We should be able to retrieve some samples from the broken City, though, would your kin not express utmost hatred at such a sentiment?
Jump Technology, "rift" tearing, it is not unfamiliar territory to us. We retain some samples for such purpose, though, we may need to utilise it in order to obtain some synthetic crystals from the outer world location that the old Cult retrieved them from.
We will study for the most part. But we can obtain the Azurite samples, as well as the 'Relics'. We hold a belief that we will not need to utilize your generators to provide sufficient energy, although the options of reusing some powercells will remain.
How curious, the other Hive appears to be spying upon you. Did you do something to draw their ire once more? Why are they observing you? We hold a certain sensation of unease with your kin prodding near Elgin. We especially do not desire the attention of even more undesirable organisms coming around, chasing up signals of your kind, as indicated by the increased presence of Order Overwatch personnel and intelligence operatives.
So. I suspect this little watcher is not a part of your trials, if so, I cannot have your brethren coming to our home land drawing so much attention. I must warn you, we will have to shoo them away if necessary. It is to neither parties interest of having an increased presence of Humans within the southern Independent Worlds.
I would inquire with Harbinger as the deal primarily pertains to him, but he appears to be otherwise occupied with far more imperative matters. It is certainly not within my intention to get within the way, nor incur his wrath.
One last thing, you may have noticed a curious scientist by the name of Aisling, operating under the vessel moniker of Harvest Moon, inquiring with your kind. This researcher is an independent researcher, an affiliate to us, who is very passionate about learning of your kind - perhaps borderline obsessional. Whilst we do not hold control over them, we do have the ability to speak to them and convince them to stop. If they overstep their boundaries of curiosity, inform us.
From: The Nymph To: Keeper Revenant Source:Luxury Liner "Jardin Fleuri", Edinburgh A scientist and brethrens observer.
A different hive... You must have met the Eye of Shozak. A lesser warform of their. That's right, they are watching us. This was one of the conditions of a shaky truce, or did you think everything would be simple? They don't trust us. They believe that we are preparing secret plans against them.
In order not to draw too much attention to you, in the future we will avoid your system, however, we cannot be responsible for our Warforms. You need to talk to Melia about this directly.
As for an independent scientist... It would be foolish of her to try to interfere with our Warforms or even try to take samples. However, you can direct her to Faes. We will become intermediaries for her. At least this will be a guarantee for her that she will not die because of any stupidity.
If she is talented and does not consider the possibilities of cooperation with Xenophages or someone like them, we can even benefit from her knowledge.
We offer this only because you have vouched for her. Others won't get that chance.
I have taken the time to converse with one of their observers, and Shozak himself, still perceives you as a cancer to be chopped off. There is no surprise that they still wish for you to prove yourself, as they are convinced you are attempting to ... 'befriend' ... Humanity. Whatever the case, try to avoid bringing your infighting to our grounds. You wanted us to stay out of your domestic issues, and we shall. But it is rather hard to ignore it occuring right outside your doorstep. A caution for the future.
Concerning the scientist... It appears that the Oracles have already passed on your message, but she failed to elaborate upon it. I will be speaking with her shortly to ensure that the message was properly passed.
Regardless. I do believe a word of warning is warranted, I would advise of your kin to avoid the unstable anomaly within the north western quadrant of Kepler. If you are to be pulled within it, null any information you perceive, should you encounter any gates. On that note: Don't goto Hudson. The other scientist you attempted to investigate, Ridge, has previously entered multiple times and has irritated some guardians as a result of his prodding, and I suspect they may follow him there. Perhaps I could get him to rectify his errors, but that has yet to be seen, but for now, avoid further investigation until it is settled - if you may. Too risky.
However. Melia, I do wish to speak with you regarding the trial, more so the strategic approach upon it. I may have something that may be of use to you.
Sender: Mother Recipient: Dark Bird ponderponderponderponder
The moment comes. We speak.
We sense our children have taken initiative in addressing yours. It was not intended, but has nonetheless been of use. There is much in the way of harmony theirs still need to learn. Yet there also is such indeed that we alone must consider. This relay is still most cumbersome, but it does offer more forms of record than our collective memory.
We shall take care in such treacherous crossroads, and direct our children to act away from them. Harbinger is a most ominous being, but perhaps 'he' is correct in presuming the danger of such sentinels. We will need to know more eventually, if such threatens to intercede in our great trial.
Yes. The Great Trial. We must continue to prepare for it, even as our new home continues to elude us. There is much to prove... ... and much to prove wrong. Our Bretheren will receive that which was meant for both our tribes. But we shall take it in our own way, within our pace. Spitfire is an absolute certainty, yet we shall devise means to survive. There will be ways to subvert the darkness, if we can only find them.
We shall hear your thoughts of 'strategy'. But it will do us little until we have strength and mobility. Have yours determined your necessities for the gates?
We exist in truth. There are no friends but family, and those who deserve to be among family. Many dark minds may yet sparkle with Light, when their fickle societies are brought to understanding. Some will perish, but we hope to incorporate more.
The Sentinels pose no threat to you, unless you are within the direct path. I believe Vincent may get "ideas" of utilizing their purpose against other entities. But no matter, it is irrelevant unless you are operating nearby within Hudson. I will attempt to rectify his viewpoints, although he may be possibly compromised by the Order. We will see. It is too early to tell.
I will reserve the tactical oversight of this plan for when we speak outside of this communication line, but we certainly believe that manipulating the residental organisations of Bretonia to distract their military would be prudent. In addition, we very much anticipate the Order and Crayter to assist in the endeavour.
Be warned, be aware, this fight is almost certainly more than you can handle alone with limited firepower. While they have many allies, this also means its possible that an opening may occur on the Coronado side of the defence line to create another distraction. I will retain the in-depth analysis for a private chat, perhaps you have calculated these possible futures, but we have forecasted a few with our own insight. Whenever you are available, I can come to you and show these calculations. There are more options rather than running in, heads clashing. These other variables may also depend on whether the trial is time limited or not, but we'll reserve that talk for later.
Regardless of the approach, we have some tools that may assist you in the endeavour. Siege Cruisers, replicas built from scratch from the Insurgency. In interests of scalpel efforts, if our assets are completed by the time of the operation, they will assist you as siege firepower. We could not accomodate Thraike's desire for their own type of siege weapon, as they asked of us for something we cannot provide, something that required more of an "enlightened architects" touch... For now, our offered assistance is still being adapted to our technology, so they will be unavailable until the trial.
Affirmed, we have assembled a list of resources for the experimentation. The more exotic ones have been covered already. It will certainly take time.
80,000 Iridium
80,000 Azurite Gas
80,000 Artifacts
50,000 Blue Diamonds
50,000 Beryllium
50,000 Energy Field Equipment
50,000 Hydrocarbons
50,000 Magnetic Superconductors
50,000 Nanotubes
50,000 Xeno Relics
Melia, we must convene at the earliest convenience. Whilst imperative, it may not necessarily be negative. I have something I wish to make you aware of.
This is more of a personal calling, it is concerning the affliction.
One of your minions, a Nympth Fae, came to Kepler in persuit of investigation regarding the on-going incidents.
I can do nothing but advise that obvious thralls should keep away from Ridge. You're going to compromise him and me if you keep appearing with ships coated in your species technology. The Order is heavily monitoring the situation. Absolutely - under no circumstance - involve any individual that is going out outst everyone.
And I do mean it.
I will have no quarrel with shooting your minions to maintain my cover.
Especially minions who insist that they associate with me.
If you want an update, provide a time and a place for a meet up. I will tell you what I know of Kepler.