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Corfu Base, Omicron Theta
A conference room was set for the delegates of the Zoner factions of Sirius. Sure, one could say Sirius but most of them were now residing in the Omicrons with the exception of TAZ who still held strong to the Baffin system. They were old friends and allies and he wanted them to be present. While the invitation went out to Freeport administrators, he suspected few would show.
Doc was in his finest robes. As a courtesy to his old friends, he had some purple and orange trim. Visible was his Med Force Enterprises badge. While he would represent the Enterprise, Dr. Jill Xi would represent Med Force General-B. She had become his right hand and knew the current workings of the base and ongoing upgrades. While he could have chosen any base in the system to hold the conference, Corfu seemed like a good choice as it was close to all and didn't have the conference wouldn't interfere with the daily grind there.
Many items of concern were on his list. The development of Pygar, the loss of Gran Canaria and Omega 49, Bretonia, the presence of house ships within their space, current neighbors and diplomacy were but a few. One concern on Doc's mind was how to prevent what happened to Gran Canaria from happening to Pygar. Although Pygar wasn't the paradise that Canaria was, Sprague was no paradise either yet Bretonia colonized it too and he also knew that the Crown wanted to get closer to the Corsairs. Simply put, he didn't trust them. A man of peace he was but his patients had run out with them.
To keep his mind clear, he was drinking sparkling water while he awaited the guests of the various factions to arrive. With the issues he had in mind and the ones that would be brought up, he planned on this being a lengthy conference. Patiently, he waited, going through files on his datapad as he waited.
An incoming heavy-modified Dromedary with callsign “Lyra” was noticed by long range Corfu scanners.
Christian finally set a straight path from the Sigma-17 jump hole to Corfu station. It's been a long and dangerous journey, although Christian would want to hear Zoner representatives of every Zoner group and Freeport administrators. It’s been a very long time since the last meeting, when Christian took his part in discussions with fellow Zoners of other groups, organizations and administrators. Many things have been changed in Sirus during the absence of the Phoenix, a topic which had been worried the most - how it was possible to let Bretonians to annex a Zoner paradise, Gran Canaria. And how to prevent further actions against Zoners.
“This is a Phoenix freighter vessel Lyra, I’m requesting to dock.” said Chitosan and let the autopilot handle docking procedures. “Acknowledged, you are proceeding to dock one” have been responded the Corfu docking protocols. As the ship was inside and the lock was closed and pressure was stabilized, Christian opened his cabin and jumped to the docking bay floor. He wasn’t a rare guest in Corfu station back in the old days, so he knew the location of conference rooms. He went through the docking bay and went via several corridors, finally finding a desired destination.
Christian finds Doc Holiday himself, drinking water and it seems he was in his own deep thoughts. “It’s nice to meet you, Doc Holiday. It’s been awhile. Probably you can remember me, I’m Christian Burton, I came here on behalf of the Phoenix family. I hope I’m not too early?” He held out his hand to Doc Holiday for a handshake...
Max's helmsman carefully manoeuvres their Aquillon-class vessel "Nyx" in position with Corfu station, Max adjusts themself and stands up out of their captain's chair, handing off command to their XO. Max goes down a couple decks to their quarters to pick up a paper-wrapped bottle, they adjust themself in a mirror wearing neat suits with a chequered shirt rubbing their buzzed head. They exit out of their quarters moving off to the airlock and onto Corfu.
Max eventually finds Doc Holiday and Christian, keeping their bottle at their side. They do a smile to each speaking in the odd-Texan accent that they are famous for "Ah tells ya, this place bit large sometahmes. Doc, good t' see ya" Max turns their shaven head over to Christan nodding towards him "An' err- howdy Ah'm Max Cosmatopolis, Velvet Commander pleased t' meet you" they offer out their free right-hand to shake to Christian.
Standing in the operations room of Corfu Voncloud was stood, watching through the large observation window, gazing out towards the rest of Theta. To his left another port had Pygar front and centre with his Carrier, The Kaldra in stationary orbit between it and Corfu. The Station had become the secondary operations base for the Black Kite's, Vonclouds squadron within Velvet, and the protectors of Planet Pygar, but its main purpose was as a first point of contact for the planet whilst continuing to be a centre of Zoner research, especially when it came to the xeno ruins.
As he stood the docking operator turned to him "Sir, The Nyx has finished docking manoeuvres and has successfully moored with docking port two." Voncloud nodded in response "That's Three then so far. I best go show my face, keep me up to date of arrivals" Looking back at his screen the operator gave a single nod "Aye sir" he responded as Voncloud left the room.
Walking through the corridors to the conference room Voncloud did his last checks with the security detail, having posted extra personnel and assigned a few additional fighter craft to the usual Theta patrols from the Kaldra. Although not expecting trouble, it didn't hurt to be prepared he thought. Arriving at the doors to the assigned conference room, he adjusted his glasses, straightened up his uniform and headed inside. His uniform was more akin to that of a captain, rather than the rugged tactical mercenary gear he was usually seen in. He had taken his role coordinating Pygar's colonization seriously and this conference he fully intended to show this side.
Although as always his eyes were entirely hidden from sight by the lenses of his glasses, the rest of his expression was one of welcome as he gave a small smile to those who were present. "Gentleman" He announced before looking to Max "And esteemed Colleague" he nodded as he entered the room proper going over to Doc with an out stretched hand "A pleasure to see you again Doc" Von stated as he took a firm grip followed with a single hearty shake of the hand before turning to look at Max. "You are looking well Chief, i see the tense air of Delta hasn't got to you..yet" he grinned in jest as he finally turned to greet Christian, the only person he didn't know so far, again much like with Doc he put his hand out in greeting. "Jerard Voncloud, Velvet Commander of the Black Kite's and Pygar Administrator"
With the airlock doors closing behind her Jill quickly walked through the corridors towards the conference room. Even though the trip to Corfu Base took less than 15 minutes and she been here many times before this time it felt different.
She really hated arriving late, even when being early, yet she told herself that arriving on time to a meeting is a luxury seldom granted to those running a hospital. A 'very fine hospital' she corrected herself and a smile appeared on her face when she thought of the word 'autocorrect'. Yes, it was a busy day especially when she was contacted by a vessel to accept casualties of a recent Nomad attack. Her crew was ready, she was ready but knowing she was expected at this meeting made her worry a bit more.
'A quick visit to the ladies room before I go in' she thought. And as she tried to make herself a bit more decent after 4 hours of trauma service it dawned on her that she was a bit nervous. Not for a meeting, oh she had plenty of those when working in the corporate sector, no, this was different. It felt like she was the 'new kid' on the playground. And knowing that she started working for MFE not that long ago and before that hardly ever spent time beyond House space made that feeling a bit worse even though she felt very much at ease with the Zoner community from the day she started at MFE. 'You'll do just fine girl' She told herself, and when she entered the room she was greeted by familiar faces and friendly, soft toned voices.
Whatever was making her worry vanished like snow in the sun...
Martin, after receiving the invite from MFE to join said conference, was pleased that his words got to him, and that maybe the Zoner community might get something going.
That's why he's going by himself, as everyone is busy, the cruiser is in working, and he needed a small break from work, something where he would sit for awhile, besides his ship. Luckily he was just one system away, in Omicron Kappa on Livadia, so the journey wasn't so long for him.
The newly polished Pytho he has acquired from the Crayterians, a very good vessel, especially with the modifications he made to it, to make it perform the best of his class, was ready to make the trip from Livadia to Corfu, in the hopes all runs smooth.
But all he could do on the trip was to think what arguments to bring on the table, what to expect from other leaders aswell, after all, the Zoners lost Gran Canaria, which was a tough loss, but nothing that can't be recovered from.
He arrived to Omicron Theta and he was pleased with the view: mostly Zoner installations. It was a very peaceful view, and Martin was hoping very much to maintain that aswell.
So then he started going towards Corfu, where, to his surprise, saw two Aquilons that were attached to the base. "Max and Jerard already arrived I see." And at that point he starts entering hangar bay two, where he encountered the security staff. "Martin Lawrence, C.E.O. of Genesis Research Group. I'm here for the meeting."
Sun enters the conference room next, in her Orange Buddhist Robes. She wears simple home-made wooden sandals with them looking about at the guests with wonder and her eternal happiness and kindness. She walks to the group, placing her hands together and doing a bow "Sun Koken, Freeport 9 Admin" she says with a wide and friendly smile.
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Doc took Christian's hand with a smile, putting his left hand over the handshake.
"My God, Christian, how long has it been? I do hope you are well." With that, he released his hand as the delegates were arriving.
He then did the same with VonCloud. "Good to see you again" as they shook hands. "We moved the base off the planet but we still wish to focus heavily on the people there. Yes, there is much to discuss."
He then released VonCloud's hand.
He did the same with Martin Lawrence. GRG wasn't well known to Doc. The name was but the group was someone he had little interaction with.
"I hope your trip here was a safe one. I look forward to getting to know you and your group a bit more."
He gave Sun a respectful bow and greeted her. "It is good to see you again I mean, we are basically neighbors now." He gave a light chuckle.
And finally, when Jill came out of the Ladies room, he gave her a smile, a light hug and kissed her cheek.
"So glad you can be here," he told her, "You deserve to be for the job you have done."
He chatted a few minutes with whoever would listen as he awaited any more guests that might arrive. The vibe in the air felt good.
Max does a small smile towards Doc as he does the pleasantries of greeting, nodding to him and offering out the wrapped bottle "Ah heard ya are a drinker, well this is some moonshine ah cooked up. Try not t' have too much of it in one go, hah." they say with a small chuckle before looking at Voncloud "Ah Vonny, ya know me I don't let things get t' me too much" they greet Voncloud with a friendly one-arm hug. Max eyes Sun approaching and returns the Buddhist bow "Ah- right, Sun Koken 'eard a lot bout you from tahme t' tahme. Glad t' finally meet you darlin'" they say respectfully to Sun.
The familiar faces and the warm greeting by the Doc helped her feel at ease even more and as the doctor introduced her to the others in the room her nervousness seemed several lanes behind her.
After making acquaintances with the people in the room she went to the bartender and asked for a gin-tonic. She surely needed one after this day and besides, it would help to calm any nerves that needed calming. As she got her drink she looked around the conference room. It was quite the unusual sight, for having only known corporate meetings and conferences up till today, this group of people were all so different and yet blended together like it was a family reunion.
And as she sipped her drink she remembered the get-togethers with her own family and without knowing it she smiled, she smiled truly happily and looking around the room she felt at ease and hoped for great things to come....