PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Rheinland Criminal Database Information System SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:1 Row removed
The following rows are now removed:
Violator fine for amnesty summary
IMG|Sea}{Brutal.Swing = 7.000.000 DC1, DC2, HoD
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
The MS-Siegburg ran a cargo of Tobacco over across the embargo line. 1. He never once invoked that he was ALG. 2. He used the 'You're just a freelancer,' excuse. He showed no remorse for his actions. Most likely not even an ALG recruit.
[--- transmission disconnected ---]
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 2012-05-02 00:15:33
Location: Hamburg
We destroyed this transport moments ago and caught it again smuggling multiplexors from Rheinalnd, headding into Liberty space.
***** Transmission Ended *****
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Rheinland Criminal Database Information System SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:Autoupdate
Quote:Vessel name: .:j:.Collector
Vessel affiliation: Junkers
Violation committed:
Article 2 §2.2.1. Military equipment such as Firekiss or Hornviper weapons as an addition to any Rheinwehr or Bundespolizei combat vessel obtained without a permission.
Article 4 §5. All civilian "Barge" super transports are banned from Rheinland, unless said vessels are registered in the Rheinland Barge registry.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 26th May
Location: Hamburg
Circumstances: Unregistered restricted civilian ship class with restricted equipment was monitored during standard patrol.
Administrator note: This junker was listed in the Bundespolizei message dump. Said Barge was flying within Rheinland space without the respective permission.
The possession of cloaking devices was also affirmed. The junker captain got the <strike>order</strike> advice to register said barge. After 5 days without an attempt to register, the chance is overstayed.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 3rd June
Location: Hamburg
Circumstances: 04: Violator of Liberty Embargo
Near the end of the patrol, I witnessed on TLAG several ships with Cobalt ore in Hamburg. I was able to get one of them into scanner range, named HX-15-Amsterdam. It looked like he already had some encounter with the Rheinwehr and refused to obey to mein command to stop. Unfortunately none of the usual Rheinland Reserveflotte vessel was present to stop the violator so he was able to escape to Bering.
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Rheinland Criminal Database Information System SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:Autoupdate
Quote:Vessel name: Kruger|Riedlingen
Vessel affiliation: Kruger Minerals
Violation committed:
Article 2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives. (500.000 sc)
Article 2 §2.4.6. Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities. (500.000 sc)
Article 2 § Any person spotted in piracy or in performing acts of terror is to be executed. (Death sentence)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 8th June (supposed)
Location: Omega-7
Circumstances: This Kruger ship captain attacked a civilian within the house of Rheinland. Said captain declared the Omega-7-Treaty as void on a individual basis. This led to piracy according to the laws of Rheinland.
Quote:Vessel name: Gotkai
Vessel affiliation: Unknown
Violation committed:
Article 2 §2.4.6. Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities. (500.000 sc)
Article 2 § Any person spotted in piracy or in performing acts of terror is to be executed. (Death sentence)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 8th June (supposed)
Location: Omega-7
Circumstances: This captain was assisting the Kruger| pirate.
Administrator note: The Kruger| leadership got a reasonable time frame to contact the Rheinland Bundespolizei by itself. It failed to do so. The required actions will now be taken.
Article three: Trade regulations §1. Trading sensitive materials (light arms and military vehicles) requires possession of a registered license. He was not registered.
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Rheinland Criminal Database Information System SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:Autoupdate
Quote:Vessel name: U-1073
Vessel affiliation: Zoner
Violation committed:
Article 4 §1. All Battleship and Cruiser class vessels that don't belong to the Rheinland Military are banned from Rheinland space, unless permitted by an Admiral. (Death sentence)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 15th June
Location: Stuttgart/Omega-7
Circumstances: Capital zoner ship found within Rheinland space by third data source.
Quote:Vessel name: Roswell-51
Vessel affiliation: Bretonia Armed Force
Violation committed:
Article 4 §1. All Battleship and Cruiser class vessels that don't belong to the Rheinland Military are banned from Rheinland space, unless permitted by an Admiral. (Death sentence)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 15th June
Location: Stuttgart/Omega-7
Circumstances: Capital bretonia ship found within Rheinland space by third data source.
Quote:Vessel name: Raymond
Vessel affiliation: Indepedent Miner Guild
Violation committed:
Article 2 § For the vessels of Transport class with more than 3500 units of contraband in the cargo hold ' cargo confiscation and 4.000.000 SC fine. (4.000.000 sc)
Article 2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives. (500.000 sc)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 15th June
Location: Stuttgart/Omega-7
Circumstances: IMG transport found, by third data source, supplying an illegal base.
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Rheinland Criminal Database Information System SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:Autoupdate
Quote:Vessel name: Xiphos
Vessel affiliation: Zoner
Violation committed:
Article 4 §1. All Battleship and Cruiser class vessels that don't belong to the Rheinland Military are banned from Rheinland space, unless permitted by an Admiral. (Death sentence)
Article 4 §4. All foreign military combat vessels of any size are banned from Rheinland, unless permission to enter is given by a High Command member. All foreign military combat vessels entering Rheinland without permission are subject to destruction. (Death sentence)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 25th June
Location: Elbich perimeter, Omega-7
Circumstances: This unauthorized zoner warship was found by third party source within Rheinland. Major Keller from the Rheinwehr confirmed the absence of permission.
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]medium SOURCE: Altona station, Hamburg system TARGET: Rheinland criminal database COMM ID: Feldwebel Paul Bommel, Reserveflotte TIMECODE: 261856HHjun819 SUBJECT: Foreign military ships
Quote:Vessel name: captin_piglet
Vessel affiliation: Freelancer
Violation committed:
Article 4 §4. All foreign military combat vessels of any size are banned from Rheinland, unless permission to enter is given by a High Command member. All foreign military combat vessels entering Rheinland without permission are subject to destruction. (Death sentence)
Article 6 §3. All Liberty-affiliated military units are to be eliminated on sight. (Death sentence)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 26th June 819, 17:59/18:02 SMT
Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system
Circumstances: Liberty Navy ship spotted with uncommon papers. Time frame to change the ship was given.
amnesty cost: Death sentence
Quote:Vessel name: =[SRF]=Kevin.Mueller
Vessel affiliation: Freelancer
Violation committed:
Article 2 §2.2.1. Military equipment such as Firekiss or Hornviper weapons as an addition to any Rheinwehr or Bundespolizei combat vessel obtained without a permission.
Article 2 § Illegally possessed ships should be destroyed. (Death sentence)
Article 4 §4. All foreign military combat vessels of any size are banned from Rheinland, unless permission to enter is given by a High Command member. All foreign military combat vessels entering Rheinland without permission are subject to destruction. (Death sentence)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 26th June 819, 18:02/18:14 SMT
Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system
Circumstances: Wraith obtained without permission. Could flee during combat with his wingman.
amnesty cost: Death sentence
Quote:Vessel name: =[SRF]=Gil.Begbie
Vessel affiliation: Freelancer
Violation committed:
Article 4 §4. All foreign military combat vessels of any size are banned from Rheinland, unless permission to enter is given by a High Command member. All foreign military combat vessels entering Rheinland without permission are subject to destruction. (Death sentence)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 26th June 819, 18:08/18:14 SMT
Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system
Circumstances: It seems this was the superior SRF. At first I was talking to him, because of the stolen Wraith from his wingman. Unfortunately he joined us with a BAF Fighter. Ship wasted but the stolen Wraith disappeared.
amnesty cost: Death sentence
[color=#FFFFFF]Feldwebel Paul Bommel, Reserveflotte
Westfalen Battlegroup,
Rheinwehr Reserveflotte.