Name: {ConEx}Dayton
Location: Magellan - Manchester
Time: Few minutes ago
Reason: Game Crash
I hope that either all of us or none of us are judged by the actions of our weakest moments. But rather, by the strength we show when, and if, we're ever given a second chance.
Name: SDF-Midoriko
Location: Omicron Theta, Freeport
Time: About 16:30~~ or so PM
Reason: Internet Issues / I forgot pay the Electricity Bills ... "F" so they come and just unplugged the cable //I have payed now ad:
Name: Ark|Sariel
Location: New York - Near Tradeline to West Point
Time: About 22:52 UTC ~~ (Server time)
Reason: Game Screen went black (possible driver update and not restarted correctly, so i have to do ALT+F4 Close Procedure then game this could be happen on Auto-Updates for Intel HD Beta Drivers i belive)