Your position towards our Gallic neighbors in regards to possible cooperation in the Taus is noted, and though unfortunate, is understood. The Crayter Republic does appreciate its relationship with Ageira and values your work in and around the nation. We therefore will continue offering contracts towards your company in the Capitol and our holdings closer to Liberty and will contact you shortly with details of these.
Thank You
In service to the Republic
Sebastian Riordan
Minister of Trade
Crayter Republic
To: Sebastian Riordan, Minister of Trade for the Crayter Republic
I am pleased that you understand our position.
I also want to say that we fully recognize the competence of the Gallia Republic in terms of various technologies.
But as s person who can talk from face one of the three huggest Liberty corporations. I still think that it will be a huge loss if you will not contact DSE for a consultation about this project.
DSE has more qualified, in building projects than we. And usually, they do hard work for us. So I think they can easily offer a good project that will satisfy your government.