Moreover, I feel obliged to inform you and share my thoughts.
We are doing a great business and it’s a big pleasure to do it with you.
We've invested on the right spot on Rheinland that’s for sure, the cash flows and numbers talks and we both know it.
All this goodness thanks to you, and your group the Red Hessian Army which provides us with great defense and support, we are able to do so and keep it safe that way.
We will never forget how kind is your group that time when you allowed us to operate and we appreciate this agreement very much.
I remind that Its been more than a year since the base started to operate,
And for that reason i have a special offer to you that came to my mind to show a good will, to donate a sum of :
1 billion Sirius credits.
Willing to pay this today, tomorrow or whenever you say.
And in return I would like to request to finish our monthly payments.
I reckon there is no better time than this to offer this offer and your group well deserve it, may the Hessians will live in prosperity!