ID:Chou Tsuji Location:Somewhere in Shikoku system Subject:Friendly ecounter in Honshu system
Today I decided to visit the Honshu system.
As i noticed that Yunoki Misaki took her fighter, I decided to join her hoping for a good lesson about the sisterhood. She told me that she is escoritng an Orbital Spa and Cruise ship out of Kusari space, so i decided to not interfere.
Continuing my patrol around Honshu I've found ship with no cannons mounted called Blank Stare. The pilot told me that she was forced to leave Kusari but now sometimes returns to enjoy the beautiful views of the Honshu system and visit her Blood Dragon friend.
After a friendly conversation, I was running low on fuel because of the need of constantly evading fire from Navy battleship so I decided to head back home. In the Shikoku system I found a few sisters talking with the same ship I've met in Honshu. My mind told me to stay and listen. After a few minutes a lonely Planetform transport exited trade lane near us. Sister Misaki told me that this could be my opportunity to prove that I know how to be a pirate.
The captain of the ship seemed pretty fresh in Kusari space however having big wallet and shiny cargo. As Planetform ships are a rare sight in Kusari space I decided to not scare her and took a relatively small amount of goods - 3 milion credits and a few filters to help me with my little project.
Shortly after, as I was already running low on fuel I said goodbye to the sisters and departed to Kinkaku-ji station.
[07.07.2021 21:35:41] Blank.Stare: Konnichiwa!
[07.07.2021 21:35:51] Tsuji.Chou: Konnichiwa Zoner
[07.07.2021 21:36:04] Blank.Stare: How's it going, Chrysanthemum?
[07.07.2021 21:36:08] Blank.Stare: Quite a few of you around lately.
[07.07.2021 21:36:30] Tsuji.Chou: Not much to catch in net lately. apart from that can i ask you what are you doing here?
[07.07.2021 21:36:56] Blank.Stare: Just flying around and admiring the views.
[07.07.2021 21:37:01] Blank.Stare: Enjoying my time off the Omicrons.
[07.07.2021 21:37:11] Blank.Stare: Besides, Honshu is where I come from.
[07.07.2021 21:37:27] Tsuji.Chou: yes view are indeed very bueatifull
[07.07.2021 21:37:56] Tsuji.Chou: so you are Kusarian? why you left your home then and becamed a zoner?
[07.07.2021 21:38:24] Blank.Stare: I didn't leave by choice..
[07.07.2021 21:38:36] Blank.Stare: I was kicked out.
[07.07.2021 21:39:01] Tsuji.Chou: by who if i may ask?
[07.07.2021 21:39:03] Blank.Stare: I took this ship from my parents and I just left, never to return.
[07.07.2021 21:39:18] Blank.Stare: They didn't want me anymore, considered me a waste of resources. Heh.. Doesn't matter anymore.
[07.07.2021 21:39:31] Blank.Stare: I swore never to return here and yet I find myself coming back to Kusari every now and then.
[07.07.2021 21:40:19] Tsuji.Chou: Home is where your heart is... and your heart will always lead you here it seems
[07.07.2021 21:40:36] Blank.Stare: It's mostly due to that one Dragon I met here.
[07.07.2021 21:40:40] Blank.Stare: He's been very kind to me.
[07.07.2021 21:40:46] Blank.Stare: I find myself missing him when I'm out in the Omicrons.
[07.07.2021 21:40:54] Blank.Stare: So I always end up returning looking for him.
[07.07.2021 21:41:43] Tsuji.Chou: maybe you should visit Kyoto then?
[07.07.2021 21:41:52] Tsuji.Chou: thats main Dragon base
[07.07.2021 21:42:46] Blank.Stare: Kyoto? That's in Chugoku, isn't it?
[07.07.2021 21:42:51] Blank.Stare: I can't.. go there.
[07.07.2021 21:43:09] Tsuji.Chou: Whats the problem?
[07.07.2021 21:44:00] Blank.Stare: I'm not allowed there, civilians aren't allowed in the system.
[07.07.2021 21:45:49] Tsuji.Chou: hmm then if you are strong enough you could try Tohoku this is offlimits system with one Dragon base where you could also try
[07.07.2021 21:46:30] Blank.Stare: *Chuckles* Don't worry, I usually find him at space.
[07.07.2021 21:46:44] Blank.Stare: And if not then he's going to be at Hikone.
[07.07.2021 21:46:53] Blank.Stare: If not then he's busy.
[07.07.2021 21:47:08] Tsuji.Chou: Hikone? whats that?
[07.07.2021 21:47:14] Blank.Stare: Hikone Base?
[07.07.2021 21:47:24] Blank.Stare: Coordinates are B4, at Honshu.
[07.07.2021 21:47:28] Blank.Stare: It's a Blood Dragon hideout.
[07.07.2021 21:47:33] Blank.Stare: I'm surprised you don't know it.
[07.07.2021 21:47:54] Tsuji.Chou: Me too i was sure i know whole kusari space
[07.07.2021 21:48:22] Blank.Stare: You should definitely at least know the bases of your close allies!
[07.07.2021 21:48:26] Blank.Stare: *She chuckles*
[07.07.2021 21:49:11] Tsuji.Chou: yeah i should... thats one that i miss so far... anyway thanks for kind chat. I'll be going now
[07.07.2021 21:49:25] Blank.Stare: Take care, and safe skies out there.
[07.07.2021 21:49:37] Tsuji.Chou: Arigato stay safe out there in omicrons
[07.07.2021 21:49:45] Blank.Stare: Won't be out there for a while!
[07.07.2021 21:49:48] Blank.Stare: But arigato!
[07.07.2021 22:11:54] GC-Ochibataki: Transport
[07.07.2021 22:11:59] GC-Tomiko.Saya: Ahhh evening transport-san.
[07.07.2021 22:12:10] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Hello
[07.07.2021 22:12:18] PFI|Glynneath: Barbara: .... uhm.. yes. hello dears..
[07.07.2021 22:12:28] Blank.Stare: Konnichiwa, Planetform transport.
[07.07.2021 22:12:48] PFI|Glynneath: Kyle: "good" evening... hm
[07.07.2021 22:12:56] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Tsuji-san here is you chance to prove that you can be a pirate
[07.07.2021 22:13:13] Blank.Stare: Oh I'm here to witness her first piracy? *She chuckles*
[07.07.2021 22:13:28] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Why not?
[07.07.2021 22:13:36] GC-Ochibataki: Fukada: Blank, so am I.
[07.07.2021 22:13:44] Blank.Stare: Please, call me Mishiro.
[07.07.2021 22:13:53] Tsuji.Chou: Piracy you say? okay lets collect some good stuff
[07.07.2021 22:13:53] GC-Tomiko.Saya: Hmmm filters.
[07.07.2021 22:13:54] Blank.Stare: Blank Stare is just a nickname.
[07.07.2021 22:14:00] PFI|Glynneath: Barbara: Well we are not exactly in a position to object..
[07.07.2021 22:14:02] GC-Ochibataki: Fukada: Sure, Mishiro.
[07.07.2021 22:14:08] Blank.Stare: Thank you!
[07.07.2021 22:14:15] PFI|Glynneath: *Kyle sulks into a double facepalm*
[07.07.2021 22:14:30] Tsuji.Chou: As planetform is pretty rare sight here
[07.07.2021 22:14:45] PFI|Glynneath: *Kyle glares at Barbara*
[07.07.2021 22:14:50] GC-Tomiko.Saya: Interesting cargo.
[07.07.2021 22:14:53] PFI|Glynneath: Barbara: yes we ... chose a new route
[07.07.2021 22:15:08] Tsuji.Chou: I would ask you for 3 milion sirius credits and ten units of these filters
[07.07.2021 22:15:17] Blank.Stare: You ladies do.. that.. often, right?
[07.07.2021 22:15:20] Blank.Stare: I assume you do..
[07.07.2021 22:15:36] GC-Ochibataki: who?
[07.07.2021 22:15:43] PFI|Glynneath: Barbara: very well, Kyle take care of it please.
[07.07.2021 22:15:49] PFI|Glynneath: *Kyle rolls his eyes*
[07.07.2021 22:16:07] GC-Tomiko.Saya: Always good to see a male in their place *grins*.
[07.07.2021 22:16:17] GC-Tomiko.Saya: You have him well trained I take it?
[07.07.2021 22:16:44] PFI|Glynneath: Barbara: Oh yes, /very/ well trained my dear
[07.07.2021 22:16:53] PFI|Glynneath: *kyle cringes*
[07.07.2021 22:17:16] Blank.Stare: Ah.. -this-..
[07.07.2021 22:17:18] GC-Tomiko.Saya: *Nods in approval*
[07.07.2021 22:17:18] Blank.Stare: You know?
[07.07.2021 22:17:21] [2021-07-07] 20:17:08 You have received 3.000.000 credits from PFI|Glynneath
[07.07.2021 22:17:22] Blank.Stare: Piracy?
[07.07.2021 22:17:40] PFI|Glynneath: Barbara: the filters.. Kyle if you could..
[07.07.2021 22:17:47] PFI|Glynneath: Kyle: yes yes!
[07.07.2021 22:19:07] PFI|Glynneath: *barbara rubs her head a bit*
[07.07.2021 22:19:16] PFI|Glynneath: Kyle: sure......
[07.07.2021 22:19:26] PFI|Glynneath: Barbara: may we proceed dears?
[07.07.2021 22:19:46] Tsuji.Chou: these filters will be nice to play with... i think you are free to go
[07.07.2021 22:20:01] PFI|Glynneath: Kyle: ...
[07.07.2021 22:20:05] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Yea I wont keep you
[07.07.2021 22:20:06] PFI|Glynneath: Barbara: thank you dear
[07.07.2021 22:20:17] GC-Ochibataki: Fukada: Sisters, I just recieved a call from home, have some things to take care of.
[07.07.2021 22:20:19] Blank.Stare: Never expected to see a piracy for filters.
[07.07.2021 22:20:22] Blank.Stare: The more you know.
[07.07.2021 22:20:37] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I pirate people for their booze
[07.07.2021 22:20:42] GC-Ochibataki: Fukada: I will be back in space once I am free to come. See you sisters later.
[07.07.2021 22:21:04] Tsuji.Chou: Arigato sister may the space be calm to you
[07.07.2021 22:21:09] GC-Tomiko.Saya: Any news since I was back home Misaki?
[07.07.2021 22:21:53] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Eh not much. I raided an animal transport and released all kinds of pets on Kinkaku-ji
[07.07.2021 22:22:06] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: From Gaia
[07.07.2021 22:23:10] Blank.Stare: Kinkaki-ji..? That's a place I've never heard about..
[07.07.2021 22:23:26] GC-Tomiko.Saya: Mostly Honshu.
[07.07.2021 22:23:31] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Its a bar on honshu
[07.07.2021 22:23:42] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: You should check it out
[07.07.2021 22:24:09] GC-Tomiko.Saya: Unfortunately there was nothing significant hidden in the clouds.
[07.07.2021 22:24:17] Tsuji.Chou: Sorry sisters I'm running low on fuel, need to go
[07.07.2021 22:24:31] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Copy that
[07.07.2021 22:24:34] Tsuji.Chou: Arigato
[07.07.2021 22:24:41] GC-Tomiko.Saya: See you!
Just earlier today I went on a casual patrol around Kusari - and ended up visiting Kepler since I find the effects of the storm interesting, but that's beside the point - and apart from the usual corpo-heads and Freelancers I came across something rather worrying.
It seems that the Naval Forces have a new addition to their ranks, a gunboat by the identification "Kiri", standard Naval Forces tag. The commanding officer of the gunboat is not someone who wishes for dialogue as he actively showed in our 'meeting'. The reason this event is worrying however is not this.
The "Kiri" is an undeniably strong opponent and I have to advise everyone receiving this transmission to not attempt taking the vessel down, especially not on a gunboat. If you see this vessel roaming around, contact me and hope I show up in time, if not then my advice is to run... Unless you have Misaki with you. I'm sure two.. maybe three bombers, one of which being Misaki would be enough to take it down.
Later on in the day I pretended to be Ohashi Border Station's control so as to shake a Tokugawa that showed up which was armed to the brim with missiles. Damn thing sure was packing. Thankfully, after thirty minutes or so that certainly felt like an eternity I managed to convince the Captain that Planet New Tokyo is under attack by a huge Nomad fleet and got him off the vicinity so I could just run away.
D-.. Don't ask any questions about that last one, it just.. happened..
Yesterday I was on KKJ and Worked on the Newly installed the Type IV "Nagareboshi" Engine as I Reiced a Call from Misaki Sensei from the Kyushu System. Misaki Sensei had Stopped a Ship with Furs and needed my help with Transporting them for Disposal. I and Misaki Sensei have in Common that we love Animals and Despise the Furr Industry, they Grow animals under Cruel Conditions just to Kill them for their Furrs. The Pilot of the Transport and his Sister were Nice People and after I took some of the Furrs and Guarded them Misaki Samma Came back with a Big Dragon to Take the Rest. I have talked with the Capitan of the Transport and his Sister as Misaki Sensei was away, but I was so Shy Again and have Stuttered a lot again. I apologize for this as it's an Embarrassment for the Noble Gen'an, and my Teacher Mariko Who shows me the way of the Geisha. I Promise to Fight my Shyness and become Braver for my Sisters and the Gen'an as well as my Sensei.
[09.08.2021 18:58:19] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Transport on scanners
[09.08.2021 18:58:24] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: Ko..Konnichiwa Misaki Sensei. w..what do we have here?
[09.08.2021 18:58:37] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Transport carrying furs.
[09.08.2021 18:58:38] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: ah, it appears it is time
[09.08.2021 18:59:01] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I convinced them how cruel that is for the poor animals
[09.08.2021 18:59:10] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: Cruel...t..the poor animals...
[09.08.2021 18:59:18] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: So we will make the furs 'disappear'
[09.08.2021 18:59:48] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: hello there.. yes.. we regretably will have to part with them
[09.08.2021 18:59:57] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: ship is...f..full
[09.08.2021 19:00:12] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: Odd ship, im not sure ive seen that one before
[09.08.2021 19:00:24] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I guess.... I will also need to get a transport
[09.08.2021 19:00:28] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Wait here
[09.08.2021 19:00:36] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: understood
[09.08.2021 19:00:38] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: it...its a nice it.
[09.08.2021 19:01:04] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: it looks funny... ish
[09.08.2021 19:01:09] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: I think its cute.
[09.08.2021 19:01:20] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: ... you think everything is cute.
[09.08.2021 19:01:29] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: you arent cute.
[09.08.2021 19:01:33] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: pfft..
[09.08.2021 19:01:47] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: t...thank you...i..i .like it too. *the womans face is Hidden behind a Geisha Mask.*
[09.08.2021 19:02:35] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: anyways we are so unfortunate to have you taking these furs away
[09.08.2021 19:02:47] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: I like your clothes.. they're pretty..
[09.08.2021 19:02:58] PFI|Glynneath: *a dull thud was heard*
[09.08.2021 19:03:02] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: OW
[09.08.2021 19:03:08] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: Im going to bruise!
[09.08.2021 19:03:14] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: w...why did you have them? *she looks like she would blush*
[09.08.2021 19:03:39] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: i..its..n..not...nice to hurt a..w...woman....
[09.08.2021 19:03:57] PFI|Glynneath: *Simon coughs lightly* Simon: Ahem.. We were given them as a bargin to take to liberty
[09.08.2021 19:04:08] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: hes so mean..
[09.08.2021 19:04:19] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: my sister can never stay on topic...
[09.08.2021 19:04:36] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: are you saying it doesnt look pretty..?
[09.08.2021 19:04:48] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: m...maybe need *she wears a Traditional Geisha Kimono*
[09.08.2021 19:05:13] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: /I/ am trying not to get us blown up and or fired from the company *says to Sue*
[09.08.2021 19:05:33] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: A better man? first simon needs to become a man to begin with
[09.08.2021 19:05:37] PFI|Glynneath: Sue**
[09.08.2021 19:05:49] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: ...
[09.08.2021 19:06:01] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: You are going to get us fired..
[09.08.2021 19:06:08] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: HMPH...
[09.08.2021 19:06:22] GC-Amaririsu: Kirir: *she gigles Girlish* M...mayb...maybe need...a..a..woman...t...then...
[09.08.2021 19:06:50] PFI|Glynneath: *simon looks teasingly at Susan with a grin and she frowns at him*
[09.08.2021 19:07:01] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: w...we Gen'an...f...fight...f..for woman...
[09.08.2021 19:07:06] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: uhm... no. but, I appreciate the offer
[09.08.2021 19:07:49] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: I know, but... company policy prevents me from saying what id like to...
[09.08.2021 19:08:05] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: yes it does... and Id rather not be unemployed and back on Nottingham..
[09.08.2021 19:08:07] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: oh..i...i..d..dd..didnt...m..meant..that..i..i..n..never...i.. *semse to Blush again and looks embarased*
[09.08.2021 19:08:32] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: OH.. uhm. sorry I thought you meant... eh.. youknow.. im sorry.
[09.08.2021 19:08:45] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: ahaha...ahah.. h- OW...
[09.08.2021 19:08:54] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: you just pipe down buster..
[09.08.2021 19:09:14] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: a...ahm w..w..well..i....i..n..never..h..had s...somone know...*looks down.*
[09.08.2021 19:09:24] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: where do you get that thing.. and you complain when I even do tiny things..
[09.08.2021 19:09:30] PFI|Glynneath: *Sue shushes him*
[09.08.2021 19:09:56] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: oh you didnt? you look so pretty... from what i can see.. you dress so conservatively, but your eyes are lovely.. im sure
[09.08.2021 19:10:02] PFI|Glynneath: there is somebody for you!
[09.08.2021 19:10:15] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: i..i have it from...L..Liberty..a...Friend buyed it..o..on California..Minor...
[09.08.2021 19:10:47] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: must be nice to have friends... I just have this menace here for company
[09.08.2021 19:10:56] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: i...i am n..not Pretty... *she sighs and takes of the Mask. you can see half her face is Coverd by a Red Birth Mark*
[09.08.2021 19:10:59] GC-Machi: Misaki: I returned with a bigger ship
[09.08.2021 19:11:29] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: well, I think beauty is more than skin deep, miss..
[09.08.2021 19:11:40] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: ooh.. yes thats right
[09.08.2021 19:11:53] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: it doesnt look so bad, you shouldnt worry about it so much!
[09.08.2021 19:12:18] GC-Machi: Everyone in GC says the same but she doesnt listen
[09.08.2021 19:12:20] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: i...its..u...ugly.. *she puts her Mask Back on.*
[09.08.2021 19:12:53] GC-Machi: I believe this will cover your expenses
[09.08.2021 19:13:17] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: dont be silly! ugly sh-mugly.. if you say it so much you will believe it... its all about the mind.. so i heard from a
[09.08.2021 19:13:18] PFI|Glynneath: zoner
[09.08.2021 19:13:19] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: w...we will...g..get rid of...of them...
[09.08.2021 19:13:28] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: thank you miss misaki.
[09.08.2021 19:14:12] GC-Machi: Misaki: I hope we have an understanding about future fur shipments. Only when it is attached to a live creature.
[09.08.2021 19:14:27] GC-Machi: Misaki: And I want to pet them
[09.08.2021 19:14:30] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: seriously.. ma'am dont worry about it so much, any REAL man wouldnt care about soemthing like that
[09.08.2021 19:14:39] PFI|Glynneath: *simon nudges susan to get back on topic*
[09.08.2021 19:14:46] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: can Pet a Living one...m..much better...
[09.08.2021 19:14:48] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: er.. oh.. uhm yes! we will make sure not to
[09.08.2021 19:14:58] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: agreed
[09.08.2021 19:15:07] GC-Machi: Misaki: Good.
[09.08.2021 19:15:31] PFI|Glynneath: simon: havent been to edinbrugh much these days.. might be able to find something nice there..
[09.08.2021 19:15:42] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: we really .. should get going..
[09.08.2021 19:15:48] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: a...ahm t...thank
[09.08.2021 19:16:08] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: hm.. yea.. and you will ma'am... worry not
[09.08.2021 19:16:14] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: may we proceed?
[09.08.2021 19:16:28] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: g...good...By h...have a .safe...flight...
[09.08.2021 19:16:34] GC-Machi: Misaki: Fine by me
[09.08.2021 19:16:39] PFI|Glynneath: Simon: thank you
[09.08.2021 19:16:54] GC-Machi: Misaki: We will 'displace' these
[09.08.2021 19:17:00] PFI|Glynneath: Sue: alright
[09.08.2021 19:17:13] PFI|Glynneath: simon: farewell
[09.08.2021 19:17:23] GC-Machi: Sayonara
Tanaka Aishi and Ayakura Sakura have been redesigned to Katanamochi rank. This honorable title is a reminder for the services they have provided for the Sisterhood. Should they ever decide to return to their active role in the Sisterhood, The Matriarch will always welcome them back.
To say my patrol today was full of activity would be an understatement. My first Encounter brought me to Kyushu where I fell upon Yunoki-san and a USI freighter named Blackfoot. This freighter was packed full with Sake, and its captain proved to be not only friendly, but generous as well. Yunoki-san wasted no time in striking a deal with this man; She would give him some Liberty ale and He would give us all the Sake we could carry. The Captain of the Blackfoot wisely agreed to this deal, leaving us with enough Sake for weeks! As soon as I received my share, I was quick to open a bottle and enjoy our spoils.
Shortly after this, Yunoki-san and I headed to the Tau's where we stumbled upon a vessel named The White Whale. This man seemed enamored with our sister, and was pleased to see her. His ship was empty and by this time I was feeling somewhat friendly due to the sake, so I was inclined to let the ship go. To my surprise however, its captain paid us both 3 million credits! He was a very nice person, and I shall remember his generosity.
As the day progressed and we continued to drink, we decided to grab our beloved cardifleas and head to Liberty. Once we arrived in Colorado we came upon a Naval patrol, but quickly lost it. We entered the New York system with no resistance, and were far ahead of our pursuer in Colorado. As we made our way to the Texas Jump Hole, it became clear we would not be able to proceed. Yet another naval patrol was in the area, this time right near the Jump Hole. Due to the large activity of the Navy, we decided to leave Liberty. We made our way back to the Colorado gate and escaped, leaving our pursuers in the dust.
After escaping we made our way to Omicron Alpha, where we met up with Kiri-san. We regaled her with stories of our earlier exploits and even offered to share our sake, Kiri-san declined to drink with us however. Her reasons are her own, and neither I nor Yunoki-san will disrespect her wishes. After making our way to Kinkaku-ji, we decided to head back into Liberty with a load of Shigeakiki. Along the way we had a nice chat about cute Gaian animals, past victories and the finer points of drinking alcohol. I must say it was a nice trip.
When we entered Liberty again, everything seemed fine at first. We passed through Colorado without incident, even making our way through New York. However, when we came to the Texas Jump Hole we encountered a Naval operative of the 5th Fleet named Charlotte Wilkes. This woman pursued us relentlessly, ultimately catching us and opening fire on the transport. She was joined by another Naval operative, this one with the 46th Fleet named Martin Kemp-Smith. We fought a desperate battle damaging both Navy ships heavily, but our vessels were unfortunately disabled. What a buzz kill that was!
(Encounter in Kusari)
[01.09.2021 19:45:49] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Konnichiwa!
[01.09.2021 19:45:57] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: Konnichiwa Sister
[01.09.2021 19:58:53] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: hey Adach-san
[01.09.2021 19:58:57] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: What a nice find.
[01.09.2021 19:59:02] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: Hello there
[01.09.2021 19:59:03] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Found myself a booze ship
[01.09.2021 19:59:11] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: You also a Ale lover my friend?
[01.09.2021 19:59:24] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: the captain wants me to trade my liberty ale for sake
[01.09.2021 19:59:25] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: Konnichiwa Blackfoot
[01.09.2021 19:59:32] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: We are thinking of having a drunkoff
[01.09.2021 19:59:40] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: Luck would have it that i am very thirsty.
[01.09.2021 20:00:19] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: A drinkoff? Oh, My money is on Yunoki-san
[01.09.2021 20:00:20] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: Also if you have any " party goers" onboard i would not mind some company on my long travels
[01.09.2021 20:00:33] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Actually. you can have my liberty ale if you give is both enough sake to fill up both our holds
[01.09.2021 20:00:50] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: You got a deal! nothing beats good old Ale
[01.09.2021 20:00:51] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: thats like 150 - 200 bottles?
[01.09.2021 20:01:35] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: Oh that hit the spot
[01.09.2021 20:01:36] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: thank you
[01.09.2021 20:01:48] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: now Adachi-san
[01.09.2021 20:01:55] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: and you Komorebi?
[01.09.2021 20:02:00] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: you thirsty?
[01.09.2021 20:02:08] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: I am *giggles*
[01.09.2021 20:02:16] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: well COME ON IN THEN
[01.09.2021 20:02:29] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: Dont drink and drive
[01.09.2021 20:02:40] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: that is reserved only for us train drivers
[01.09.2021 20:02:41] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Drink and fly is fine
[01.09.2021 20:02:42] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: *pops bottle open* Hmm?
[01.09.2021 20:03:19] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I like this USI captain
[01.09.2021 20:03:31] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: Well... have a good time now girls
[01.09.2021 20:03:38] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: be carefull
[01.09.2021 20:03:40] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: I was about to say that myself.
[01.09.2021 20:03:57] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: Well have a safe trip back home
[01.09.2021 20:04:01] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: Sayonara tomodachi! *giggles*
[01.09.2021 20:04:05] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Same for you
[01.09.2021 20:04:08] [*USI*]Blackfoot[E]: Thanks (Encounter in the Tau's)
[01.09.2021 20:19:06] The.White.Whale: hello there my love
[01.09.2021 20:19:11] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Oh I know this one
[01.09.2021 20:19:18] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: He is pretty friendly
[01.09.2021 20:19:25] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: Oh? please introduce us *giggles*
[01.09.2021 20:19:29] The.White.Whale: how can i help you ?
[01.09.2021 20:19:53] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: He is in the ore business in Tau 53
[01.09.2021 20:20:20] The.White.Whale: yeah was in the ore of Tau-53
[01.09.2021 20:20:29] The.White.Whale: now in Niobium only
[01.09.2021 20:20:30] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: But right now he isnt hauling anything
[01.09.2021 20:20:41] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: Oh i see.
[01.09.2021 20:20:50] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Why the change of trade?
[01.09.2021 20:21:06] The.White.Whale: you need me to bring something for you ?
[01.09.2021 20:21:29] The.White.Whale: took to long to get the ore to my base
[01.09.2021 20:21:30] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Eh... I dont really have room in my cargo
[01.09.2021 20:21:58] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I guess we can just leave him be?
[01.09.2021 20:21:59] The.White.Whale: and i see there were all some base there that sold it
[01.09.2021 20:22:11] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: I am fine with that if you are.
[01.09.2021 20:22:12] The.White.Whale: so i go for something closer
[01.09.2021 20:22:36] The.White.Whale: don't need bar money ?
[01.09.2021 20:22:54] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I wont say no to that
[01.09.2021 20:22:58] The.White.Whale: or you never drink some sake ?
[01.09.2021 20:23:08] The.White.Whale: hold on
[01.09.2021 20:23:11] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Have you checked our cargo?
[01.09.2021 20:23:20] [2021-09-01] 20:23:20 You have received 3.000.000 credits from The.White.Whale
[01.09.2021 20:23:44] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: Wow! Arrigato!
[01.09.2021 20:23:47] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Here, have some bottles to take home!
[01.09.2021 20:23:51] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: Such a nice person.
[01.09.2021 20:23:53] The.White.Whale: think that let some room left for new heels too. *Smiles*
[01.09.2021 20:24:26] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I want to give you something
[01.09.2021 20:24:27] The.White.Whale: what you need ?
[01.09.2021 20:24:48] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Something to take home
[01.09.2021 20:24:49] The.White.Whale: wow the good stuff .
[01.09.2021 20:24:57] The.White.Whale: thank you i needed that
[01.09.2021 20:25:09] The.White.Whale: *Prost*
[01.09.2021 20:25:14] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: You are good to us, we are good to you.
[01.09.2021 20:25:29] The.White.Whale: ok back to cargo runs then
[01.09.2021 20:25:34] The.White.Whale: safe patrols
[01.09.2021 20:25:43] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: Same to you.
[01.09.2021 20:28:17] GC-Komorebi: Adachi: Sayonara Tomodachi! *giggles* (Arriving in Liberty)
[01.09.2021 21:10:32] 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes: Well, hello there. Whats the meaning of this?
[01.09.2021 21:11:10] GC-Adachi.Masako.: Sayonara! [01.09.2021 21:27:47] GC-Adachi.Masako.: Sayonora! *giggles* (Arriving in the Omicrons)
[01.09.2021 21:49:32] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: konnichiwa
[01.09.2021 21:49:37] GC-Adachi.Masako.: Konnichiwa!
[01.09.2021 21:49:39] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: konichiwa Sisters. *she smiled behind her mask*
[01.09.2021 21:50:01] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: We were just chased by some Liberty navy
[01.09.2021 21:50:16] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: you too? i was chased by the LSF
[01.09.2021 21:50:24] GC-Adachi.Masako.: They are very slow. *giggles*
[01.09.2021 21:51:43] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: We encountered some interesting traders
[01.09.2021 21:52:11] GC-Adachi.Masako.: Yes we did. Had a few drinks as well. on the traders tab of course.
[01.09.2021 21:52:17] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: The first one traded my Liberty ale for sake for both of Adachi-san and me
[01.09.2021 21:52:33] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: Then another one gave us bar money
[01.09.2021 21:52:42] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: Hmm i dont drink while i fly, the Body of a Geisha is a Temple.
[01.09.2021 21:52:46] GC-Adachi.Masako.: Yes, he was very nice.
[01.09.2021 21:52:46] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: I gave him some of the sake I carried
[01.09.2021 21:53:08] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: Aww I can give you some for later if you like
[01.09.2021 21:53:49] GC-Adachi.Masako.: Its a lot of fun to drink and fly. But i understand.
[01.09.2021 21:53:52] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: maybe. i dont know i wasn never realy Drunk.
[01.09.2021 21:54:21] GC-Adachi.Masako.: Yunoki-san will now make it her mission to change that *laughs*
[01.09.2021 21:54:44] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: No, I can't corrupt Kiri-san...
[01.09.2021 21:54:52] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: Mariko-san will kill me
[01.09.2021 21:55:02] GC-Adachi.Masako.: *laughs* good point.
[01.09.2021 21:55:10] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: ahm i dont know if i like that
[01.09.2021 21:55:46] GC-Adachi.Masako.: *Drinks from sake bottle* Indeed we can.
[01.09.2021 21:56:07] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: hai that would be nice. my litle Transport is not realy made to fight. *gigles*
[01.09.2021 21:56:30] GC-Adachi.Masako.: That is not what i heard! *giggles*
[01.09.2021 21:57:04] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: Didnt you kill like 2 navy vessels with that?
[01.09.2021 21:57:29] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: i...ahm well...i just defended myself.... *blushes*
[01.09.2021 21:57:37] GC-Adachi.Masako.: That is a really cute transport though. *smiles*
[01.09.2021 21:57:40] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: Good job though
[01.09.2021 21:58:57] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: shall we go? maybe we can Tease the Libertonians again?
[01.09.2021 21:59:09] GC-Amaririsu: *gigles*
[01.09.2021 21:59:13] GC-Adachi.Masako.: I think they are very mad at the moment *laughs*
[01.09.2021 21:59:38] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: i can play some Music and Sing to Calm them.
[01.09.2021 21:59:40] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: Ehh you sure you dont want to be drunk if we go back into that hornets nest?
[01.09.2021 21:59:49] GC-Adachi.Masako.: *laughs*
[01.09.2021 22:00:15] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: no my sensei wouldnt like me flying Drunk
[01.09.2021 22:03:02] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: why do you drink so much Misaki Sensei? +
[01.09.2021 22:03:11] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: I dont
[01.09.2021 22:03:43] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: I just make sure I dont go thirsty
[01.09.2021 22:03:47] GC-Adachi.Masako.: *takes another drink from her sake bottle*
[01.09.2021 22:03:56] GC-Adachi.Masako.: *giggles* Exactly!
[01.09.2021 22:04:10] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: but Alcohol? why not Tea?
[01.09.2021 22:06:19] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: I drink tea too
[01.09.2021 22:06:28] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: But transports carry that less
[01.09.2021 22:08:41] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: hmm yes its sad they dont. *she smiled as a litle Gaian Parrot lands on her Soulder and rubs his face on hers*
[01.09.2021 22:15:47] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: then lets go
[01.09.2021 22:28:39] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: its a bit Wierd to fly here again after i had Fight here Before.
[01.09.2021 22:29:07] GC-Adachi.Masako.: That was a great victory.
[01.09.2021 22:29:19] GC-Adachi.Masako.: You did very well that day.
[01.09.2021 22:29:35] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: Indeed
[01.09.2021 22:30:02] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: i have just Fight for my Life. *the Parrot says loud "Love"* yes i love you too.
[01.09.2021 22:30:18] GC-Adachi.Masako.: *smiles* What a cute pet.
[01.09.2021 22:30:48] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: Wait, was that one of the Gaian pets I brough back?
[01.09.2021 22:31:04] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: she came to me after the Gaian Animals we safed where Set free on the Station. she is realy Shy like i am.
[01.09.2021 22:31:55] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: i think so Hai.
[01.09.2021 22:32:11] GC-Amaririsu: *she gives her a litle Cracker and smiled* (Entering Liberty, second trip)
[01.09.2021 22:41:58] 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes: Well, well
[01.09.2021 22:42:02] 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes: Halt right there now!
[01.09.2021 22:42:03] GC-Adachi.Masako.: Konnichiwa!
[01.09.2021 22:43:23] 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes: I wont like to repeat myself.
[01.09.2021 22:43:23] GC-Amaririsu: Kiri: You again? *the Parrot Screams Angry that she shall go away*
[01.09.2021 22:44:48] 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes: Patience is over with you
[01.09.2021 22:44:58] 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes: You will be disabled at once.
[01.09.2021 22:45:03] 46th|M.Kemp-Smith: Well well.
[01.09.2021 22:45:08] 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes: Cut engines now.
[01.09.2021 22:45:23] 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes: Engage target now
[01.09.2021 22:45:29] 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes: Focus the transport!
[01.09.2021 22:45:32] 46th|M.Kemp-Smith: See how it's going to be
[01.09.2021 22:45:41] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: defending the transport
[01.09.2021 22:45:43] Death: Arne-2 suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[01.09.2021 22:45:45] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: weapons hot
[01.09.2021 22:45:52] 46th|M.Kemp-Smith: Powering up. Assisting friendlies
[01.09.2021 22:48:22] GC-Yunoki.Misaki. has set 46th|M.Kemp-Smith as group target.
[01.09.2021 22:49:08] Death: Carlos_Veneno was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[01.09.2021 22:49:12] Death: GC-Amaririsu was put out of action by 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes (Gun).
[01.09.2021 22:51:03] Death: GC-Yunoki.Misaki. was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[01.09.2021 22:51:12] 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes: Standing down.
[01.09.2021 22:51:21] 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes: You have this one Smith, good job so far.
[01.09.2021 22:56:03] GC-Adachi.Masako.: Banzai!
[01.09.2021 22:56:21] Death: GC-Adachi.Masako. was put out of action by 46th|M.Kemp-Smith (Gun).
Adachi Masako has been bestowed the rank of Senjōzaki to solidify our higher command ranks and restore proper leadership. Further changes might occur at a later date as we are in the process of reorganisation. We are confident Adachi-san will be a good addition, seeing her previous contributions to our organisation
Sender:Yunoki Misaki Recipient:Gen'an Chrysanthemums Subject:Yuki Sinon and OSC in Tottori
Finally getting around to writing the report. I have been... busy.
First of all. You might have seen that Yuki Sinon persona flying around asking questions. I will share my personal encounter with this individual and I am not that impressed. She doesn't want cardamine. She doesn't want to upset police. And she seem to be very nosy. All in all, not a character I have much hopes for in terms for any meaningful business. Log extract has been included in the attachment for those who are interested.
Secondly, it seems like the Orbital Spa and Cruise are setting up shop in Tottori again. We all know that Mackinac drama that transpired a couple of years back. Someone should investigate it. At least they bring us good booze and cake at regular intervals. Logs and imagery of the liner in question has also been included in the attachments.
I suppose that this sufficient for now. I am not in the mood to write a long report right now. If you want more info, ill be at the bar.
[06.09.2021 22:38:14] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Yes?
[06.09.2021 22:38:34] Yuki.Sinon: Where can I find a better ship than this one?
[06.09.2021 22:38:46] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Possibly anywhere
[06.09.2021 22:39:04] Yuki.Sinon: I see... I guess...
[06.09.2021 22:39:18] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Depends on what you look for
[06.09.2021 22:39:22] GC-Katori.Jingu: Saya: And it depends on how deep your pockets are.
[06.09.2021 22:39:50] Yuki.Sinon: Hmm...
[06.09.2021 22:40:04] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Can I snare this one, please?
[06.09.2021 22:40:46] Yuki.Sinon: What do you mean by "snare" ?
[06.09.2021 22:41:04] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Hiroyuki-san knows what I mean
[06.09.2021 22:42:15] GC-Katori.Jingu: Saya: Go on.You have my blessing *chuckles*
[06.09.2021 22:42:28] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: So... Sinon-san...
[06.09.2021 22:42:46] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Ever heard about our lady and saviour Matsuda?
[06.09.2021 22:43:17] Yuki.Sinon: I just... simply know the basic of your kind.
[06.09.2021 22:43:34] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: That works fine
[06.09.2021 22:44:00] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Urg... did neither of us bring cardamine/
[06.09.2021 22:44:25] Yuki.Sinon: Car.. I mean that thing is not my thing.
[06.09.2021 22:44:30] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Oh well I will last abit...
[06.09.2021 22:44:38] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Wrong answer
[06.09.2021 22:45:08] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: You meant to say. It isn't my thing 'Yet'
[06.09.2021 22:45:23] Yuki.Sinon: I will not join your group.
[06.09.2021 22:45:31] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: 'Yet'
[06.09.2021 22:45:37] Yuki.Sinon: Never.
[06.09.2021 22:45:47] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Oh well
[06.09.2021 22:45:57] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Wasnt even asking
[06.09.2021 22:46:23] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: What assumptions you have
[06.09.2021 22:46:53] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: We are a fairly exclusive group
[06.09.2021 22:47:14] Yuki.Sinon: I'm glad for you.
[06.09.2021 22:47:27] Yuki.Sinon: But I am not here to join any group.
[06.09.2021 22:47:39] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Just for... ships
[06.09.2021 22:48:08] Yuki.Sinon: Even for a better ship...
[06.09.2021 22:49:11] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: But you never said what ship
[06.09.2021 22:49:20] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: 'Yet'
[06.09.2021 22:49:37] Yuki.Sinon: I know which ship, but I do not know if you group has it.
[06.09.2021 22:50:42] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Even if we did. why would we supply you
[06.09.2021 22:51:02] HS>Destino-Final has set Francoeur as group target.
[06.09.2021 22:51:30] Yuki.Sinon: I don't know. Maybe you asked which ship I wanted.
[06.09.2021 22:52:04] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: And you never answered
[06.09.2021 22:52:18] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: So how would I know
[06.09.2021 22:53:12] Yuki.Sinon: If I say... I want Yuzu Takeda's ship.
[06.09.2021 22:53:22] Yuki.Sinon: Oh right maybe you don't know him.
[06.09.2021 22:53:32] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: No... I don't
[06.09.2021 22:54:00] Yuki.Sinon: It's my father's ship. But the war took him.
[06.09.2021 22:54:30] Yuki.Sinon: I think it was a... Wyvern or something similar.
[06.09.2021 22:55:28] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: No, we don't sell those... However, I could steal one for you... for a price.
[06.09.2021 22:56:15] Yuki.Sinon: In the case I accept your "offer", how much?
[06.09.2021 22:56:40] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Hmm... depends on the difficulty of the job
[06.09.2021 22:56:55] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: People don't have them laying around
[06.09.2021 22:57:20] Yuki.Sinon: I see... What about those wrecks in Kyushu then?
[06.09.2021 22:58:03] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I am a thief, not a mechanic
[06.09.2021 22:58:40] GC-Katori.Jingu: Saya: I doubt even our techs would be able to make them flyable again
[06.09.2021 22:59:17] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I would just break into a hangar and fly off with one
[06.09.2021 22:59:38] Yuki.Sinon: *sigh* Fine. I suppose I will work alone for that ship.
[06.09.2021 23:00:00] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Up to you.
[06.09.2021 23:01:40] Yuki.Sinon: Of course... that will be a problem... Always complicated.
[06.09.2021 23:02:23] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I just have experience with getting my hands on stuff that I want
[06.09.2021 23:02:53] Yuki.Sinon: I have no doubt about you.
[06.09.2021 23:03:00] Yuki.Sinon: But I think for after.
[06.09.2021 23:03:26] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: What is there after to be concerned about?
[06.09.2021 23:04:21] Yuki.Sinon: Because you see, I am not a thief and if the Naval Force see me with the ship. It will be a problem for me.
[06.09.2021 23:04:50] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: There is nothing I can do about that
[06.09.2021 23:05:01] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: File off the serial number I guess
[06.09.2021 23:05:56] Yuki.Sinon: Maybe. Anyway, you have other things to do right. So I will leave you.
[06.09.2021 23:06:21] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Alright
[06.09.2021 23:06:34] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: You know who to contact if you need my services
[06.09.2021 23:06:41] Yuki.Sinon: Yeah.
[06.09.2021 23:18:53] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: good day there. *the Cyborg Smiles*
[06.09.2021 23:19:09] Cloaking device on
[06.09.2021 23:19:19] 2021-09-06 23:19:15 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses has requested to dock
[06.09.2021 23:19:55] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: was there a ship?
[06.09.2021 23:21:11] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: hmm these Long shifts killing me, i start seeing things. and now hearing.
[06.09.2021 23:24:13] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Hmm so they rebuilt mackinac?
[06.09.2021 23:24:14] Cloaking device off
[06.09.2021 23:24:29] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: what the hell? where did you come from?
[06.09.2021 23:24:41] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Miura
[06.09.2021 23:25:06] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Is that the Mackinac?
[06.09.2021 23:25:34] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: ahm that was not waht i meant. and this isnt the Mackinac its the Maldives the Mackinac is Scrap. but we have a---
[06.09.2021 23:25:44] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: ---Sculpture made out of her Steel on board.
[06.09.2021 23:26:26] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Last time there was a luxury liner in Kusari, it was scrapped by the GC
[06.09.2021 23:26:49] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Something with hogosha and a cop
[06.09.2021 23:26:50] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: *the Cyborg woman scratches herself at her head with her mechanical arm.* Cathy: i heard about it, thats why i get extra Risk--
[06.09.2021 23:26:56] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: --money.
[06.09.2021 23:27:19] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: So will this a repeat of previous event?
[06.09.2021 23:27:36] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I wonder.
[06.09.2021 23:27:47] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: I hope not, i have a nice Cabin on board and the Health Care of OS&C is nice.
[06.09.2021 23:28:11] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: not everyday that a Girl with just one arm finds a Job you know.
[06.09.2021 23:28:48] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Well I hope so. I dont really mind the OSC that much. They hand out free stuff
[06.09.2021 23:29:01] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Just checking to be sure
[06.09.2021 23:29:25] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I guess I will have to report this back to the Sisterhood
[06.09.2021 23:30:11] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: do that, maybe they want to have that Shige stuff that we have in a Safe on board back.
[06.09.2021 23:30:43] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Oh we are always open to making deals. The OSC hasnt given us much trouble lately
[06.09.2021 23:31:54] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: Why should we? we are just a Tourist Company
[06.09.2021 23:32:14] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: *she said with a Clear Dublin Accent*
[06.09.2021 23:32:31] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: So was the Mackinac
[06.09.2021 23:32:50] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: But old business is old business
[06.09.2021 23:33:07] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I will leave you to do your thing. You will hear from us
[06.09.2021 23:33:21] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: well good by then i think.
[06.09.2021 23:33:23] 2021-09-06 23:33:19 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses has requested to dock
[06.09.2021 23:33:40] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Unless you want me to stay
[06.09.2021 23:34:16] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: well i dont mind the Company, i have not much to do apart from flying and adjust my Cybernetics.
[06.09.2021 23:34:28] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Can you at least buy me something to drink then?
[06.09.2021 23:34:59] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: should be no Problem the Liner is stocked with all kinds of Drinks from all over the Known Space.
[06.09.2021 23:35:28] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Sounds good to me
[06.09.2021 23:36:01] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: any Poison you prefere? i mean i love the Whisky from my Dublin Home. nice strong and Tasty.
[06.09.2021 23:36:36] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I might want to try that
[06.09.2021 23:37:02] 2021-09-06 23:36:58 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses has requested to dock
[06.09.2021 23:37:10] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: one second
[06.09.2021 23:39:34] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: well here it is. some good 15 Year old Dublin Whisky. *she smiles and shows a Box of Old Bottles*
[06.09.2021 23:39:49] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Sounds expensive
[06.09.2021 23:40:40] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: well its my Personal Reserve. *smirks* my Uncle Jimmy Made it. and well you shaken me a bit.
[06.09.2021 23:41:01] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Well I guess I will stick around and guard you then
[06.09.2021 23:41:13] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Its worth a good bottle
[06.09.2021 23:41:30] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: well i dont think the Route to and From Kyushu is that Dangerous but i apreciate it.
[06.09.2021 23:45:10] 2021-09-06 23:45:06 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses has requested to dock
[06.09.2021 23:46:22] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: we just moved the Liner from the Omegas so it needs a lot of stuff
[06.09.2021 23:50:03] 2021-09-06 23:49:59 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses has requested to dock
[06.09.2021 23:50:13] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: such a nice Place here
[06.09.2021 23:50:48] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Yea its a good place for a company like yours.
[06.09.2021 23:50:53] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Great view
[06.09.2021 23:51:19] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: yes especialy after we were in the Omegas before. the place wasnt so nice like this one.
[06.09.2021 23:52:23] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I havent really been there much
[06.09.2021 23:52:34] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: At most as an escort
[06.09.2021 23:53:12] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: the whole system was White and the only planet was in a Nuclear Winter. but we had to move out of it as the Jumpholes---
[06.09.2021 23:53:19] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: ---got unstable.
[06.09.2021 23:54:28] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Lets move?
[06.09.2021 23:55:14] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy; oh yes, sorry i was coverd in the beautifull loo. in Dublin were i was raised everything was old and Rusty even the--
[06.09.2021 23:55:23] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: --system look like that.
[06.09.2021 23:58:43] 2021-09-06 23:58:39 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses has requested to dock
[06.09.2021 23:59:39] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: ouch what did they do?
[06.09.2021 23:59:49] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Was a naval gunboat
[07.09.2021 00:00:16] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: good that i am not on your Badside. this Bathtub haves no Guns if you noticed.
[07.09.2021 00:03:07] 2021-09-07 00:03:03 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses has requested to dock
[07.09.2021 00:16:25] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Had a malfunction and I think my whiskey was left behind
[07.09.2021 00:17:30] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: are you ok?
[07.09.2021 00:17:40] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Yes, I am fine
[07.09.2021 00:18:04] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Just a case of wonky controls
[07.09.2021 00:19:34] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy; do you need a Mechanic to look over your Ship? i was once one in Dublin.
[07.09.2021 00:19:47] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: It was my own fault
[07.09.2021 00:19:54] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: It is under control now
[07.09.2021 00:20:36] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: ok as you wish.
[07.09.2021 00:25:12] 2021-09-07 00:25:08 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses has requested to dock
[07.09.2021 00:27:16] OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses: Cathy: its wierd to have a Red ship Escorting me. *she laughs* i like it.
[07.09.2021 00:27:41] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Red is Chad
[07.09.2021 00:30:19] 2021-09-07 00:30:15 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses has requested to dock
[07.09.2021 00:41:31] 2021-09-07 00:41:27 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|ONE-Blarney-Roses has requested to dock