PRIORITY:Low ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION: Obt. Renate Bommel SOURCE:Fulda Border Station, Frankfurt System SUBJECT:Cleanup request for munich
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
because my superiors were pleased with my previous paperwork task, I was today assigned to anozer one to complete my reintegration training, namely to familiarize myself wiz ze newly constructed bases wizin ze empire.
Due recent events of ze munich crisis I thought it's a good idea to start in my origin system.
Considering ze condition of ze munich lanes and ze expansion of ze Schwarzwald cloud, zere were reasons for usage of a fast vessel with improved scanner systems,
which will serve me in future (hopefully) well.
Ze Swift's Mining station however couldn't be found, due lack of precise sector data.
Some comrades at Fulda told me already, zat zis station was relocated to Frankfurt.
I'm unsure about ze current modus operandi, if a base is not found wizin ze listed location of ze base database, is ze permission void?
If so:
Please remove ze entry of DHC Aluminium Giesserei
Please remove ze entry of DHC Aluminium Storage
Please remove ze entry of Regensburg|In&Exports
Please update ze entry of Swift's Mining
While I await you response, I prepare myself for ze next part of task, ze bases of Frankfurt.
Guten Tag Obt. Renate Bommel , Ich heiße Dieter Schneider.
Thank you for your information and we will look into updating the databases.
As for the base found in a different place, we would like to give a chance to the owners to explain and to register, paying the fines. With that in mind, the Kaiserliches Registrierungsbüro empowers the Kaiserliches Polizei to make contact and establish the conditions as to why the base is in a different place, ask them to register and present die Polizei report to the Kaiserliches Registrierungsbüro, to be taken into consideration.
It is I, Festus McBoyle of Festus McBoyles Scrapyard.
I bought a wee bit of property called Handlesdepot. And got the lads, big fellas they was, and they shifted it to New Berlin! Thought it right proper to be telling ya, ja?
It is right pretty, and cosy like, and sittin' there beside me favourite place in all of Rheinland. Kruizburg Depot! - Ramshackle class! And what a vista out the ports. $crap$ aplenty.
I digress. So, I said me piece, you know where I am, and you can sleep well now knowing where oh where has Handlesdepot gone.
('twas named after a famous writer of oratoriums so I was told).
first and foremost, I've included sensitive informations in this transmission, which are considered by Rheinland laws as confidentiality. I expect you handle zem accordantly.
As announced before, I finished today ze inspections of ze listed bases wizin ze Frankfurt system.
Ze database itself lists three bases in Frankfurt, all seems to have ze propose as Aluminium storage:
Sofia's Aluminium outpost is located in Sector E4.
Docking access was granted.
Zere weren't unusual commodities sold on ze base and everything seems in order.
Soul Shipping & Co is located in Sector F4.
Docking access was granted.
Aluminium Ore was sold on zis base, which is reasonable for an ore depot.
Zere were many storage modules on zat base, but nothing I would question.
I finally found Swift's Mining, it's a bit outside as noted.
I zink it would be wise to mention Sector F5 in ze database.
Docking access was granted and zere is also nothing unsual to mention.
Zere is an entry in ze database, which is considered classified, ze AESIR facility.
It's noted zat it was approved by ze Bundestag's Intelligence Commission.
Valid until
AESIR facility
Approved by Bundestag's Intelligence Commission
At first I wasn't sure, whether I should mention it.
I typically do not question ze decisions of ze government, however I asked my superiors about it, and zey insited to add ze base to my report.
Why I point zis out, you may ask. I'm sure you are aware of ze Rheinland laws Article 6 §1, respective §1.1:
Laws of ze Empire of Rheinland, Article 6 Wrote:§1.Entry to following areas is allowed only to ships of the Rheinland law-enforcement:
§1.1.Sectors A-B 4-5 and the entire area of the Westerwald nebula in the Frankfurt system
Zis paragraph is used to protect a classified military base wizin ze Westerwald against prying eyes, ze Schatten Research Facility.
As far as I remember, it was ze headquarter of ze Bundestag's Intelligence Commission during ze liberty war.
I had ze strong feeling ze Bundestag's Intelligence Commission is anozer description of ze Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (also known as BDM).
Vell, since ze Bundestag is expelled and ze Büro is considered as enemy of state in Article 5, §1, line 3
Laws of ze Empire of Rheinland, Article 5 Wrote:§1.A number of organizations are declared extremely dangerous and all the members of those organizations are to be arrested or eliminated:
Buro Der Marineintelligenz for treason, acts of terror and crimes against the people of Rheinland.
I presumed ze AESIR facility is now under federalist control now.
To stress zis presumption, let me quote from ze so called, public accessible "laws" of ze federalists:
§1.3.1 The BDM| are the supreme authority regarding locations such as but not limited to:
Thuringia System
Westerwald Nebula, Frankfurt System
I first I wasn't sure how examine and approach ze base wizin ze contested system. Zen I remembered ze camouflage, ze federalists used on Fort Sommerda.
When ze polizei had a better standing wiz ze MND during ze republic, I got ze permission of ze Büro to transport some confiscated artifacts to ze Schatten Research Facility; hoping zis permission is still somehow valid, I entered ze Westerwald. Zere was only a small passage through ze mine field and weapon plattforms as well as capital ship patrols everywhere.
But after I finished ze passage I found ze AESIR facility as extension on top of ze Schatten research facility.
Ze docking was of course denied, I didn't expect anyzing else, but it was worz a try.
I counted 3 weapon plattforms, which are controled by ze facility and it seems zey are building more: [x][x][x]
I strongly recommend you remove ze base belonging to ze enemies of ze Empire from ze database and call ze kaiserliche Rheinwehr for a cleanup.
Ze recon fighter I used is of course not capable to do zis for you and ze polizei forces would have to leave strategically significant points to accomplish zis.
Of course zey saw my behavior on ze station scanners and I zink I won't get a chance near a federalist base in ze future.
If you don't have any questions, I'll continue my task and move to New-Berlin.
Guten Tag Herr McBoyle , Ich heiße Dieter Schneider.
The Kaiserreich Rheinland is congratulating you on your recent purchase. The Kaiserliches Registrierungsbüro double checked the registry and we can see that the base is indeed registered.
Please confirm the following information:
Name of the base:Handelsdepot Name of the station administrator:Festus McBoyle Affiliation:[Insert Data] The purpose of the station:Scrap Metal Processing and Storage Any existing trade agreements: Location of the base:New Berlin, Sector [insert sector]
As you can see, we require two pieces of information from you. What is the affiliation of the base and the exact location? Also, can we see the selling act from the previous owner and administrator?
Our Polizei Inspektors will be heading to your location to make sure is complying with the Kaiserreich Rheinland laws.
Also, the Registrierungsbüro will contact you in the near future as changes may occur regarding Modular Installation.
Guten Tag Obt. Renate Bommel , Ich heiße Dieter Schneider.
Thank you for your information and we will look into updating the databases.
As for the sensitive information, the Kaiserliches Registrierungsbüro is aware of the existence of AESIR, however is not within the Registrierungsbüro to deal with this matter. However, I would notify the Kaiserliches Rheinwehr und the Reichstag. Please make sure you do not endanger your offiziers and wait for instructions from either the Reichstag or Kaiserliches Rheinwehr.