⧫ Omicron Space
⧫ From: Order Overwatch, agent Starfire
⧫ To: Vincent Abrams
Evacuation offer
Good day, Mr. Abrams.
You know us, we know you and your 'business' as well. If you're interested in survival and further work under your projects, I can recommend you to pack up and move with us away from Houses to a safe place where nobody can find you and nothing can disturb you.
Your only payment is your work will be supervised by our scientists, but I can assure you nobody is going to hurt or exploit you with.
I'll send you encrypted our team coordinates If you accept my offer.
With regards,
Agent Starfire
The Order Overwatch, 12:15, 10.09.828
LOCATION: ???->Redirected: Abrams Research Station
SUBJECT: Evacuation Offer
I don't quite know how you got my contact, although I have a vague feeling Section 8 has given it to you. And that you also seem to be an Agent of the Overwatch.
Your offer would've been impossible to refuse at this point, were it not for the circumstances. What you are asking me indirectly is to abandon all of my work. Hudson is the only place I can reside in which is far enough from Kepler and isolated enough from any populated regions specifically so that I can carry on to what I do.
They always know where I am, and They are always listening. Things are...so much bigger than you'd think. And I've seen Them. They're way above my league, and quite possibly yours! I doubt you'd grant me the same freedom of choice as I have now to keep going. Find a...solution to all of this.
I have to decline your offer, as I'm unable to leave Hudson until I'm done. Do as you will. You can even come and do a monthly check for infection if you really think I'd be a threat as Hawkins said at some point.
⧫ Omicron Space
⧫ From: Order Overwatch, agent Starfire
⧫ To: Vincent Abrams
Re: Evacuation offer
Mr. Abrams,
I didn't ask you to abandon your work. You can continue working in the place I do propose - it's safe and distant from your...so-called "bigger things". We are dealing with similar issues almost every day and it's doubtful I can get scared of little or big blue bogyes you are so afraid of.
Our current task is saving your life and your work and I have all the needed resources to transport your equipment, data, everything, we give you good living place. You put yourself at high risk by staying there, Vincent. Think about my offer, but think quickly.
Oh, about getting contact. Of course, Section 8 has certain relations, but actually, we got it from Lieutenant, now Commander Serre. You had a meeting some time ago. And he says hi.
Agent Starfire
The Order Overwatch, 19:08, 10.09.828
⧫ Omicron Space
⧫ From: Order Overwatch, agent Starfire
⧫ To: Vincent Abrams
Final meeting
Mr. Abrams,
We haven't spoken for a while and didn't have much to complete what I wanted to do. How about we meet at neutral territory and talk about something important for me and interesting for your research nature? If you agree, meet agent Firebolt at the Magellan system and follow him to the safe place in Omega-3.
I am asking for hideout because your personality caused little troubles and Firebolt will have bad news for you. Later.
Agent Starfire
The Order Overwatch, 8:45, 18.10.828
LOCATION: ???->Redirected: Abrams Research Station
SUBJECT: Final Meeting
I...suppose I could do that. However that is a bit far from the place I operate in. I'll see your Agent in Magellan, I suppose. Just don't have any strings attached to this "meeting", alright? I've had enough dramatic twists.
Right. So that discussion we had. What I recommend is locking down the entire system. It isn't just one region that is affected. It's the entirety of Kepler. I believe the Sentinels can pop out from any corner. So...your plans to "ambush" them might as well go out the window, too. You boast with your firepower, right? Might want to get a few more supervisors to help out Section 8. They themselves said that doing anything more than recon is fairly hard. If a Sentinel warform larger than a Gunboat shows up, we might as well pull the plug. Especially if it comes out right next to Ames.
⧫ Galileo
⧫ From: Order Overwatch, agent Starfire
⧫ To: Vincent Abrams
The menace
Mr. Abrams,
You are absolutely correct in one - not only Kepler is affected, but also Omicrons, and who knows what will be targeted next. You will see it in public soon, but I will send you something that explains my and High Command interventing intentions. Section 8 wants us to stay away, but they haven't been in the heart of a severe battlefield five days ago to tell me such weird things. We are now ready for any scenario, even apocalyptic, and we never give up easily.
Agent Starfire
The Order Overwatch, 11:20, 22.11.828
Battlefields vary in sizes. I get that. There are places where brains win the war. And places where muscle does. In Kepler, though? You need more brains, for instance. For that reason I don't get why is Section 8's cruiser roaming in Kepler and regions surrounding it. There were multiple occasions when her ship ended up being in the center of attention.
Don't take my word for it. Some - if not multiple Agents from The Order - say that I shouldn't be trusted to begin with. But I'd appreciate if you folk came out with some smaller ships. Like Fighters, Bombers...Gunboats! And maybe the kind of pilots that don't speak up against their Commander or Commodore or something.
It would be much safer to see such ships around, especially when the Sentinels seem to respond quite aggressively to Order vessels. It gets even worse when not only one of your cruiser lurks, but then a so called "CV-Montu" does show up, too. A Geb. All heads were turned at that one, for instance.
⧫ Coronado
⧫ From: Order Overwatch, agent Starfire
⧫ To: Vincent Abrams
The menace and CV Montu
Mr. Abrams,
Remember I told you Section 8 sometimes acts recklessly and not professionally? In Omega 48, several weeks ago. You can see one of these examples, how Order shouldn't work. Add the moment in Galileo lately and you will see an interesting image in your head. Deploying cruiser right behind Ames and tradelanes traffic is far from good idea.
CV Montu. Oh dear, it's Vex Upsilon again. Okay, let me explain first. OCV Montu is used to be Order asset in the past, but it's current 'commander' Vex Upsilon is an psychically unstable person who shot his commanding officer and drove Montu away. Montu is not The Order vessel and has been sentenced to execution. Upsilon has no excuse to what he has done before and you can clearly claim him a terrorist like all Houses do it for all Order personnel. No one knows what to expect from him.
Agent Starfire
The Order Overwatch, 11:20, 22.11.828
Right. I'll - uhm. Note down "Montu" as not a ship that flies for The Order. Not that it'd matter at this point, but still.
Ah! And I almost forgot. I'm not sure if it is either you or Section 8 who assigned Hayes in Liberty. You know...sent her to do as she pleases in here. An informant of mine told me she took a jab at Revenant with that lackey of hers. Congratulations. It worked. I'm sure that won't have repercussions on your reputation within Liberty - or affect your operations. This assassination story will probably spread throughout Liberty's Underworld. Or it may not. Personally I won't know. I'm not on the same page with anyone from there. But I'd be careful around Liberty if I were you.