End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Life is just another path, one that we all must take.
The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.
Things come and go, time flies and life happens. In my life a lot has happened, some of it good, some of it bad, There are paths I must take.
Some may have noticed my absence as of late and I think it is time to officially admit to myself that I will be leaving Disco for the foreseeable future. I may or may not return, I have already done so several times - both returning and leaving - so it may happen. I have met and re-met some truly amazing people here. As for the fate of {DHC} I will make a separate post.
To use the Great one again:
“I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”
In no particular order:
@Prysin I am glad I've met you and I am sure we will stay in contact. I have been the Robin to your Batman and you have been my Watson. We work well together.
@Widow Sarah, you are amazing. Stay strong and if you ever need anything, you just let me know.
@Megaera You are an extremely creative person and definitely an inspiration to me. Thanks for taking me under your wing and showing me the ropes. Your work with GC is nothing but admirable.
@Groshyr You are one hell of a moody guy, but you are a great person. I hope life takes you wherever you want it to take you.
@Squad You are the man and it's been pleasure to see you again when I have returned.
@Atreides Stay as strong as your lovable Romanian accent.
@Mephistoles Gae Man Guild cheater, known for long.
@Shokanshi You are a cool dude and your work for Rheinland with Kamaraden is amazing. I hope you continue to do well for the House that is terribly underappreciated.
@Doc Holliday You are the heart and soul of Disco. When you go, Disco will end for me.
@jammi If you are ever around again, I love you my badger bro.
If I forgot anyone, I am truly sorry but it's more likely than not that you are great as well. If you need anything, my PMs are always open.
If you do return, you will be looked after and you'll not want for anything. if you don't return, do stop in every so often and keep in touch. I'll miss you around here!!!