From: Ulster Station
To: Leader of Golden Chrysanthemum
Subject: Engines
Greetings to the Leader of Golden Chrysanthemum
I have been told by a friend that we can use Golden Chrysanthemum Engines freely if you pay a once off fee of 25 Million Credits.
Could I have this same arrangement with you guys at Golden Chrysanthemum in allowing me to fly around with 2 Transport Ships each carrying a Golden Chrysanthemum Engine?
Please get back to me as soon as possible in connection with my arrangement request please.
Yours Truely
Quite the unusual name you have. Regardless, I've been task by the Matriarch to handle this situation. You have indeed heard right that we license the use of our engines. They are a very recent development, and as such, production of them is still expanding and will require substantially more funding, hence requiring Licensing fees to allow their use outside of close allies or sisterhood members.
The fee you heard from your contact is indeed correct, 25,000,000 Sirian Credits though this is per ship. As such, we will be requesting a Payment of 50,000,000 attached here along with the names of the licensed ships that will be equipped with these engines.
From: Ulster Station
To: Golden Chrysanthemum
Subject: Engines Licenses
Greetings to the Golden Chrysanthemum
It is great to have confirmation about the Engines indeed can be licensed to be used and it would be nice if I can get a ship name to send the credits to for every ship I license to use an engine from you guys.
To avoid confusion we can make it simple, the ships that will be using the engine will transfer the money to the undisclosed ship name you provide and this way you can see the ship names that uses the engines.
Looking forward in hearing from you again.
Yours Truely
My apologies for forgetting this minor detail, please send the funds to GC-Gishi and attach the proof here. This communication will be Carbon Copied and filed in our database to maintain the evidence in a safe location.
Once again, apologies for missing this minor detail.
Payment has been received, I'll make sure to add the requested ships to our Licensed ships database.
Please do take note, however, that this does not mean Sisters of the Golden Chrysanthemum mouvement will not stop you to request passage fee, merely that they will not be bothering you on the subject of stolen engines and adding a fine on top of requested passage tarif.
Safe travels, We hope the engines will serve you well.
From: Ulster Station
To: Golden Chrysanthemum
Subject: Understood...
Greetings to the Golden Chrysanthemum
I understand 100% and will pay the fines always unless the fines are completely unreasonable.
May your future business prosper super much and bring in the desired satisfaction of running a respectable organization across all sirius space.
Yours Truely
I contact you to report that the 3 ships, [PI]~Leader, [PI]~Lourens, [DSE]~Lourens, are now registered to our database of Gen'an GC approved engine use.
From: Ulster Station
To: Golden Chrysanthemum
Subject: Renaming of Ships. Greetings to you again at Golden Chrysanthemum
Due to joining TCL| (Team Convoy Logistics ) I was forced to rename my 2 Transports from [DSE]~Lourens to TCL|Lourens and [PI]~Lourens to TCL|Loutjie.
This message is just to inform you of the new ship names:
1. TCL|Lourens
2. TCL|Loutjie
Please update your ship registry to have the new ship names.
Yours Truely
Director of Ulster Station