That's how it is in your point of view, Tabris, perhaps you like to get killed in 5 seconds by 9 fighters, a gunship and 2 bombers while hardly being able to respond except mashing F and G, but that doesn't means everyone likes that. I also have yet to see someone getting 'skill' in a massgank.
TTC, there's a simple way to avoid such groups, don't use common paths such as the 23 Jumphole, their usually watched. If i am ganked by for example 3 Hogosha in Gunboats while i'm in my Fighter, so be it. As far as i am concerned it's War, you either get good, die or run away to fight another day. Ganks can teach you how to avoid weapons fire and how to beat a hasty retreat should the odds be against you.
What i WANT is an answer why CR chose to disregard Server Rules just to engage in a massive PVP-Fest.
Wait a minute Tabris. I'm gathering stories. Mind giving me your Skype?
edit: Update. I've gotten a rough account of what happened from each side.
More or less, the entire issue was a mire of silliness on both sides. A large mass of OCs were camping the 44 hole, which isn't very nice, and as a result CR somewhat violated 5.2 and 5.6 in that they just went through to 44 to organize. They didn't shoot at the OCs camping the 44 hole or RP engagement, but in many cases lost 50% shields (official combat boundary) with proper engagement RP on the part of the OCs. Unilateral engagement, and a bit unfair, but completely within the bounds of Server Rules for the most part. When the CR folks went into 44, and came back, some re-engaged, AFAIK believing that they had not engaged in the first place. Some, like =CR=Outlaw[44th], did not re-engage because of the confusion.
It truly was confusing, as far as I can tell, because most of the CR folks just went through without actually engaging themselves. As a result, they thought that they had done nothing wrong, again, AFAIK. Caught on a technicality, one could say.
On the other hand, it was more than a little unfair of the OCs to camp the 44 hole and fall in on these CR folks as they organized to provide the OCs with a good, fun, fair fight. After all, this is a game. It's not exactly very... dare I use the word... sportsmanlike, to progressively gank (I don't like that word) each CR as they come in, especially if they're not fighting back, they're just going through to prepare. Makes sense inRP, but is a bit silly ooRP. I really don't like to cite rules, but 0.0 comes to mind.
In summary, both sides messed up. Both sides could have taken actions to avoid any finger-pointing. CR, though confused, shouldn't have violated 5.6. It wasn't really excusable, and y'all involved should have thought about it. The OCs involved shouldn't have camped the 44 hole, as that was unfair to the CR gathering.
I think that we should all settle down, not play the blame game as both sides acted badly, and pat each other on the back for what fun was derived.
"Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will, in fact, calm up."
As i can see from the Politus post ( not being there at the moment ) seemed to me that the Outcasts camped the Tau 44 Jumphole in order to attack the CR. CR units were scattered in the Tau 23 and Tau 44 systems and they moved to regroup to the Tau 44. But as you camping the Hole to Tau 44 , there was a small problem getting in.
If you want a fair fight you should let the Colonials regroup as we do with the Outcasts.
However , engage part is not when the both sides fire at each other ?
As i can see , the Colonials didn't fired , didn't respond in anyway to your group shots, they regrouped and then came out to respond.
However if i am wrong , please correct me meanwhile i will see what the Colonial says said about this .
Thank you .
As a slight addition to the upper posts, I must say that catching someone on a technicality like that is a bit silly, isn't it?
I'd think that we don't have to follow the rules blindly and without logical thought, at least among those of us who play with each other frequently, with some on a daily basis. As far as it seems to me, no 'real' fight occurred there, it was a unilateral draining of shields from one side, to me personally seeming just like a low priced way to win a mass engagement on a technicality and, frankly, I thought we were all better than that.
I'm not saying one should disregard the rules, on the contrary, and with people who don't generally know each other, they should mostly be followed to the letter as much as possible, but with those who know each other, who should know each other's intentions and know that they hold some things in value more than one victory in a silly PvP fight, I think they should follow logic along with the rules.
In-RP, there's no reason why what was done should not be done, one barely gets his shield scratched, regroups, and the fight goes on.
As per the rules, RP's hindered here. There's always been a lot of discussion about this particular phenomenon, and all of us, including myself, have concluded that it is a necessary evil to keep a peaceful(OORP) mood on the server, to ensure a positive environment for all players.
But when, as I said up there, the situation involves people who know each other and should know that there's no ill intention, I don't see why we couldn't merge all that makes sense in-RP with the rules, and not pull technicalities like this.
Some of you, and many of you, will disapprove of my upper statement because this community tends to hold the rules in regard as tablets with the 10 Commandments, which is mostly a good thing, but tends to produce some silly situations, like this one, as a result.
Anyways, back to my original point.
Heck, I remember some great times with the Outcasts in general, up there in Tau-37, where we were known to have both awesome spontaneous fights, as well as events, where if it seemed logical, we'd let some members of the opposite side reengage, or vice versa, because everyone was having fun, it still made sense in-RP, and noone's feelings got hurt, because people had the right mentality.
Now, due to pressing Real Life concerns, I've been out of commission since January, basically, but I didn't think things'd changed as much from the last time I was monstrously active.
All in all, yep, the technicality's there, rules were broken, but as far as I'm concerned, it was a result of mass confusion, no intention of rule breaking was there, and I don't blame the Colonials (for once in all this time, eh guys?) one bit. Well, maybe a tiny tiny bit, but I don't really blame them.
I don't blame you others as well, of course, but what I blame is a bit of a rotten blind mentality, not just from you, from many people across many factions and independent groups, not excluding some in the Colonial Remnant as well, for that seems to be the nature of a big part of this community.
I am not liable for any misunderstandings in regards to my interpretation of the purpose of the rules, so our dear admins don't think I'm encouraging mass rule breaking or anything.
Rule breaking with the consent of all members of both sides, when it's needed to keep the sensibility of RP going, you betcha.
Nail me to the cross now, if you please, if not, then listen to my words.
EDIT: Seems this wasn't such a slight addition after all. Apologies.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
' Wrote:What i WANT is an answer why CR chose to disregard Server Rules just to engage in a massive PVP-Fest.
not me, i was ordered to fly to tau 44 from java, saw a couple of you coming my way, they started to shoot,missed a couple of times, i waved and jumped to tau 44
' Wrote:actually it is, coulnd find it back, but when the phantoms attacked my miner, only 2 of the 4 gave an engagement notice
It's incorrect because there is no such thing as an "engagement notice". Not in the rules, anyway. The rule is "there must be RP before combat starts up". Saying "I'm going to shoot you now" is polite, but not required. Once one person says "everyone, fall in" you pretty much know what they're going to do anyway... but the entire wing needs to have spoken beforehand.
For future reference on the "re-engage" thing, being shot at means you've been engaged, whether you shot or not. Think of it this way- if a transport got shot at by a pirate, didn't fire back, docked, and undocked with his BHG BC, that would be re-engaging would it not? Even if you don't go below half shield, Agmen has stated that "if it looks like an engagement, smells like an engagement, and quacks like an engagement, it's an engagement". (Note, that's not a direct quote, just a paraphrasing of it.)
Swift, it's not this specific instance that makes me go "gah", but it seems to be a pattern of the =CR= to shrug when people say they've violated the rules. And you did just that.