With the Kaiser ruling the Empire of Rheinland, a stable system of nobility, the Adelssystem von Rheinland has come into place, represented by the most decent families who have significantly contributed to the development of the holy Rheinland Empire and have contributed to bring our house wealth and prosperity.
The noble system is split into the Hochadel and the Niederer Adel, those are defined as following:
Hochadel: The upper nobility. It is reserved for major noble family bloodlines and individuals who have contributed significantly to Rheinland.
Niederer Adel: The lower nobility. For those who have proven to be decent citizens of the imperial Rheinland. These are minor lords and ladies worthy of recognition.
Only the Kaiser, his Erzherzoge or the Reichstag in the name of his majesty are allowed to hand out noble titels to individuals and families. Being a noble of the Rheinland Empire means recieving a defined part of our land, a title and the allowance to add the "von" before your lastname.
Your responsibilities are to stay loyal to the Kaiserreich, serve the Kaiser at his will, enforce the laws, ensure peace in the Kaiserreich and hold up the extraordinary work for his majesty.
The following papyrus shows the system of the nobility in Rheinland:
The following contains a list of the recognized persons and families of the Kaiserreich Rheinland:
Von Albrecht Family: Hochadel
Kaiser Hans-Fredrick Evard von Albrecht
Kronprinz Alexander von Albrecht
Prinz Christian von Albrecht und Thielau
(Von) Steiner Familie: Hochadel
Großherzog Victor Steiner
Kurfürst Edmund Steiner
Herzog Alfred Steiner
Landgraf William Steiner
Landgraf John Steiner
Von Thielau Family: Hochadel
Erzherzog Karl-Heinz von Thielau zu Stuttgart, Governor of Stuttgart
Herzogin Gerdrut von Thielau
Großherzog Jürgen von Thielau
Herzogin Emily von Thielau
Großherzog Wolfgang von Thielau
Prinzessin Kara von Albrecht und Thielau
Kurfürstin Valentina von Thielau
Kurfürstin Mira von Thielau aka Hanna Wyghtham
Kurfürst Siegfried von Thielau und Ehrenberg
Herzogin Antonie von Thielau und Ehrenberg
Kurfürstin Nina von Thielau
Kurprinzessin Lola von Thielau
Von Schäffer Family: Hochadel
Erzherzog Otto von Schäffer zu Hamburg, Governor of Hamburg
Von Bäke Family: Hochadel
Großherzog Franz von Bäke
Von Liechtenstein Family: Hochadel
Großherzog Joseph von Liechtenstein
Von Koch: Hochadel
Großherzog Karl-Friedrich von Koch
Kurfürst Volker von Koch, Kurfürst zu Baden
Herzogin Bettina von Koch
Von Parothia: Hochadel
Erzherzog Ludwig von Parothia zu Neu Berlin, Governor of New Berlin
Von Herzsprung: Hochadel
Erzherzogin Mechthild von Herzsprung zu Thüringen, Governeurin of Thüringen
Von Reber: Hochadel
Erzherzog Kurt von Reber zu Frankfurt, Governor of Frankfurt
Von Kelsen Familie: Hochadel
Großherzog Albert Von Kelsen (retired)
Von Gunn Familie : Hochadel
Großherzog Ian von Gunn
Von Falkenhayn Familie: Hochadel
Kurfürst August Leopold von Falkenhayn
Von Mayer: Hochadel
Herzog Ferdinant von Habsburg, Herzog vom Fichtenwalde
Niederer Adel
Von Siedhoff Familie: Niederer Adel
Fürst Sigmund von Siedhoff
Graf Markus von Siedhoff
Gräfin Marie von Siedhoff
Erbgraf Fritz von Siedhoff
Gräfin Kaya von Siedhoff
Von Hohenstein: Niederer Adel
Freiherr Jake von Hohenstein, Freiherr vom Karlstein
Von Mayer: Niederer Adel
Fürst Lukas von Mayer, Fürst zu Oranienburg
Von Potsdam: Niederer Adel
Baron Jan Von Potsdam
Von Schenck Familie: Niederer Adel
Fürst Klemens Von Schenck
Gräfin Maria Von Schenck
Graf Hermann Von Schenck
Von der Heyden: Niederer Adel
Freiherr Konrad von der Heyden
Von Harrisburg: Niederer Adel
Graf Alexander von Harrisburg
Von Bommel: Niederer Adel
Freifrau Renate von Bommel
Freiherr Paul von Bommel
Freiherr Bruno von Bommel
The following enlists the current local Governors of the Kaiserreich Rheinland:
Erzherzog Ludwig von Parothia zu Neu Berlin, Governor of New Berlin
Erzherzog Karl-Heinz von Thielau zu Stuttgart, Governor of Stuttgart
Erzherzog Kurt von Reber zu Frankfurt, Governor of Frankfurt
Erzherzog Otto von Schäffer zu Hamburg, Governor of Hamburg
Erzherzogin Mechthild von Herzsprung zu Thüringen, Governeurin of Thüringen
According to § of our law, Impersonation of Rheinland nobility such as using the 'von' nobiliary particle without the recognition of the Kaiser is a crime and will lead to a harsh punishment for the individual violator.
Mein Volk, this is however not a closed system. If you are proud to be a son or a daughter of our glorious Rheinland, if you think you have the ability to serve the Kaiser as decent as any other noble, to archieve something extraordinary in the favour of our Volk and our Kaiser, you are allowed to send us a notification here with this format:
[b]Obeisidant application to become a noble with trust of his Majesty[/b]
Planet of Origin:
Your motivation to become a noble:
Extraordinary archievement for the Kaiserreich (link); NOTE: If The Kaiser doesn't think this archievement suitable or you havent done one by now, You will be given a new task:
Obeisidant application to become a noble with trust of his Majesty
Surname: Lukas
Familyname: Mayer
Planet of Origin: New Berlin
Your motivation to become a noble: Since the Kaiser got his right rightful seat back, the life of the people in Rheinland. I saw is on Neu Berlin, my Home. The local Governors care well for us. I got to know the system of Nobility step-by-step and got more and more interested. Now I am here. I want to serve the Kaiser and the Volk even better as before.
Extraordinary archievement for the Kaiserreich (link); NOTE: If The Kaiser doesn't think this archievement suitable or you havent done one by now, You will be given a new task: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2272435 Recently we decided to improve the Infrastructure of the Rheinland Military. I am leading a Station called Lichtenberg, that strengthens the Kaiser‘s Fleet. We are constructing new Technology and repair our Interceptors there. This station will help the Kaisers Fleet to be one step ahead the enemies.
Obeisidant application to become a noble with trust of his Majesty
Planet of Origin:
New Berlin
Your motivation to become a noble:
To gain the power to show the Glorious Rhineland with all its splendor and beauty to the outside world. To gain power to better serve the Emperor in civilian life and in war. To gain power to show how to behave as a nobleman. To gain the power to unite the people and teach them to follow the Emperor.
Extraordinary archievement for the Kaiserreich (link); NOTE: If The Kaiser doesn't think this archievement suitable or you havent done one by now, You will be given a new task:
For a long time now, I and my family have been putting our lives on the line every day to protect our great Rhineland. Many times we have beaten back and destroyed corsairs and other dirty invaders. My ship the Greifenstein has already destroyed more enemy ships than the construction price was worth. I often lead fleet units into battle. I have also participated in the destruction of several space stations. Anytime I would sacrifice my life for our great Rhineland if this would bring us forward. I, as your servant, ask for the title of nobility and I ask that when we free our Rhineland from the criminal filth, I, as a representative of the Habsburg family, may fight in the front line to make our divine Rhineland great again. For the Emperor, For the People, For Rhineland. Respectfully Ferdinant Habsburg.
Obeisidant application to become a noble with trust of his Majesty
Planet of Origin:
born on Planet Nuremberg, but I live for more zan 30 years on Planet New-Berlin
Your motivation to become a noble:
I'd like to receive a defined part of Rheinland space as well as I need also to gather a few people around me
Extraordinary archievement for the Kaiserreich:
As if ze years I am working for ze Rheinland Polizei were not already reason enough, I recently increased the productivity of Planet Hammersee by negotiating a deal wiz Gallia.
I zink a nobility title definitely helps to guarantee ze prosperity and success of Rheinland in ze future.