 2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives. (500.000 sc)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 15th December 819
Location: Bonn station, New-Berlin system
Circumstances: Zis civilian was spotted on a routine patrol near Dortmund but was out of scanner range. Ze captain entered ze lane to Bonn and I ordered him to stop zhere. After my Mjolnir arrived at Bonn, ze ship wasn't zere. The TLAGSNET monitor showed, the ship has taken the next lane.
amnesty cost: 5.500.000 sc
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info): Here I was, just minding my own business, platonically conversing with a Military personnel and blamo, an IMG tagged ship, IMG Identification transport, a cargo full of copper Ore and right in the middle of New Berlin. It tried to cloak right in the middle of our discussion and as a result, it was blown up. With all its cargo.
-=-=-End transmission-=-=-
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Obt. Renate Bommel SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:some more violators
Quote:Vessel name: Joseph.O'Connel
Vessel affiliation: Borderworld Export
Violation committed:
Article 2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives. (500.000 sc)
Article 2 § For the vessels of Transport class with more than 3500 units of contraband in the cargo hold ' cargo confiscation and 4.000.000 SC fine. (4.000.000 sc)
Article 4 §5. All civilian "Barge" super transports are banned from Rheinland, unless said vessels are registered in the Rheinland Barge registry. (Death sentence)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 16th December 819
Location: Planet New-Berlin, New-Berlin system
Circumstances: Another not registered bowex affiliated barge inside Rheinland.
amnesty cost: Death sentence
Quote:Vessel name: Pablo.Picasso
Vessel affiliation: Zoners
Violation committed:
Article 2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives. (500.000 sc)
Article 2 § For the vessels of Transport class with more than 3500 units of contraband in the cargo hold ' cargo confiscation and 4.000.000 SC fine. (4.000.000 sc)
Article 2 §2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000 sc)
Article 8 §1. Due to the war with Liberty, shipping military vehicles and light arms is restricted to the following shipping agents
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 16th December 819
Location: Planet New-Berlin, New-Berlin system
Circumstances: Zis zoner was hauling restricted goods inside rheinland. I denied his docking rights but he was able to hack ze docking systems.
amnesty cost: 10.500.000 sc
Quote:Vessel name: Arleifdrake
Vessel affiliation: Interspace
Violation committed:
Article 2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives. (500.000 sc)
Article 2 § For the vessels of Gunboat class or Transport class with 3500 units of contraband in the cargo hold or less - cargo confiscation and 2.500.000 SC fine. (2.500.000 sc)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 16th December 819
Location: Planet New-Berlin, New-Berlin system
Circumstances: Zis Interspace ship was hauling tourists and ze captain violated his shipping rights. Ze captain wasn't able to pay his fine and I didn't want to risk ze live of zese tourists. So he was allowed to dock and come back within 10 minutes (enough time to "unload" the persons and get ze payment). After 10 minutes ze captain didn't undock and disappeared.
amnesty cost: 8.000.000 sc
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 2011-12-24 20:41:00
Location: Munich
Additional Info: Headding out from Munich to Frankfurt I spotted two transports heading back into Munich. Making it back into Munich I caught Interspace Commerce ships hauling Gaian wildlife without a Researcher's ID. Due to some ion interference and them, being ahead of me, I couldn't stop them from delivering the cargo to the Orbital habitat.
***** Transmission Ended *****
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
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FROM: RFP Kadett Klaus Lange
LOCATION: above Planet Hamburg, in a half way from Planet to Westfalen und Libertonian front line.
SUBJECT: Violation of Kriegembargo
TIME: 31 XII 2011 ca. 1 A.M. GMT Time
VIOLATOR: cyxapuk ( written in a cyrillic script )
I waz on a routin patrol in Hamburg syztem, when one of unsere citizenz in zivilian vezzel informed me about Military Vehicles smuggler. I caught him after few launched Mosquito disruptor missiles and with SNAC persuade method forced to drop zis dangerous contaband. Unfortunately, due to Libertonian Cruiser NPC patrol I was unable to kill him. But zis cargo was destroyed, und Ich habe guncam shots as evidence of guilty of zis smuggler.
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FROM: RFP Kadett Klaus Lange
LOCATION: around Bonn Station, toward Stuttgart Jump Gate
SUBJECT: Violation of Rheinland Law
TIME: 1 I 2012, ca 19:20 GMT Time
I discovered IMG ID ship with a full loadout of Slaves outside Bonn. He refused to stop, activated cruise engines and tried to fled. I caught him, and ordered to drop Slaves. After his refusal, he tried to activate cloaking device. He was quickly destroyed by witness of that whole situation, captain of vessel Kruger|Delta-77 . Captain also helped me transport that human "cargo" to Bonn and liberate they.
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FROM: RFP Kadett Klaus Lange
LOCATION: New Berlin system, Stuttgart system, Omega 11 system.
SUBJECT: Smuggling
TIME: 3 I 2012, ca 8 A.M. GMT Time
TLAGSnet revealed smuggler with CounterfeitSoftware incoming from Bering system.
I caught violator around Bonn, but she managed to escape via Trade Lane, and quickly disrupted last ring, so I couldn't catch her.I chased she through entire Stuttgart system, up to Omega 11 Jump Gate. Zis violator managed to sell contraband on Solarius station, and buy Diamonds. She tried to trick RFP member, but finally was forced to pay fine, 4 Millions of Sirius Credits. Fine was transferred to RFP Arsenal.