Supply Request
Research & Development has requested the following manifest to cover resource requirements of Project Gatekeeper. All resources must be deposited upon the Citadel with sufficient evidence of arrival, including name of the delivering vessel and progress of deliveries in total. Strikethroughs indicate completion. This manifest is not time limited.
Deliveries must be documented within this channel for cataloguing purposes. This channel must remain internal.
Auxiliary Technocrat assets may partake and will be compensated appropriately for assistance.
1,000 Nomad Remains / or Narcrahtite
1,000 Science Data
2 Nomad Power Cell / Ingenuus Power Cell
WARNING: Unauthorised access will result in immediate termination! All information in this documentation relay is classified and marked as locked down. Information is not permitted to leave this data file. Data download and duplication has been restricted and shut down by Z-SEC. Authorisation codes are in place for those permitted to obtain a copy - such requests must go through The Technocratic Directorate. Attempting to decrypt, download, access, or otherwise translate these encrypted data uplink files without prior permission will automatically notify local defence teams of an attempted breach. Your access codes will be automatically revoked and your status will be forfeit from the Technocracy and its enforcers.