Number of NEMP Launchers/Ammo in your possession:
If a faction leader, number of NEMP Launchers/Ammo in the faction's possession:
Names of Ships on which the items are located:
Entropic.Rover (1 NEMP Bomb Launcher)
Documentation of purchase or links to award/method of obtaining the items:
No idea, I had three from events, of which one was from purchased off from OSI, one was a reward, one was bought by me from another player.
Give the Scientific Data to A/)-Vault if possible, otherwise to CV-Fortunate.Accident until I can feed it myself to the welsh cat bird person in inappropiate ways..
Number of NEMP Launchers/Ammo in your possession: 3 Launchers / 4 Ammo - 2120
If a faction leader, number of NEMP Launchers/Ammo in the faction's possession: 0 unless you count the pob, I used that to store a lot of my private stuff and have access to it
Names of Ships on which the items are located: [Bank]Skorak(Launcher+2Ammo) H|-Kelly:O'Brien(Launcher) Bomber(Launcher+2Ammo)
Documentation of purchase or links to award/method of obtaining the items: The first launcher +2 ammo I won in Spazzy's Outcast event. The other was the one that was free for OFs. I'm very sure I have more but I cannot find the ammo.