Remember how you let it slip a while ago that you were looking for the engines that the Blood Dragons use on their fighters? Well, you see, I saw this unguarded Tanto in the docks of a base, I won't mention where. I waited until no one saw me and made my way to the ship and boarded it. Then I undocked and took off with it. Currently I have it hidden away somewhere where no one will find it and thrashed the locator inside the ship. You know what they say, being a thief is a noble proffesion. We recycle stuff.
If there is one thing I learned it is how to be invisible or how to be present. In the first case, you develop a feeling of your surroundings and blend in. I mean it is not smart to walk into a government building wearing a GC uniform. So my tip is to dress like the locals, even though you need to steal a uniform first. Second option is how to be present. In this option you kill everyone first. That way it doesn't really matter how you are dressed.
So erm if you still want those engines, bring your toolkit.
*the following video clip is taken in the cockpit of a fighter that appears cluttered with belts loaded with tools, and at least one visible actual toolbox. The tiny framed engineer is in her standard universal overalls, and still barely fits in her own ship. Though she is visibly excited, and nearly hitting the cockpit glass as she and bounces in her seat and replies.*
Konbanwa Sister!
I can't believe you found one, Misaki-sama!! I had thought them to be QUITE hard to find. I am en route to the location with my gear, and hope to meet up soon! What did you wish to do with the rest of the craft? Should we salvage it for parts as well? I am sure the Sisterhood could use all the parts and supplies we can get! I know I am always looking for spare parts!
I do hope you don't get in trouble for this Misaki-sama! But you always find the BEST things!.
I think it is too risky to bring it back with a replaced engines... Actually I never really thought of what to do beyond stealing the engines. I just thought the best way to take the engines was to take the entire ship. You are the engineer, so... What do we do with it?
And erm, I am likely to get in trouble sooner or later anyway. I get used to it.
Bringing back the WHOLE fighter isn't really an option! But we use many of it's parts, and I DID leave my hold empty, just in case! We can take most of the common parts, capacitors banks, power cells, fuel cells, even the hull panels could be melted and reused.
*she continues speaking, but is already half buried in the fighter and becomes impossible to understand. However a stream of parts begins rapid growing into a large pile, beside her Iris.*