Today I was flying thru the puny land of Rhineland, lookin for som' good crops. Made a few good men go to their maker while I was a piratin' until I tried to hit the Trade Lane to Planet Berlin. I dunno what got inta the Lane, but I got a stuck and lost all me bounty. Tell ya what mate, that be a great way t' make a pirate angry. So seein on the long range the Sin Tech ship and nobody about to help it, I went to investigate. Well I of course had teh little pesky maggots they call police and Rhineland Navy shootin' all 'round. Couldn't hurt ol' Cid tho'. I was a playin with them, after seein that the Sin Tech ship was a bit mo' than I be wantin to attack till the pests were gone. I concentrated my fire on them lil' buggers. Alas to mesurprise the Sin Tech hails me. I had told them I'd be around. They says something like stop killin', like I'm a gonna do that, HAR! If'n I don't they gonna make me pay wif' M' life. Well that got me a thinkin'. I better take that thing down for a moment. As I turn and open fire, my ONYXes lighting the shield up, but not havin much affect, I must say. To my delight, a RM Identified as GB of RM Jessica, come out an start yappin' about stop fightin'. I of course turned and immediately open fire on the pesky RM. Ah have to say that the next few moments are a bit of a blur, but it got warm all over, and then I was back at base, ready to go out and do it again. Needen some missiles I think tho. Maybe a good mine or two as well. Anyhow, I dunno if they think me gone or what, but ScarrD Cid gets another scar today, and another name to add to the list to Die.
Well Cap'n. That be my tale. Until then, I hope you get a good laugh here, I did. Now they gonna die like dogs.
Well, Cid, that's a tale to make wee ones piss in their beds, for sure. Sound the trump if ye be needin' a few good tars on yer wing.
A wee update from Sancho: Still waitin' me name change, but all is well.
Cap'n Davey. A wee suggestion for the Council: This here Arranmore, while friendly enough, is a bit of a dump. I swan we could be over at that nice Belfast, where they got plumbin', and even ice cubes. And no pesky mines or poopy gas to deal with on the inbound. If it got warm at Belfast, then we could hie to Inverness, or even Skye, to rest up a bit.
And to my mates, I'd like it known that we have an ally for shippin' goods and holdin' booty if needed. He's flyin' a Cryer banner, but he's available for a fee, and he's a true old shipmate 'o mine. Not sure why he's called Lightfoot, tho he does have a bit of a limp. Give him the respect due an ally, eh Mates?
Standin' by to aid 'n abet the collection o' Souls.
<span style="font-family:Trebuchet Ms">Brotherhood of Light ~ Grenoble ~ Belfast
Lightfoot,Aug 7 2006, 07:04 AM Wrote:Give him the respect due an ally, eh Mates?
Standin' by to aid 'n abet the collection o' Souls.
Message to: DJC Command - (Eyes Only Encrypted)
Comm ID: Lightfoot
As Sancho has dropped my name in passing, I would like to affirm my neutral status with you Scourges of the Trade Lanes.
As long as my bosses, Cryer Pharm, still get their cargo hauled, and receive good reports, I see no harm in offering ye my services for your occassional cargo & banking needs. Please advise by encryted response if this would be acceptable.
Encrypted message ends/
<span style="font-family:Trebuchet Ms">Brotherhood of Light ~ Grenoble ~ Belfast
Cid taht be some tale ye be tellin ill be sendin some of me crew yeer way. Glad ta see ya still pilligin and I think we got RM's attention.
Also Ill PM ya wit some details.
I will add RM Jessica to our list souls to had.
We be temporarily abandinin our Mollys Posts!
Ye New Standin Orders: Goto Rhineland Space Meet Up wit Me Mate Cid in Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin. I be settin up a new realation wit tem tere.
Choordinates: C,4
Faction: Junkers
Cid will instruct ye from tere.
Now Go Ye Scavilous Dogs!
Davey Jones,Aug 7 2006, 03:23 PM Wrote:~~DJC MESSAGE~~
We be temporarily abandinin our Mollys Posts!
Ye New Standin Orders: Goto Rhineland Space Meet Up wit Me Mate Cid in Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin. I be settin up a new realation wit tem tere.
Choordinates: C,4
Faction: Junkers
Cid will instruct ye from tere.
Now Go Ye Scavilous Dogs!
~Captain Davey Jones
Message to: Davey 'n Cid
Comm ID: Sancho_Panza
Apologies, yer Worships,
This is a mite embarrassin', especially as I made that "tars on yer wing" comment earlier....
but see, there's this Lass at home who thinks I've been spendin' a bit too much time in the cockpit of late...
She's demandin' that I take her to see a remake of a play by some old sod named Francis Shakespeare Bacon or somesuch... no doubt some Illuminati twit!
If I'm due lashes for abandonin' post or crewmates, I'll even bring the salt to rub into the wounds.
/end Grovel
<span style="font-family:Trebuchet Ms">Brotherhood of Light ~ Grenoble ~ Belfast
A missus, a dirty creature to take even a pirates soul. I be understandin' and not be mad 'boot the tardiness or even unavailability. we be see'n ya's soon. RM I am a comin for ya's.
Maxwell.Smart - Blood Dragon, by choice and imprisonment.
Assassin Twin,Aug 7 2006, 04:45 PM Wrote:A missus, a dirty creature to take even a pirates soul. I be understandin' and not be mad 'boot the tardiness or even unavailability. we be see'n ya's soon. RM I am a comin for ya's.
Roger on the missus, tho she means well 'n all. Wants me ta get "kultyured", or somesuch.
But in the wee, small hours of the morning... what she don't know, eh?
Sorry to miss the fracas.. I can hear it now: "Was is Los??????"
Rheinland Purity and Supremacy, my Mongrel Butt!
<span style="font-family:Trebuchet Ms">Brotherhood of Light ~ Grenoble ~ Belfast
Standing by Kreutzberg. (Sneaked over in the wee hours while the Rheinies were still abed).
Did ya pummel 'em already. Did I miss the smoke 'n embers?
If I did, not sure I'll be spaceworthy this eve... something to do with female hair shirts, rending of clothes and tearing out ot hair if I don't tend the home fires more.
Laws, Laws, hard to rape 'n pillage when you're watchin' a time clock.
Fair Winds!
<span style="font-family:Trebuchet Ms">Brotherhood of Light ~ Grenoble ~ Belfast
I will be reportin' ta the Mast for possible Corporal Punishment for the followin' infractions:
Bein' out of position;
Placin' my Ship in needless jeapordy;
Mopery wit Intent to Gawk.
'Tis a long tale, and not given as excuse, but as realizin' the errors of me ways.
I was down in the South updatin' weps, shields 'n such, and spent bloody near all me funds in the doin'. On the way back ta home port, I got a bit too greedy ag'in, and while scavengin' in Omega-11, got pulled towards that pesky sun. By time I managed to free myself, I was damaged for good 'n all, and way beyond the depth of my purse to be puttin' the damage right.
Well, then I figgers to go up into Liberty space 'n find some low fruit hangin' which could improve my condition. Met some nice lubbers at Buffalo 'n Rochester; but it was slow goin' on fillin' the purse again. 'Bout that time, I notice a squawk from the "Davey" down in Stuttgart, and knows I'm in for the stewpot for bein' way up in Liberty; but Davey was busy with other matters, and doesn't respond when I asks 'im if I can break 'n do a bit of schmoozin' & recruitin' with a bitty little flyer there. 'Tween that, 'n helpin' a Biiiig Outcast tub recover a mortar that came un-rigged, I was way past the Mopin' and inta the Gawkin'.
I may hae made a coupla nice future contacts for the Crew, but ag'in, I ain't excusin', just reportin' the what and where of it.
Current status: ship repaired. proceedin' back to Bretonia space unless black-balled or directed otherwhere.
<span style="font-family:Trebuchet Ms">Brotherhood of Light ~ Grenoble ~ Belfast