Jill was certainly impressed by the seniority and authority of all those at the table. Now, more than ever she felt that she had to say something even though she still felt it wasn't her place. Yet the feeling to add her views to this conversation grew more by the minute and when Rackham sat down and she saw that the attendees processed his words she stood up, with determination and stature and as she did she saw the Doc look up at her...
"My dear friends, I have kept quiet for I had the feeling that just being welcomed to the Zoners it is not my place to speak yet, while thinking that I do feel the need to speak my mind if you will allow me"
As she looked around the table she saw the faces of some attendees become slightly amazed as others reclined and sat back as if to say "Speak up...".... She subdued her pride and made herself just a little more tall as she stood upright.
"Most of you know that I come from the corporate, house controlled sector yet, the Doctor Holliday has put his trust in me when he hired me. That trust is the very strength I see here today in each and everyone of you.
I believe that to preserve and maintain our way of living, trading and moving through space we need to protect that which we so much feel needs to be preserved and coming from the corporate sector I know this cannot be done by diplomacy alone."
As she paused she became more relaxed for the eyes across the room seemed focussed in a certain way which made her feel at ease.
"For our survival and to avoid any 'hostile takeover' it is necessary we help each other. And not just with supplies and friendly words no, we need to be ready to strike a punch to every 'bully' who disapproves with us or threatens our way of life, our sovereignty and our freedom. We need to unite and as the Zoner community we need to ensure that a threat or an attack on one of us means an attack on all of us.
Does this mean we need to confront every aggressor in a violent manner? No, we keep doing what we do best and handle things the Zoner way as to ensure we avoid any violence, bloodshed or the mere fact or implication of choosing a side. We do however, need to make a stand when opposed as to let our opposers know we are ready to defend what we feel needs defending."
And as she was about to sit down she quickly added:
"As a medical professional I am bound by an oath 'to do no harm' but I do remember my experiences in the military where we did go into a combat area wearing our sidearm and this, to protect what we wanted to preserve most, proved to be a welcome thing when being opposed by someone who disregards whatever you hold dearly.
So I propose that we become even more united and invest in mutual defence as to preserve that which means the most to us, our autonomy and independence"
And after letting this last sentence settle in on the attendees she took her seat again... Wondering whether she hadn't sealed her faith or upset the Doc with this talk... Being confronted with a pirate never felt more welcome than awaiting a reaction from the conference attendees....
Listening to the young lady talk, Skarsi recognized the general sentiment as similar to the ones he himself used in popealogical discussions many years back at the height of the gallic threat. "I agree with the young lady's sentiments. While diplomacy, in it's many shapes and forms, is a core font of the zoner way it would, and is always, prudent to have the sufficient means to defend with force if necessary." It was here that he stopped for a second to look at the OSI representatives before speaking again.
"The one problem with her perspective is that, in the past, certain zoner organizations have been suspected, though never conclusively proven without a doubt, of collaboration with certain... entities that have been in serious conflict with other zoners and who prove to be inimical to the zoner way. The most prominent of these entities, and one of the pending topics in this conference, being the former Royalist Gallia which now refer to themselves as the Royal Enclave. It is hard to have unity when dealing with one's allies' enemies." He practically spat out the names, evidence of his vehement dislike of the royalists. "I believe this is an opportune moment to segue away from Pygar at the moment to discuss broader matters such as the threat posed by the Enclave to zoner holdings in the Taus and Northwest Sirius."
Christian kept his mind sober after vodka shot, although he felt more comfortable and relaxed now. He listened to the points of Voncloud and the young lady, mostly agreeing with their words. While he wanted to give an answer to their questions and points, Skarsi did him first. Christian was quite surprised at the points regarding the Enclave. They were indeed a murderders and the blood of many lives were at their hands. But Christian, nor his community have not distinguished governments and their forces on each side, Phoenix is not Sirius-wide morality police, but a community whose trying to settle in an unforgiving region. Enclave, just as great houses power have to follow their greedy goals, consuming everything along their path. But unlike his first expectations and accident with the Enclave, they managed to find the benefit for each side, and for that Christian held respect to the Enclave. He stood up as Skirisi finished his speech "I agree with most of your points gentlemen and" Christian gave a nod to Jill " Lady. While I understood Skarsi points, I would like, first of all, to pass further in our scheduled topic more about Pygar and its fate. But before that I would like to ask Skarsi” Christian took a look at Skarsi” have you tried to contact them? What’s their point behind hostility towards Zoners? ” then Christian sat down, crossed his legs and continued, addressing his message to everyone “That’s giving us a good point.” Christian smiled, he wanted to give his points and of Phoenix community, but not harming anyone feelings “Like always, each Zoner group and even Zoner individuals have own code of conduct and diplomacy. No one from this room would want to stick their neck for failed diplomacy of other groups.” Christian looked out at everyone in the room and continued “Phoenix have pretty much limited resources in its defensive capabilities and we have always to keep anchored several capital sized vessels to ensure safety of Kadesh Orbital Colony...” it was barely noticeable that Christian make a fist and with more confidence continued “We can offer protection to the Pygar and its population, to make sure occupation like had happened with Gran Canaria wouldn’t happen again. But once again, no one should risk their lives for the failed diplomacy of others” Christian took a look at Waldemar and then adverts his eyes on a bottle of vodka and said silently “Shall we repeat?”
Max leans forward putting their hands together "Thuh Enclave is a pickle, we don't know why they where blocked from Zoner Freeports an' we were open to allowin' them access back but, they forced that request with violent threats an' violent action. Still, as a Zoner, makin' peace with 'em seems the most logical step forward." Max looks over at Christian listening to him "Livadia is always welcome for you and your ships if needed, ah know Velvet was not aroun' when ya started but we can help" Max says with a friendly smile.
Christian looked over to Max, smiled and said “Yeah, thanks for the services. I got a message from Dirk, he told me that he is quite satisfied with the work you’ve done with his Shukensha liner. Furthermore, several of our homeships are scheduled for the repairs, so expect more work coming soon.” Christian held his speech for a moment, he thought to vague his question, Velvet seemed to be a dependable group, but he didn’t know how would react other delegates. But he decided to put it straight “What you think, will Livadia be capable of servicing something like… a Bismarck class vessel in several months?”
As the time went by for everyone, the time stopped at the Antarctica as the newly fanailzed warp engine was activated. With a flash of sun the vessel arrived in Omicron Theta. "It has been a long time. Corfu Base. This is Professor Doctor Alessa Samson. Requesting docking permission. Vessel ID Lazarus" She was aware that she was very late, but her travel was very very long. Howvery, most important, she was concerned about Henry. How would he react seeing her after such a long time. Standing in front of the entry of the room, she hesitated for a second.
"Calm down." She just said to herself and the door automatically opened.
Bob rested his his head in the palm of his sock puppet, effecitvely making it look like it was trying to eat his face or something, but otherwise remained respectfully quiet as Professor Samson entered the conference room.
Once introductions were out of the way he quietly removed his head from the puppet and said: "Would someone please lock tha door already? Dunnae we have security or somethin' so we don't keep gettin' interrupted eh?!"
With that said he gave the professor a warm welcoming smile and offered her a dog biscuit as a welcome gift before turning to Christian and added: "A Bismark will nae be a problem to make adjustments to, it's significantly smaller than a Neph and downscalin' is a lot easier than the other way around aye?
Tha' said, best wait till we're done with ya liner. M'boys are already workin' hard at it though, should'nae take long."
With that Bob turned to address and the rest of the Zoners: "Frankly I'm of a mind to agree with Jilleh!" He glanced briefly at her and added: "I can call ya Jilleh right? Agh I'm sure tis fine." with that he turned back to the rest and continued: "We are Zoners because we are independent, we dunnae care bout the conflicts o' the houses, or others. But tha' dunnae mean we roll over the moment someone forces it on us either. Neutrality is not the same as pacifism, no offense" He nodded briefly in recognition at Sun while chomping down on one of his dog treats before adding: "If anyone, be it a house, the Core, Order or even some outlaw factions threatens us we should be able ta defend ourselves."
"Exactly. While DIplomacy should be the first option, it should always be backed by the potential of force, both our own and that of our allies." Skarsi looked to both Max and Christian. "Perhaps you see no problem with the Enclave due to the tyranny of distance. Your organizations are both focused on the other side of the sector from the threat of the Enclave. For the Zoners who live and work in Northwestern Sirius, of Freeport 6 and Freeport 10 and our own Seat of Baffin the Enclave has been a serious threat to our way of life for many years. Many of us still are very much offended by the loss of Gran Canaria. The Enclave would not hesitate to do the same and more, all across Sirius had they the chance to do so. It is only due to the sacrifice of so many, including some of the TAZ's most ardent allies during the war, the Council and the Colonial Republic, that they were stopped."
Skarsi exhaled and paused to have a drink to moisten his mouth and throat. "They see only two categories: Those who are submissive and useful enough to be allowed to remain and those who are a threat to their dreams of conquest. While i cannot speak of the earliest encounters with the Royalists long ago, as they were before my ascension to the popehood, all throughout my time they have done nothing but threaten and endanger zoners. Several times at the peak of the war, i myself had many encounters with royalists who attempted to enforce their tyranny until escaped from or driven off by force."
"Fortunately, they are a shadow of the force they once were but it is no reason to consider parley with such murderous, genocidal tyrants. I do disagree with one of Max's points, partially. We should not care for inter-house conflicts except for when they could affect zoners either by conflict itself or by result. Hostility towards the Enclave is one stance that we popes are firm on."
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Doc listened as the delegates spoke. All made good points and suggestions and it was a lot to take in. For the most part, things were staying on track as the primary focus was on Pygar and Omicron Theta. While relations away from Theta were of value, they were a secondary priority at the moment.
"Our code of conduct is our very existence," he began. "If we did not have Freeport Laws, we would have the Core, Order, Corsairs and Lord knows who else perched outside a Freeport with no regard to the staff on board. Granted, some do not care about those laws but compared to many places, they are loose. If each of us had a credit every time we heard from a loitering ship about meeting someone, talking on comms or whatever the reason, we would all be rich. We need to keep these laws in place, making changes where needed and enforce them." He snickered, "And I am sure we would all still be richer for every time we fired on an offender and heard about picking sides."
He looked in the direction of Von Cloud. "Mr. VonCloud, I recently purchased a moth-balled Q-ship as an escort ship. Thinking on it, I have a fighter and bomber for those missions. I can commit it to a defense force but it will need some loadout."
He then looked over at Bobberson. "Perhaps Mr. Bobberson you could help us out with that at Lividia? It is older and could use a retrofit."
"I have heard much about neighbors. Each of us has better relations with some groups than another. I have had years of positive relations with the Corsairs and am willing to keep that line of diplomacy." He sighed, "I mean, on Canaria, I delivered hundreds of Corsair children there, I go way back with The Corsair Brotherhood and Miguel Sephardi and lately, I have kept good graces with Pepe Ladron with some food, wine and tobacco."
He opened his mouth to continue when the door slid open to reveal Alessa Samson. While others were appalled by yet another uninvited guest, Doc's face said something else. Shock was mixed with some anger and after a long stare he could muster no words. He didn't know if anyone knew of his past relationship with her nor did he know of the fact that her gunshot almost cost him a life sentence in a Bretonian prison. It had also broken his train of thought and he had drawn a complete blank. He finally stumbled into a nearby chair as he began to collect himself.
Watching and listening to all the other thoughts and suggestions Voncloud stood, taking notes of what could be used and what in his opinion was nonsense. He was glad that Doc not only had some sort of combat asset towards his goal of mustering a Pygar defensive fleet, but that he too agreed that strengthening relations in the region was also of paramount importance. It didn't however escape his, and likely everyone else's notice of the sudden change and derailment of the good Doctor when the newest arrival had walked in. The fact Doc ended up retreating to a chair and becoming a pile of nerves upon it prompted Von to pick up where now slumped Doc had left off. Though a brief acknowledgment towards Alessa was included.
"Welcome, please take a seat, much has already been discussed and I will continue on from where Doc just left off in regard to our diplomacy with those in the region.
To Echo and add, most of us here present have good relations with some group here and there, Doc with the Corsairs, Velvet with Core and Order, OSI with the Hessians, so on. Not only do we all have these established relations, we need to ensure we cultivate them, and new ones. What we lack in pure strength as a people we make up for with our connections"
He looks to each one in the room, though his glasses masked exactly where his eyes were. "So, Doc is our main Corsair connection, I ask those of you who are present that feel they can be our link to another group, to speak up and state who they feel they can become our contact for."