Good day, [USER]. Welcome to the application service for Cryer Pharmaceuticals™. We here at Cryer Pharmaceuticals™ thank you for your interest in working with us, and look forward to working with you, prospective employee. In order to begin the application process, please fill in the following form with the requested information as honestly as possible.*
[font=Oswald][size=large][b][color=#008080]Recipient:[/color][/b] [color=#FFFFFF]internal.cryapplication.nn[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Oswald][size=large][b][color=#008080]Name:[/color][/b] [color=#FFFFFF]Character name goes here[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Oswald][size=large][b][color=#008080]Date of Birth:[/color][/b] [color=#FFFFFF]DoB goes here[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Oswald][size=large][b][color=#008080]Height (cm/m):[/color][/b] [color=#FFFFFF]Height goes here[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Oswald][size=large][b][color=#008080]Weight(kg):[/color][/b] [color=#FFFFFF]Weight goes here[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Oswald][size=large][b][color=#008080]Intended Department:[/color][/b] [color=#FFFFFF]Bulk Shipping/R&D/Security (choose one or any that apply)[/color][/size][/font]
[b][color=#008080]Have you ever been sanctioned before?:[/color][/b] [color=#FFFFFF]Y/N[/color]
[b][color=#008080]If so, for what reason?:[/color][/b] [color=#FFFFFF]Reason goes here[/color]
[b][color=#008080]Do you consider yourself a competent roleplayer?[/color][/b] [color=#FFFFFF]Y/N[/color]
[b][color=#008080]Do you have a pulse?[/color][/b] [color=#FFFFFF]Yes/No[/color]
*Cryer Pharmaceuticals is not responsible for any applicant information, and such information will be presumed as truthful for the sake of expedient hiring and employee privacy.
Name:Michael E. Hemlocke Date of Birth:02/09/796 A.S. Place of Birth:Manhattan Height (cm/m):187.96cm Weight (kg):87kg Intended Department (Choose one that applies):R&D Personal Background
I was born on Manhattan to a rather wealthy couple, I know little of them. They were murdered when I was three, I do not recall the memory, I was raised with my uncle, who shared the passion of medicine that his brother, my father held as well. I specialize in medicine involving the human condition, or as it were, the more physical part of the human psyche and all of its many chemical imbalances, trauma and issues. Therapist, Psychologist, trauma and health consultant. Despite this, none of my records would reflect this, Due to the fact my parents were murdered by my supposed genetic copy of a brother, I had an inability to adapt to the social climate of schooling, private and public. I worked in a lab on Manhattan for nearly 10 years before I was forced to pack up and ship out to Atka Research Station to continue my work, with the many interruptions that come with sharing a face and same genetic pattern with a wanted psychopath. I have worked there for the last few years, and think that the necessary steps to furthering my research and continuing my father's legacy is to aid in your growth and pass what knowledge I can onto those I'll be working with.
OORP Information
Have you ever been sanctioned before?:I have Disco's badge of honor, yes. If so, for what reason?:Shooting an outcast that had previously been a rogue and threatened every outcast, as an outcast. Do you consider yourself a competent roleplayer?Negative Chief Do you have a pulse?The three gallons of coffee I consumed Monday has killed my pulse.
You've traveled a long way, haven't you? Metaphorically speaking and literally speaking, anyways. We have checked the residency logs on Atka and confirmed you are in fact registered as an independent researcher lodging on-site. This serves us perfectly as it means the paperwork concerning living arrangements has already been handily squared away. We assume you have also recieved appropriate vaccination and been consistent with your check-ups every six months? If not, it is company policy to ensure a minimum of two routine visits for inspection, and a set of vaccinations with boosters to ensure employee health and safety. You will find a form 501-V in your inbox detailing what vaccinations are necessary. Please schedule an appointment at the earliest convenience with any of the medical staff on-site.
As it stands, we will supplement your work with our own staff, knowledge, and research. We look forward to working with you, and building a brighter future with your help.
Name:Cornelio Sabella Date of Birth:04/02/796 Place of Birth:Planet Malta Height (cm/m):172.72cm Weight (kg):67kg Intended Department:Bulk Shipping Personal Background Born to a fairly insignificant family on Malta, we had enough to get by. At an early age I began my life working for the Cartels, smuggling mainly. Later in life I had a calling, one that woke me up and brought me to Liberty. I've relinquished my ways and thanks to the help Cryer has already provided me with Stabiline, I've managed to remain here, fight through the legal system and complete my Citizenship. I'd like to join the company to give something back.
Would it be possible to work my medical expenses into a paycheck?
OORP Information
Have you ever been sanctioned before?:No. If so, for what reason?:N/A Do you consider yourself a competent roleplayer?Yes. Do you have a pulse?My keyboard has a pulse setting if that counts?
When contending with a monster, you'd be wise to give the devil his due.
As a company, we are proud to see the fruits of our labor. You are no exception to that. We understand that sometimes, individuals want to discard some of the more troubling aspects of their physical health. It's why we are here, after all. As it stands, you will not need to worry excessively about Stabiline costs. Company insurance covers costs for Stabiline as well as regular treatment of illness and physical examination. We do not know the extent of Maltese medical care, so you will need to file for an appointment at the soonest possible time with one of our medical staff. You will also find in your inbox a form 501-V, please fill it out before your appointment, so the staff are informed of what you have been vaccinated for ahead of time.
As for company insurance, there is a 4,000,000 SC deductible with a 32,000,000 SC maximum out of pocket cost. Your monthly premium will be deducted from your paycheck. The paperwork should be attached to the same message as your 501-V.
Recipient:internal.cryapplication.nn Name:Lilly Eichhorn Halloran Date of Birth:751 AS Height (cm/m):155 cm Weight(kg):45 kilo Intended Department:Security Autobiography
I'm a lifelong spacer, raised aboard ship. The birthdate I listed there is a bit misleading, we are long haul shippers and go extra-system often enough that I've got a lot of lightspeed differential. Subjective Time, I've about 23 years. Experience includes 3 years uni, 2 years Bridge-aide, 3 years mechanic's runner, 4 years holds and running. I've aced all my sims, and have about 300 hours in live flights. I like what Cryer's doing in the world, and think you're a great firm to spend a few years getting experience in the cockpit.
OORP Information
Have you ever been sanctioned before?:N Do you consider yourself a competent roleplayer?N Do you have a pulse?Questionable.
While short and to-the-point, We are more than willing to take you on board in the current climate. You will find a message in your inbox containing the relevant paperwork to file for a company security vessel of your choice, and an appropriate liability waiver for your particular line of work. Please, report to Atka as soon as possible after requisitioning so we can square away identification, and set aside supplies for maintenance, and repair. We look forward to working with you.
User was banned for: They will know.
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