Sender: Brigadegeneral Ástmundur Urðarsson Recipient: Red Hessian Reporting Facility Source: [ᚲᛚᚨᛋᛋᛁᚠᛁᛖᛞ] Subject: Hostile installation close to Northeim Base Priority: High Encryption: ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ
unusual activity has been detected around our base in Omega-11. A patrol has sighted a hostile installation within close range of basis Northeim. The Oberkommando has ordered the destruction of the station and will begin the assault 8 hours from now. Prepare your Jormungands, we will not accept their presence in our system!
For the Revolution!
Signed, Brigadegeneral
Ástmundur Urðarsson
Rote Hessen Armee
Dresden system, Vogtland Base
21. February, 828 A.S.
Sender:Leutnant Isaac Haxton Recipient:Red Hessian Army Debriefing Channel Topic:Imperial Fighter
Good Day,
I was about to end my patrol mission in Stuttgart when I saw a Daumann train, which unfortunately managed to get away, and immediately after a super heavy Imperial fighter-class vessel. They seemed to ignore my presence and headed towards Baden-Baden. When confronted, the noble knight as they call themselves decided to immediately engage in combat. Their ship was heavily armoured, but I was still able to terminate it effortlessly. Afterwards, I landed on Darmstadt. I have attached the relevant guncam shots as well as the amusing transcripts below.
[21.02.2021 05:35:52] [RHA]Ike.Haxton: Hm...
[21.02.2021 05:36:07] [RHA]Ike.Haxton: Going anywhere?
[21.02.2021 05:37:05] [RHA]Ike.Haxton: Well mister Knight, we need to talk.
[21.02.2021 05:37:20] Noble_Knight_Tamigin: fight
[21.02.2021 05:37:32] [RHA]Ike.Haxton: As you wish.
[21.02.2021 05:47:25] Death: Noble_Knight_Tamigin was put out of action by [RHA]Ike.Haxton (Gun).
[21.02.2021 05:47:36] [RHA]Ike.Haxton: Eliminated.
Sender:Leutnant Isaac Haxton Recipient:Red Hessian Army Debriefing Channel Topic:Hamburg Patrol
Good Day,
I was passing by Alster in Hamburg when I encountered an Imperial Police officer in a super-heavy fighter class Mjolnir vessel. They wanted me to, I quote, "turn fast around". Needless to say, that was not going to happen. After a short amount of time we engaged in combat. I was able to terminate the vessel with moderate damage to my ship. A Buro cruiser-class Donau vessel arrived later as well. I left the scene as soon as I could after terminating the Mjolnir. The officer seemed to have captured a few escape pods of different pilots, these were all delivered by me to Vogtland. The relevant guncam shots are attached below.
Sender:Leutnant Isaac Haxton Recipient:Red Hessian Army Debriefing Channel Topic:Omega Adventures
Good Day,
The last few days have been quite eventful. I delivered a shipment of 4075 units of our very own blood diamonds to our allies in Omega-52. Those were mined by Sunskipper of the IMG. On my way back I picked up a shipment of Volgograd ordinances and headed towards Vogtland. I didn't encounter anything on my way back to Dresden.
A few days later, I managed to intercept a heavily armoured BMM corporate transport in Omega-3. Interestingly, the captain never even considered coming to a halt. Perhaps he was confident in his combat abilites or didn't think I would go all the way. After some back and forth between Omega-7 and Omega-3, their transport was terminated. The relevant guncam shots are presented below. That is all for now.
Sender: Fyrirsát Recipient: SOA personnel, Oberkommando Source: [ᚲᛚᚨᛋᛋᛁᚠᛁᛖᛞ]
Subject: Report (informal)
Priority: High Encryption: ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ
Operation as ordered in Munich has been completed. Multiple targets for possible extortion or destruction have been documented. Upon entering Munich, I was welcomed by the storm which has consumed almost the entire system. Following the Raublin trade lane, I've come across the "Nuremberg Border Station" which appeared friendly on my scanners. After closing in on the station and my docking request has been permitted and it appears that the station is operated by some organization called "Rheinland Kameraden" of the Marinenachrichtendienst. Not gonna lie, it was quite disturbing. I've made my way towards "Raubling" and found another installation operated by an unknown party but the automated defenses have been set to hostile, however, "Ansbach Station" appears to be operated by someone who has some experience with the Red Hessians. Following my initial order to scout the Alp Clouds again for a status report of a Unioner base that has been attacked by the Red Hessian Army almost a year ago. Reaching the Alp Clouds my course was closing to Basis Leipheim I've been met with automated defense platforms that still are operational. I could only take one closer look and it appears that the base is currently abandoned as the scanners showed a lack of hull integrity.
All visual evidence will be uploaded to the main SOA hub for further inspection of the Oberkommando and the Director of the SOA. This is all for now.
Sender: Fyrirsát Recipient: SOA personnel, Oberkommando Source: [ᚲᛚᚨᛋᛋᛁᚠᛁᛖᛞ]
Subject: Report (informal)
Priority: High Encryption: ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ
as ordered I scouted the Gredos cloud in Omicron Gamma. At the field outskirts, I discovered a Corsair installation called "Minoa Shrine". This base has to be destroyed immediately to guarantee further Hessian operations in Omicron Gamma. This is all for now, all necessary visual evidence will be uploaded into this communication channel.
Sender:Leutnant Isaac Haxton Recipient:Red Hessian Army Debriefing Channel Topic:Military gunboat, Munich installation
Good Day,
Today I've encountered something interesting - a Military gunboat vessel, without any escort, fighting against secondary patrol ships somewhere in the Ruhrfeld. As the gunship was under attack, I thought this was a great opportunity for me to try and take down the ship, or at least damage it severely, before any reinforcements arrived. I took my chance and engaged the vessel. I managed to take it down, while not taking a lot of damage. The gunship wasn't very well armoured. I've retreated into the field and landed on Kreuzberg right after.
Then, out of nowhere, I have received a private transmission from a... Universal Shipping vessel informing me of a suspicious installation in Munich, near New Augsburg. I am not quite sure what to do with this information. The installation is presumed to be heavily damaged. Of course we would first need to verify if any of that is true. If it is indeed true, we should plan accordingly. That is all for now.
[24.04.2021 19:32:52] [*USI*]Ghazriel: Hello sir, my trans....mission will be bad to you ap ol ogies... I found an illigale ba .e I think yo. might want to che.k
[24.04.2021 19:33:07] [*USI*]Ghazriel: Bas. location is in munich
[24.04.2021 19:33:43] [*USI*]Ghazriel: near New Augsburg Outpost
[24.04.2021 19:36:03] [*USI*]Ghazriel: If it is not illigale I am sorry for the information. My scanns showed a hostile base at that location 20k staight out in the
[24.04.2021 19:36:05] [*USI*]Ghazriel: dust.
[24.04.2021 19:36:54] [*USI*]Ghazriel: it has about 5% health at the moment maybe a little bit more.
Sender: Fyrirsát Recipient: SOA personnel, Oberkommando Source: [ᚲᛚᚨᛋᛋᛁᚠᛁᛖᛞ]
Subject: Report (informal)
Priority: High Encryption: ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ
while patrolling the Weisserfeld in the south parts of Frankfurt I found a new build "Outpost" by the name of Corruption. The owners have not granted us any docking rights and it is too close to the Dresden Jump Hole. I suggest destroying the station once and for all.
Sender:Leutnant Isaac Haxton Recipient:Red Hessian Army Debriefing Channel Topic:Latest Events
Good Day,
It's been a while since my last report, today I'll outline some of the events from my perspective.
I've noticed an increased amount of trading vessels passing through Omega-3 and Omega-7, and managed to collect money for our cause from some of them. No opposition was encountered there.
Also, a capital fight took place in Frankfurt, not far from Bruchsal Base. We went there as fast as possible to assist our forces, but it still took a while. We've managed to terminate a Military battleship and a bomber, and lost one cruiser-class vessel. Then there were those fights against Corsairs in the Omegas that we are all aware of. The relevant guncam shots are attached below.