⧫ From: Agent Warren Bergson
⧫ To: The Order Central Communications
Defensive Flaw Spotted
Reporting in,
I tested the Manhattan defense grid today. Even though the Liberty Navy has lost it's touch with combat over the years, their toys and defense platforms are still formidable. However, I have spotted a major flaw in their defense grid. The turrets seem to not understand the difference between friend and foe. The defense turrets were shooting at, and landing hits on, Newark Station as seen here:
This information, though useful to us and our clients, may prove disadvantageous in the fight against the Nomads. I leave it to your guidance on what to do with this. I have more tasks to complete.
End Report
Agent Warren.Bergson 02:10, 11.16.828
It ain't about what you are capable of, it's about what you're willing to do.
⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ From: Order Overwatch, Major Miles Drake
⧫ To: The Order Central Communications
Suspicious Liberty Dreadnought
Good afternoon, honorable Overwatch, major Drake speaks with latest events from inner Sirius.
Followed by Commodore Storgen's orders to send reconnaissance units into Liberty borders, Cruiser OCV Mafdet arrived at Omicron Nu and contacted Battlecruiser Mehit about the current situation within nomad large structure and Bikini debris field. After commencing patrol circle around Planet Marchall, our scanner relays detected an unusual signal coming from the melting planetary fragments belt. We activated the surveillance module and moved our cruiser towards the signal to find sole rogued Liberty dreadnought. His signature pointed to the Liberty Naval fleet, but we couldn't find any other details about that nameless capital vessel. Scanning records contain nothing interesting, but alien organisms and several nomad remains inside the cargo bay, so I ordered my crew to launch engines and move to the inner Liberty space and wait.
Once Mafdet has arrived in New York, we deployed scanners on full power above Manhattan's orbit staying invisible for local police and LSF patrols. Hours later already well-known signature was flashed on our screens once again near Trenton Outpost. Strange dreadnought's crew had not less strange talk with 46th Fleet, but we could find out this is Battleship LNS Arizona - a most likely remnant from the major incident that happened in Texas several centuries ago. Only god could what could happen to the rest of the crew and its command, but having a relict warship with a very old crewmember inside already sounds odd. If it's all true, of course. Audiofile with proper records attached to the report, and I strongly recommend establishing overseeing LNS Arizona, investigate their possible link to the Nomads, which might become a major trouble.
Besides, Atum's archives have saved records of eliminated Cruiser LNS Twilight, which crew dared to visit Omicron Nu and back to the Liberty to become a menace for Fort Bush habitants. Gladly, Atum's bomber squadron arrived in time and managed to badly damage Twilight before it could cause disaster to Fort Bush and Baltimore. Videorecords are also attached.
Taking all said above into account, we should reinforce our observations within the Liberty, Kepler, Inverness, and Omicron Nu, inform the 5th Fleet about potential risks in regards to Arizona, and prepare bomber squadrons for quick response.
With regards,
Major Miles Drake
Task Force "Black Arrow", 2nd Battlegroup, 12:00, 16.11.828
⧫ Battlecruiser Mehit
⧫ Omicron Nu
⧫ From: Commander Robert Vansky
⧫ To: The Order Overwatch
Order Mission Briefing #2.
Greetings, respected Order Overwatch, here comes Commander Vansky, agent D.W
The battleship Forgotten, also known as the Arizona, was found today at approximately 2:30 p.m. near the planet Marshall. It's still cruising the Omicron Nu sector of the system.
⧫ Battleship Atum
⧫ Galileo
⧫ From: Commander Robert Vansky
⧫ To: The Order Overwatch | Encrypted
Section Eight case.
Greetings, respected Order Overwatch, here comes Commander Vansky, agent D.W
There was a little misunderstanding today between us and the gang called Section Eight. They decided, without notifying us, to engage in activities in the Kepler system.
It started in the Galileo system when Commodore Storgen started a dialogue with one "Ridge", after which a certain Vigil-1 flew in to meet us and introduced himself as a Section Eight agent. After which, we made contact. I believe that this agent, as well as the rest of their gang, overestimated their authority and also decided to openly insult Agent Starfire and then me. After which, they were ordered to inform on their activities in the Kepler sector.
I refer this case to Overwatch HQ, as S8 activities are illegal and their actions are contrary to humanity, for withholding important information and insulting main fleet agents.
[21.11.2021 17:07:12] Vigil-1|S8: What's going on here?
[21.11.2021 17:07:14] Order|Starfire.: Uh, another Order operative, good to see
[21.11.2021 17:07:39] Order|Starfire.: Wait, Section Eight? Now I am all interested
[21.11.2021 17:07:51] Death: IKN-Hotakadake was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[21.11.2021 17:07:52] Vigil-1|S8: We have company.
[21.11.2021 17:08:14] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Never heard about section eight.
[21.11.2021 17:08:16] Order|Starfire.: Better to get away from open space
[21.11.2021 17:08:28] Ridge: I'm not. Didn't you guys throw shit at Cobra and then left?
[21.11.2021 17:09:16] =KUI=Azuri: Konichiwa Order.
[21.11.2021 17:09:21] Vigil-1|S8: Kusarian.
[21.11.2021 17:09:32] Ridge: Five Gamma.
[21.11.2021 17:10:12] Vigil-1|S8: Would still like to know what's going on.
[21.11.2021 17:10:22] Ridge: Going on where? What?
[21.11.2021 17:10:41] Order|Starfire.: Nothing interesting, honestly. But I would like to same the ask
[21.11.2021 17:10:52] Order|Starfire.: Where have you been during attack on Freeport 11?
[21.11.2021 17:11:22] Vigil-1|S8: Attack on Freeport 11?
[21.11.2021 17:11:30] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: So you don't know about it.
[21.11.2021 17:11:47] Vigil-1|S8: Not exactly our area of operations.
[21.11.2021 17:11:57] Order|Starfire.: Yes, Nomads. Gladly we repeled them, but Apophis and Taphanhes units have been alerted
[21.11.2021 17:12:06] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Do you know that order operates everywhere.
[21.11.2021 17:12:18] Vigil-1|S8: Oh. Sorry.
[21.11.2021 17:12:23] Vigil-1|S8: Didn't realize they'd sent idiots.
[21.11.2021 17:13:30] Vigil-1|S8: What's an attack on Eleven got to do with interrogating Abrams in Galileo?
[21.11.2021 17:14:05] Order|Starfire.: He's aware of...so-called 'sentinels'. It's normal to ask him
[21.11.2021 17:14:26] Vigil-1|S8: Was it a Sentinel attack?
[21.11.2021 17:14:36] Ridge: I've got a fair amount of experience with Sentinels. How they operate. And especially well-- you know the rest.
[21.11.2021 17:14:42] Order|Starfire.: Major Sentinel attack. They brought entire fleet there
[21.11.2021 17:15:26] Vigil-1|S8: Was Abrams involved?
[21.11.2021 17:15:52] Ridge: I don't visit the Omicrons for obvious reasons.
[21.11.2021 17:15:57] Order|Starfire.: Overwatch is ready to deploy its fleet now to every corner in the Sirius. We are in high-alerted conditions until crisis ends
[21.11.2021 17:16:08] Ridge: If I would. Both Order and Sentinels would come crashing down on me.
[21.11.2021 17:16:37] Vigil-1|S8: Overwatch would be stretching itself too thin. Don't bother.
[21.11.2021 17:16:53] Vigil-1|S8: Section 8 is on the Kepler situation. Leave it to us.
[21.11.2021 17:17:00] Vigil-1|S8: We'll inform you if assistance is required.
[21.11.2021 17:17:06] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Nah, you won't deal with it
[21.11.2021 17:17:21] Vigil-1|S8: Come again?
[21.11.2021 17:17:31] Order|Starfire.: Section Eight. Since you are obseving Kepler, you are strongly recommended to inform us about every single rumor or fact in
[21.11.2021 17:17:34] Order|Starfire.: Kepler
[21.11.2021 17:17:59] Vigil-1|S8: Which one of you two geniuses is in charge of the other?
[21.11.2021 17:18:16] Ridge: You should choose your words carefully, Vigil.
[21.11.2021 17:18:21] Ridge: One of them is way out of your league.
[21.11.2021 17:19:03] Order|Starfire.: Operative Starfire, Commodore of The Order Overwatch, Vigil One
[21.11.2021 17:19:38] Vigil-1|S8: Good. Now I know whose frequency to mute.
[21.11.2021 17:19:50] Order|Starfire.: ?????
[21.11.2021 17:19:55] Vigil-1|S8: Starfire, Section 8 will inform you of anything deemed necessary.
[21.11.2021 17:20:10] Vigil-1|S8: We want to avoid unnecessary activity in the Kepler system.
[21.11.2021 17:20:30] Ridge: So first you throw off the Xenos's support. Then you wave me off every single time. And now you also wave off Storgen?
[21.11.2021 17:20:32] Ridge: Shit...
[21.11.2021 17:20:40] Order|Starfire.: Use Atum relays to contact, but we would know to about everything there
[21.11.2021 17:20:41] Death: Kortchak was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[21.11.2021 17:20:53] Order|Starfire.: It's an order
[21.11.2021 17:21:06] Vigil-1|S8: I will be sure to relay it to my superiors.
[21.11.2021 17:21:13] Order|Starfire.: Good for you
[21.11.2021 17:21:34] Vigil-1|S8: Be advised not to put too much trust in Abrams.
[21.11.2021 17:21:38] Order|Starfire.: Vincent, same goes to you. Contact us once Sentinels shows up on the arena
[21.11.2021 17:21:38] Vigil-1|S8: Or any, for that matter.
[21.11.2021 17:21:51] Order|Starfire.: We'll keep it in mind, Vigil
[21.11.2021 17:22:18] Order|Starfire.: Dark Warrior, cloak out. We're done here
[21.11.2021 17:22:19] Preparing to cloak...
[21.11.2021 17:22:22] Ridge: Don't ask me for that, man. I usually run into Sentinels in a space between spaces.
[21.11.2021 17:22:23] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Roger.
[21.11.2021 17:22:30] Ridge: Ask Section 8
[21.11.2021 17:22:39] Cloaking device on
[21.11.2021 17:22:40] Ridge: Or Section 8's new friends. I don't know.
[21.11.2021 17:22:43] Order|Starfire.: We'll see. Godspeed, gentlemen
[21.11.2021 17:22:49] Vigil-1|S8: Copy that.
[21.11.2021 17:23:02] Ridge: ...that went smooth.
⧫ Fort Carthage
⧫ Omicron Epsilon
⧫ From: Order Overwatch HC, Commodore William Storgen
⧫ To: The Order Central Communications
Emergency standing orders
To all Order forces within controlled and partially controlled Overwatch space.
In accordance with the plan of major Akabat defending operation, I am ordering next:
⧫ Battlegroup Thebes: Maintain reinforced defense line around Akabat. Dreadnought Armageddon assigned as a commanding unit of outer orbital defense;
⧫ Task Force "Black Arrow": Maintain reinforced inner defense line around Akabat. Battleship Nekhbet assigned as a commanding unit of inner orbital defense;
⧫ Taba Starbase: Reinforce patrols on the direction OMICRON MINOR > TABA STARBASE > OMICRON ZETA to prevent Nomad ambush and surprise attack;
⧫ Cairo Station: Maintain constant continuous communication with Kadesh Orbital Colony and Dreadnought Hyperion.
⧫ Wedjat Facility ORILLION: Carry out unscheduled maintenance for Akhetaten's planetary shields and prepare for deploying after signal "Severe-332";
⧫ Planetary bases Hoff, Giza, Hierlark, Arkantos: Carry out unscheduled maintenance for “Quietus Lotus” Missile Complex and prepare for activation after signal "Severe-332".
Orders come into force from the moment of publication.
Additionally, we informed Kusarians about the potential menace for Shikoku that can come from the infamous Kepler system. Copy of records is documented and shared within Primary Forces. The Phoenix promised to help us in dire need, so we might stand well with mutual assistance.
Commodore William Storgen
Task Force "Black Arrow", 2nd Battlegroup, 10:45, 29.11.828
⧫ Rochester Base
⧫ New York
⧫ From: Lieutenant Hanna Lichthammer
⧫ To: Order Central Communications
New York nomad activicy
Good evening to all Order
Its been couple of days as I am inside Liberty space ,and in several interactions nomad that was stopped today has harvested many of people at planet Manhatten.It was unstoppable.
Tonight thanks to 46th fleet member "46th|Tony.Storn" and a freelancer Yuki.Sinon ,nomad has been terminated.
I assume this is far from over that is why I will stay and report any nomad activicy,as well as return to my priority mission in Liberty.
Liutenant Hanna Lichthammer
The Order Overwatch, 01:52 11.30.828
30.11.2021 00:11:34] Victoria.Evans: Wow?
[30.11.2021 00:11:37] Vaulter: That was a lot of cardamine.
[30.11.2021 00:11:51] 46th|Tony.Storn: the hell is going on with the defence grid?
[30.11.2021 00:12:03] Yuki.Sinon: It is not the point here.
[30.11.2021 00:12:20] Yuki.Sinon: You just let a smuggler docking at Manhattan.
[30.11.2021 00:12:21] 2021-11-30 00:12:19 SMT Traffic control alert: Victoria.Evans has requested to dock
[30.11.2021 00:12:30] Order|Eta-1: Lichthammer:Greetings
[30.11.2021 00:12:36] Vaulter: Eh I'd say we have another ord-
[30.11.2021 00:12:43] Vaulter: Well, there it is.
[30.11.2021 00:12:56] 46th|Tony.Storn: Damn smugglers and now order? the fuck
[30.11.2021 00:13:09] Yuki.Sinon: A chance I am not in the navy anymore.
[30.11.2021 00:13:11] Order|Eta-1: Lichthammer:There is unstopable nomad in this system for days.
[30.11.2021 00:13:30] Yuki.Sinon: Because surely, I would kick everyone's ass.
[30.11.2021 00:13:32] Vaulter: Alright don't worry I got this, let me summon them.
[30.11.2021 00:13:46] Vaulter: Well I didn't even have to, this time around.
[30.11.2021 00:13:54] Order|Eta-1: Lichthammer: It is here!
[30.11.2021 00:13:54] 46th|Tony.Storn: "Summon them"? oh fuck me
[30.11.2021 00:13:59] Vaulter: See, I'm the universe's worst lucky charm.
[30.11.2021 00:14:02] "Traveller": Evans: Neat trick?
[30.11.2021 00:14:09] Yuki.Sinon: Now,
[30.11.2021 00:14:11] /time
[30.11.2021 00:14:11] 2021-11-30 00:14:09 SMT
[30.11.2021 00:14:24] Yuki.Sinon: I guess it is your job officer.
[30.11.2021 00:14:29] Vaulter: Oh hey it's Evans...
[30.11.2021 00:14:39] Order|Eta-1: Lichthammer:I hope you don't backstab me if we get rid of this nomad.
[30.11.2021 00:14:42] 46th|Tony.Storn: I have the worst luck
[30.11.2021 00:14:43] Vaulter: You think they're coffee or grape flavoured?
[30.11.2021 00:14:58] Cloaking device off
[30.11.2021 00:15:13] Yuki.Sinon: Then, Order, do your ''job''.
[30.11.2021 00:15:15] K'Hara|Dzu'Shhu: ***... "We" ~feeling~ 'Flesh' in |Seas| (Disgusting) ...***
[30.11.2021 00:15:28] Order|Eta-1: Officer ,i demand assistance!
[30.11.2021 00:15:37] Order|Eta-1: This nomad is hard to kill
[30.11.2021 00:15:50] K'Hara|Dzu'Shhu: ***... "Light" ~should absorbed~ 'Darklings' ...***
[30.11.2021 00:16:12] 46th|Tony.Storn: You are in no position to demand anything but since we are on the same side in this instance i will assist you in engaging the-
[30.11.2021 00:16:15] 46th|Tony.Storn: squid
[30.11.2021 00:16:35] Order|Eta-1: Gut ,i m moving in to engage!
[30.11.2021 00:16:36] K'Hara|Dzu'Shhu: *We start shine*
[30.11.2021 00:16:44] 46th|Tony.Storn: Weapons hot
[30.11.2021 00:16:48] Order|Eta-1: Be careful this one is extremly deadly
[30.11.2021 00:17:03] K'Hara|Dzu'Shhu: ***... "We" ~emit~ <Spitfire> / Darklings ~should died~ ...***
[30.11.2021 00:17:08] 46th|Tony.Storn: Aren't all squids
[30.11.2021 00:17:15] 46th|Tony.Storn: Engaging squid
[30.11.2021 00:18:01] "Traveller": Evans: They don't exactly die, traditionally. Kinda sucks for us.
[30.11.2021 00:18:16] Yuki.Sinon: Who?
[30.11.2021 00:18:27] "Traveller": Evans: Nomads.
[30.11.2021 00:18:46] Vaulter: The funny space squids that taste like grape apparently.
[30.11.2021 00:18:51] Yuki.Sinon: Seems you know them...
[30.11.2021 00:19:19] "Traveller": Evans: Oh yea we hang out for tea all the time.
[30.11.2021 00:19:27] Death: 46th|Tony.Storn was put out of action by K'Hara|Dzu'Shhu (Gun).
[30.11.2021 00:19:30] Vaulter: Don't forget the popcorn too.
[30.11.2021 00:19:33] Yuki.Sinon: That sounds suspect you know?
[30.11.2021 00:19:38] "Traveller": Evans: I don't know if they like popcorn
[30.11.2021 00:19:43] Order|Eta-1: Help!
[30.11.2021 00:19:46] "Traveller": Evans: That was sarcasm.
[30.11.2021 00:19:52] Yuki.Sinon: *sigh*
[30.11.2021 00:20:00] Yuki.Sinon: Alright I will help you.
[30.11.2021 00:20:04] Vaulter: Oh yes, I'm also definitely a nomad, of course. Certainly, they like popcorn.
[30.11.2021 00:20:05] Yuki.Sinon: Not for free though.
[30.11.2021 00:20:11] Yuki.Sinon: Weapons hot!
[30.11.2021 00:20:19] Vaulter: Can't you see my funny space tentacles?
[30.11.2021 00:21:08] Tip: Be careful when picking out the ID for your character. Generic IDs offer much more freedom, but are severely limited in terms of combat as well as the size of ship these characters can pilot.
[30.11.2021 00:21:33] Vaulter: I need to go for a stretch, good thing this cargo hold has a lot of space when I'm not hauling...
[30.11.2021 00:21:58] Death: K'Hara|Dzu'Shhu suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
Sender ID:"Corax" Receiver ID:Order Central Communications Encryption:Bastion
"Suspicion: Nymph-[Fae"
Guess there's no point clogging up the Section 8 - Overwatch network with this quick tidbit.
Cruising through the Kepler system, I passed close to the Prophet anomalies. There, my scanners picked up two signals. One large Nomad warform - surface scans suggest a Siris-type form - and a human vessel - looked like a Gallic design? - going by the callsign Nymph-[Fae. They were in immediate proximity of both each other and the anomalies. I was about to decloak, swoop in, play the hero, and attempt to rescue the human from the Nomad, when I picked up communications between the human and the alien. Well, turns out the human might actually be not-so-human. Sadly, my cloaking device ran out of juice right around then, and I thought it best to bug out. Didn't want to get caught between a potential infectee and a Siris-form.
Make of this what you will, but my money's on that Nymph having an incubus shoved way up her [REDACTED]. Worryingly, they seem to know about Abrams' whereabouts. Make of that what you will, too.
⧫ Battleship Amenta
⧫ Orkney
⧫ From: Order Overwatch HC, Commodore William Storgen
⧫ To: The Order Central Communications
Increased Nomad activity near Gallia borders
To all local primary and secondary forces.
Battleship Amenta finally arrived at the Tau space and we are ready to deploy our forces to take control over a sudden distress situation in the Orkney and nearby systems, including Gallic Union borders. Nomad presence within the system is confirmed, but not as large-scale as we could expect in wild space like Omicrons.
However, stay sharp and don't let them move out of Orkney. And remember, Algerie Agreement is still in action, so we have to rely on mobile spacecraft until we get news from the Gallia.
I am ordering next:
⧫ Maintain surveillance and security in the Orkney and border systems (Edinburgh, Languedoc, Tau-23);
⧫ Eliminate each menace within said systems;
⧫ Support and, if needed, evacuate locals from the Orkney to the closest safe place;
⧫ Small spacecraft and gunboats are permitted to operate within the Orkney systems. Cruiser OCV Mafdet is exempt from the restriction which will serve as the communication node in deep Taus between Amenta and Order Controlled space;
⧫ Act at your discretion in extreme situations.
Commodore William Storgen
Task Force "Black Arrow", 2nd Battlegroup, 11:17, 04.02.828
⧫ Fort Carthage
⧫ Omicron Epsilon
⧫ From: Commander Robert Vansky
⧫ To: The Order OverwatchEncrypted
Uncharted sector.
Good day, dear Overwatch, this is Agent Dark Warrior.
Yesterday, my colleague Lily and I conducted a patrol of the Kepler neighbourhood. We met near Noshim Freeport in Shikoku, after which we headed out toward Atum. After recharging on Atum, we headed toward the anomaly in Kepler. At the start, we went into stealth mode and found Abrams, Revenant, and two nomads. While in this sector, we recorded all contacts and their conversation.
The fun part started when Abrams went deep into the anomaly. He had the good sense to do so, after which we were forced to follow him and follow. Agent Lily jumped first, but before jumping she told me to contact Agent Omicron and call for help. I established contact with agent Omicron and I followed my colleague. Along with us in the unknown sector, we found ourselves - Revenant, a nomad who was not particularly large, and subsequently, we got Agent Omicron as well.
The system itself is a giant fog, inside which there are 3 stars and a large planet near the centre, which is surrounded by an incomprehensible anomaly that blocks the scanners. Also, we came across the remnants of a planetoid. Most of the way, we were chased by unidentified creatures, somewhat similar to nomads. Unlike the creatures that attacked us in Omicron Delta, these did not possess such strong weapons, but instead, they had very fast engines. Later, Abrams spotted a Defiant-class gunboat of some sort, which was empty...? Ridge and a fellow technocrat took over the repair work. As soon as the gunboat was repaired, the crew opened an interdimensional jump and then we were blown to Sigma-59.
The journey through Sigma-59 ended without Agent Lily, who had left for Niigata. Agent Omicron and I ran into a scramble between GMG and Gen'am. Their fight ended in a GMG victory, and we were attacked again by the same creatures that were in that unknown system. This time we had a lot more people to fight and we overpowered very quickly. Next, we circled Sigma-59, and Agent Omicron discovered the abandoned Yaese Research Station, near which we found unknown structures, absolutely identical to those in Kepler.
[05.02.2022 18:27:49] A/)-Revenant: Different forms, the same will, and the same mistakes.
[05.02.2022 18:27:54] A/)-Revenant: Perhaps there is something that b-....
[05.02.2022 18:28:46] A/)-Revenant: from... seeing perspective, truth, knowledge.
[05.02.2022 18:29:09] A/)-Revenant: No matter the modifications I apply, biology will always restrict the mind.
[05.02.2022 18:29:10] Vagrant.Nephele': "It tried to make the Eye change, *yours* was there as well"
[05.02.2022 18:29:55] Vagrant.Nephele': "*Theirs* were not...well, after the process"
[05.02.2022 18:30:49] A/)-Revenant: Much is true, but their way is set in stone. And conflict was always inevitable.
[05.02.2022 18:30:58] 2022-02-05 18:31:01 SMT
[05.02.2022 18:31:15] A/)-Revenant: You cannot force their will - you can only subsume them.
[05.02.2022 18:31:33] A/)-Revenant: That is why Shozak opts for violence. It is simple. There is no grey lines.
[05.02.2022 18:31:40] A/)-Revenant: Only two ultimates. With us. Or not.
[05.02.2022 18:31:42] A/)-Revenant: Live or die.
[05.02.2022 18:31:43] Vagrant.Nephele': "No regrets"
[05.02.2022 18:31:55] A/)-Revenant: I have yet to see him make an attempt on me, perhaps he is too entertained by our antics.
[05.02.2022 18:39:37] Vagrant.Nephele': "it sings the greeting, Shadeling, it bears no hostile intention"
[05.02.2022 18:39:50] "Ridge": O-Oh shit...that's a Nomad. Amazing...-- "shadeling"?
[05.02.2022 18:39:57] A/)-Revenant: It is not one of Shozaks.
[05.02.2022 18:40:15] A/)-Revenant: There is no harm
[05.02.2022 18:40:54] Vagrant.Nephele': "On many occassions, Tribe of *yours* found /Darkling/ an offense, weaker form was decided to describe these that are not enem-
[05.02.2022 18:41:08] "Ridge": As much as I appreciate the uhm. Presence. Do keep in mind that I'd like the uh-- Vagrant, was it? Kindly maintain some-
[05.02.2022 18:41:11] "Ridge": -distance.
[05.02.2022 18:41:41] Order|Dark.Warrior: ??
[05.02.2022 18:42:18] "Ridge": ...who's cloaked?
[05.02.2022 18:42:26] A/)-Revenant: We were followed back in Kusari.
[05.02.2022 18:42:33] "Ridge": By?
[05.02.2022 18:42:36] A/)-Revenant: Unknown
[05.02.2022 18:42:47] "Ridge": Right...doesn't matter.
[05.02.2022 18:42:52] Order|Lily: ????? ????
[05.02.2022 18:43:04] A/)-Revenant: Partially, but continue.
[05.02.2022 18:43:06] A/)-Revenant: Try to focus.
[05.02.2022 18:43:18] "Ridge": Focus on what...?! The silence?
[05.02.2022 18:43:33] A/)-Revenant: Shhh. Look into the anomaly. What thoughts come to mind?
[05.02.2022 18:43:54] "Ridge": ...I swear to god if my eyes start glowing and I speak in glyphs...
[05.02.2022 18:44:08] A/)-Revenant: Not to worry, I have a solution for that.
[05.02.2022 18:44:13] "Ridge": Is it a gun?
[05.02.2022 18:44:18] A/)-Revenant: Not quite.
[05.02.2022 18:44:23] A/)-Revenant: Focus.
[05.02.2022 18:44:34] "Ridge": Right... W-Well. Ehm.
[05.02.2022 18:44:48] A/)-Revenant: Listen. Listen to the noise from the corpse.
[05.02.2022 18:46:01] Cloaking device off
[05.02.2022 18:46:19] "Corax"|S8: Well, isn't that a surprise.
[05.02.2022 18:46:49] Order|Lily: We've seen everything. Dark Warrior, follow me
[05.02.2022 18:46:55] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Roger that.
[05.02.2022 18:46:58] "Corax"|S8: As useful as ever.
[05.02.2022 18:53:43] "Ridge": [Vincent's ship fell quiet as the engines had begun to cease their humming, to the point only a faint light would come out of-
[05.02.2022 18:53:48] "Ridge": -them.]
[05.02.2022 18:54:10] Order|Lily: Good evening, gentlemen
[05.02.2022 18:54:11] A/)-Revenant: Brave little thing, aren't you.
[05.02.2022 18:54:19] A/)-Revenant: I would take a few steps back if I were you.
[05.02.2022 18:54:25] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"Amusing."***
[05.02.2022 18:54:26] "Corax"|S8: God damn idiots...
[05.02.2022 18:54:32] Vagrant.Nephele': "It....twists..."
[05.02.2022 18:54:32] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Ahoy, gentlemans.
[05.02.2022 18:54:40] Vagrant.Nephele': "Distorts"
[05.02.2022 18:55:27] Order|Lily: [Familiar for Vinc female voice] Nice structures around, isn't it?
[05.02.2022 18:55:29] A/)-Revenant: [A smirk could be heard in their voice] Enjoying the view?
[05.02.2022 18:55:37] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"More Banisher coming around... Interesting."***
[05.02.2022 18:55:40] Order|Lily: You just read my minds
[05.02.2022 18:55:53] Vagrant.Nephele': "Banishers...not a place for /dance/"
[05.02.2022 18:56:03] "Ridge": [Vincent's ship, fully shut down was starting to be pulled into the Triage. Slowly, yet surely into its grasp. Yet no response-
[05.02.2022 18:56:07] "Ridge": -from the pilot.]
[05.02.2022 18:56:10] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"Not a junting ground"***
[05.02.2022 18:56:17] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: //hunting*
[05.02.2022 18:56:21] Vagrant.Nephele': "A place, which alters, which....changes"
[05.02.2022 18:56:31] A/)-Revenant: Retain focus - or all things here may die.
[05.02.2022 18:56:38] "Corax"|S8: Overwatch vessels, get away from the anomalies.
[05.02.2022 18:56:54] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"We shall watch."***
[05.02.2022 18:56:56] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Are you ordering us?
[05.02.2022 18:57:02] Entity: [a lightning bolt hits the tip of the structure sending a discharge through to the other end, consuming the energy]
[05.02.2022 18:57:17] Order|Lily: Section 8 operative, we keep safe distance from the anomaly...unlike Vincent
[05.02.2022 18:57:40] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: So, we lost him
[05.02.2022 18:57:41] A/)-Revenant: [Attempted to prod Ridge's ship with a pulse, but evidently, it didn't do anything.]
[05.02.2022 18:57:44] Order|Lily: Yes, he just disappeared
[05.02.2022 18:57:50] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"He is... Gone?"***
[05.02.2022 18:57:52] "Corax"|S8: Damn it.
[05.02.2022 18:57:56] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Should we follow?
[05.02.2022 18:57:56] Vagrant.Nephele': "No"
[05.02.2022 18:57:59] Order|Lily: I am after him
[05.02.2022 18:58:02] "Corax"|S8: Don't!
[05.02.2022 18:58:06] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"No!"***
[05.02.2022 18:58:10] Vagrant.Nephele': "It shall venture"
[05.02.2022 18:58:10] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Roger that.
[05.02.2022 18:58:15] A/)-Revenant: Fascinating. Nephele, do not persue.
[05.02.2022 18:58:26] "Corax"|S8: Overwatch vessels, stand down! Do not pursue Abrams!
[05.02.2022 18:58:30] A/)-Revenant: I need to go after him.
[05.02.2022 18:58:40] Vagrant.Nephele': "rejected..."
[05.02.2022 18:58:41] Order|Lily: Dark Warrior, you shouldn't do this. Contact Starfire
[05.02.2022 18:58:48] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: I'm stuck...
[05.02.2022 18:59:13] Order|Lily: Cruise engines on maximum and get out of range
[05.02.2022 18:59:41] "Corax"|S8: God damn it, you fools!
[05.02.2022 19:00:31] A/)-Revenant: Eris, shave this vessel down to minimal integrity.
[05.02.2022 19:01:55] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: The heck is going on here?
[05.02.2022 19:02:00] MNS-Vesuvio: S: Contacts.
[05.02.2022 19:02:34] "Corax"|S8: Your mate went right through the damn gateway, that's what's going on.
[05.02.2022 19:02:49] Death: Quickback suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[05.02.2022 19:03:14] "Corax"|S8: Do yourself a favor and don't go after them.
[05.02.2022 19:03:36] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: My duty to save my comrades, I can't just run away.
[05.02.2022 19:03:45] Vagrant.Nephele': "The will not open that easily, Darkling"
[05.02.2022 19:03:47] MNS-Vesuvio: S: There are many favours to be done, but none of them are favourable for you.
[05.02.2022 19:03:48] "Corax"|S8: You'll just get yourself killed if you go through.
[05.02.2022 19:03:51] Order|Omicron: coming to Ames
[05.02.2022 19:03:56] Vagrant.Nephele': "Certain contruction of mind is required"
[05.02.2022 19:04:08] "Corax"|S8: Oh shit, where did that other Nomad go?
[05.02.2022 19:04:30] MNS-Vesuvio: S: Don't even think about it.
[05.02.2022 19:04:37] A/)-Revenant: -- need to go, now.
[05.02.2022 19:05:02] "Ridge": Let's go. I'm not sure the Sentinels will be keen to us being here.
[05.02.2022 19:05:18] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Wait, what.
[05.02.2022 19:05:23] Order|Lily: Sentinels? Is that Sentinel homeworld?
[05.02.2022 19:05:27] A/)-Revenant: [groans]
[05.02.2022 19:05:36] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"Perhaps."***
[05.02.2022 19:05:42] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Stay here, I'll scout this area.
[05.02.2022 19:05:43] "Ridge": Unlikely. Could be, though.
[05.02.2022 19:06:04] "Ridge": The only way to know is by going into the Nebula.
[05.02.2022 19:06:04] Cloaking device on
[05.02.2022 19:06:05] Order|Lily: Dark Warrior? Did you send the message?
[05.02.2022 19:06:21] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Of course, while I was docked in Ames.
[05.02.2022 19:06:46] Order|Omicron: *confused af*
[05.02.2022 19:06:51] Order|Lily: Me too
[05.02.2022 19:06:58] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Nothing interesting...
[05.02.2022 19:07:00] Cloaking device off
[05.02.2022 19:07:13] Order|Omicron: found "Prophet"
[05.02.2022 19:07:21] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"Reminds Us of home that was lost."***
[05.02.2022 19:07:24] A/)-Revenant: [mutters something about killing something. ]
[05.02.2022 19:07:28] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: My radar detected unknown planet, located in 4F
[05.02.2022 19:07:30] Order|Lily: Just enter anomaly if Entity is here
[05.02.2022 19:07:47] Order|Lily: Is it inhabitat?
[05.02.2022 19:07:47] Preparing to cloak...
[05.02.2022 19:07:55] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Will try to recognise.
[05.02.2022 19:08:04] Order|Lily: Nagative, stay close to me
[05.02.2022 19:08:08] Cloaking device on
[05.02.2022 19:11:08] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Planet is lifeless, but there is some anomaly surrounded this planet.
[05.02.2022 19:11:08] A/)-Revenant: [a light sigh was had, quietly moving over. ]]
[05.02.2022 19:11:38] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Radiation level increased, in this area.
[05.02.2022 19:12:06] Order|Lily: Don't stay inside too long. Radiation might damage us hard
[05.02.2022 19:12:29] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Wow, big structure I see.
[05.02.2022 19:12:39] A/)-Revenant: [With silence, they glared at Ridge. ]
[05.02.2022 19:12:42] Order|Lily: No need
[05.02.2022 19:13:07] "Ridge": ...just some rock, though.
[05.02.2022 19:13:18] "Ridge": Doesn't read much like anything.
[05.02.2022 19:13:23] Order|Lily: Any traces of life forms?
[05.02.2022 19:13:27] "Ridge": Not really.
[05.02.2022 19:13:44] A/)-Revenant: [They appeared to be unsettled, finding themselves uncomfortable within this space, quietly fidgeting. ]
[05.02.2022 19:13:45] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"We dont feel a life here."***
[05.02.2022 19:13:55] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Maybe we need to activate this structure?
[05.02.2022 19:14:08] Order|Lily: I wouldn't touch ANYTHING here
[05.02.2022 19:14:11] "Ridge": There is no structure, I think? Just a planetoid. Leftover of...something.
[05.02.2022 19:14:24] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"Maybe we should poke a tiger with a fork, darkling?"***
[05.02.2022 19:14:28] Order|Lily: Wait...I have incoming contacts...well, no more
[05.02.2022 19:14:37] A/)-Revenant: Need to ... Have to.
[05.02.2022 19:14:45] Order|Omicron: Reporting in... homed in on your beacon
[05.02.2022 19:14:53] Order|Lily: Omicron, here you are! Did you recieve message from Dark Warrior?
[05.02.2022 19:15:20] Order|Lily: I swear I saw something on my radars!
[05.02.2022 19:15:21] A/)-Revenant: They're coming - they know we took something.
[05.02.2022 19:15:29] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: I saw too, agent Lily.
[05.02.2022 19:15:31] "Ridge": A large planetoid could be the sign of many, uhm. Things.-- Shit. There they are.
[05.02.2022 19:15:35] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"They are came."***
[05.02.2022 19:15:51] Order|Omicron: *Sigh* Weapons ready just in case.
[05.02.2022 19:15:53] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: That was unexpected amount of hostilles.
[05.02.2022 19:16:03] Order|Lily: You want to tell time to charge weapons has come?
[05.02.2022 19:16:08] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: I see them.
[05.02.2022 19:16:44] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Got them
[05.02.2022 19:16:56] Order|Lily: Look, familiar forms
[05.02.2022 19:16:56] A/)-Revenant: Here they come. To sterilize the plague of witness.
[05.02.2022 19:17:04] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: God damn, it is faster than me...
[05.02.2022 19:17:04] "Ridge": They're--- oh. Oh...shit!
[05.02.2022 19:17:25] Order|Lily: Do not fear! Let's kick them out
[05.02.2022 19:17:28] "Ridge": We have to go!
[05.02.2022 19:17:35] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: What the heck, they are following me
[05.02.2022 19:17:38] Order|Omicron: What in bloody hell is going on here.
[05.02.2022 19:17:55] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Recharging weapons...
[05.02.2022 19:17:58] Death: Porkchop-Express suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[05.02.2022 19:18:05] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: I'm ready, openning fire.
[05.02.2022 19:18:49] Order|Omicron: One down.
[05.02.2022 19:18:50] Order|Lily: Theta green. Focus one by one
[05.02.2022 19:19:26] Order|Omicron: Two down
[05.02.2022 19:19:30] Order|Lily: Gotcha!
[05.02.2022 19:19:42] Order|Lily: Beta delta
[05.02.2022 19:21:06] Order|Lily: I think more will come
[05.02.2022 19:21:07] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: All of this species destroyed, awaiting for orders.
[05.02.2022 19:21:08] Order|Omicron: So... where are we?
[05.02.2022 19:21:14] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: One more detected.
[05.02.2022 19:21:20] Order|Omicron: Gunship over there. Might be over our heads here.
[05.02.2022 19:21:28] Order|Lily: Oh-aw, I know this form. RUN!
[05.02.2022 19:21:35] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Retreat, we have no power to deal with it.
[05.02.2022 19:21:58] Order|Lily: To the planet, let's shake it there
[05.02.2022 19:22:00] Order|Omicron: Withdraw... where?
[05.02.2022 19:22:15] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Be ready for engine anomaly
[05.02.2022 19:22:25] Order|Omicron: Its already affecting me.
[05.02.2022 19:23:17] Order|Omicron: Scanners clear.
[05.02.2022 19:23:34] Order|Dark.Warrior: Where the all?
[05.02.2022 19:23:34] Order|Lily: No-no, you can't hit me your purple thing. Yea, we made, it's gone
[05.02.2022 19:23:47] Order|Omicron: Let's keep cruising.
[05.02.2022 19:23:58] Order|Omicron: Obviously we are in Omicrons, and we used to be in Kepler.
[05.02.2022 19:24:05] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: I don't think so
[05.02.2022 19:24:21] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: But the area looks like same as in Omicrons.
[05.02.2022 19:24:43] Order|Omicron: Contact. It's the toaster brigade.
[05.02.2022 19:24:55] Order|Lily: [Laughs] How did you call it?
[05.02.2022 19:25:08] Order|Lily: Heeeey, we have a tail, watch out!
[05.02.2022 19:25:17] Order|Omicron: Toaster brigade, Lily.
[05.02.2022 19:25:27] Death: Cortana[miner][omg] was put out of action by K'Hara|Bhahas (Gun).
[05.02.2022 19:25:35] Order|Omicron: Another planet.
[05.02.2022 19:25:38] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Run, I will distract it.
[05.02.2022 19:25:51] Order|Lily: Do not! It will annihilate you
[05.02.2022 19:26:00] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: I'm on my scout, it won't.
[05.02.2022 19:26:33] Order|Lily: Dark Warrior, you okay?
[05.02.2022 19:26:43] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Yeah, it can't get me.
[05.02.2022 19:27:28] Order|Lily: People if large Sentinel will keep annoying us, we should shoot at it all together
[05.02.2022 19:27:43] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: It disappeared.
[05.02.2022 19:27:49] Order|Omicron: Is there a reason this hunk of organic matter just floats here for no apparent purpose unlike everything else Purple over here?
[05.02.2022 19:27:51] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"Or, we should run while we still can."***
[05.02.2022 19:27:54] Order|Lily: Phew, what a relief
[05.02.2022 19:28:23] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Oh, I see Abrams bought a new ship for himself.
[05.02.2022 19:28:34] "Ridge": I had it for a good while now.
[05.02.2022 19:28:38] "Ridge": The only one I've got left, that is.
[05.02.2022 19:29:12] A/)-Revenant: [They glared at the group in silence, briefly studying something. ]
[05.02.2022 19:29:17] Order|Omicron: You have weird way of picking up conversations while we're in ass-end of nowhere.
[05.02.2022 19:29:18] "Ridge": That's not the point, though. We should-- did you see that?
[05.02.2022 19:29:29] Order|Lily: This nebula is quite large. Have you seen traces of anomalies?
[05.02.2022 19:29:31] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: See what?
[05.02.2022 19:29:45] Order|Lily: Follow them
[05.02.2022 19:29:49] Order|Dark.Warrior: ?: Of course.
[05.02.2022 19:29:55] A/)-Revenant: [...]
[05.02.2022 19:29:55] Order|Omicron: Not like we have anything better to do.
[05.02.2022 19:30:01] Order|Lily: Stay together and we will break through
[05.02.2022 19:30:06] "Ridge": Look!
[05.02.2022 19:30:08] Order|Dark.Warrior: Liberty gunboat?
[05.02.2022 19:30:13] "Ridge": It's...yeah.
[05.02.2022 19:30:44] Order|Omicron: Broken IFF.
[05.02.2022 19:30:49] Order|Omicron: Wilde.
[05.02.2022 19:30:54] "Ridge": ...broken everything- what?
[05.02.2022 19:31:05] A/)-Revenant: Another one - yet to awaken once more.
[05.02.2022 19:31:07] Order|Dark.Warrior: Unknown Liberty vessel, this is Dark Warrior - agent from Order. Response to me, if you received contact.
[05.02.2022 19:39:36] "Ridge": I'm not sure if the ship itself is a wreck, or not.
[05.02.2022 19:40:03] Order|Omicron: If it starts sending visions of light and destruction once you poke it, you will know.
[05.02.2022 19:40:14] Order|Lily: As I said, everything here is broken. What if ship if broken, but fact its broken is broken too?
[05.02.2022 19:40:21] Order|Dark.Warrior: It still hasn't responded yet.
[05.02.2022 19:40:24] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"Its hybernating, perhaps."***
[05.02.2022 19:40:52] "Ridge": ...I could, ehm...
[05.02.2022 19:40:57] Order|Omicron: Do you expect a liberty gunboat in... Edge nebula... to respond given its designation?
[05.02.2022 19:41:01] Order|Lily: Somehow I want Willy to be here
[05.02.2022 19:41:31] Order|Dark.Warrior: If only I hadn't taken my Serqet on this operation...
[05.02.2022 19:41:33] A/)-Revenant: Observe.
[05.02.2022 19:41:35] "Ridge": ...I do detect one single vital sign.
[05.02.2022 19:41:40] A/)-Revenant: Find the truth within.ey wont chase
[05.02.2022 19:43:11] "Ridge": [Vincent opens up his console, initiating a deep-scan on the vessel.]
[05.02.2022 19:43:13] "Ridge": Let's see...
[05.02.2022 19:43:26] Order|Dark.Warrior: I don't know why, but I wanna destroy this suspicious ship
[05.02.2022 19:43:30] "Ridge": Now, e-ehm. Order? Could you kindly keep a...five hundred meters distance?
[05.02.2022 19:43:33] "Ridge": Do /not/ do that.
[05.02.2022 19:43:35] Order|Omicron: Observing piece of possibly infected piece of trash ain't gonna help us.
[05.02.2022 19:43:50] Order|Lily: Perimeter looks clear again. I don't want those little bugs to annoy us again
[05.02.2022 19:43:59] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"Blind fools. As always was."***
[05.02.2022 19:44:08] Order|Dark.Warrior: Destination of 5 hundred metres reached.
[05.02.2022 19:44:18] "Ridge": You were stupid enough to jump through an Anomaly with little knowledge on what is beyond. Please don't do another stupid thing
[05.02.2022 19:44:22] "Ridge": -and blow up a mistery.
[05.02.2022 19:44:23] Entity: ***(to Revenant only: "Would you let them... destroy the only way out? (curious)")
[05.02.2022 19:44:43] A/)-Revenant: [mouths, barely whispering] You are joking.
[05.02.2022 19:44:48] Order|Omicron: *sounds of open plastic container and rattle of pills suspended in zero G*
[05.02.2022 19:45:00] Order|Omicron: I am hearing things again.
[05.02.2022 19:45:18] A/)-Revenant: It is an imperative that you do not destroy the Gunboat. It is the key to leaving.
[05.02.2022 19:45:31] Order|Lily: What? I heard nothing, except noise of my dizzy head
[05.02.2022 19:45:36] A/)-Revenant: As amusing as it would be to see everyone trapped here, it is not optimal.
[05.02.2022 19:45:42] "Ridge": Scanning the Gunboat's rear now. Well...there isn't much to scan. Part of it is torn off.
[05.02.2022 19:45:46] Order|Omicron: Look, toasterhead. I know Order is allmighty but this frame is light fighter, not a bomber.
[05.02.2022 19:46:03] "Ridge": I'm not sure the essential pieces are still functional. The plating is definitely done for, though.
[05.02.2022 19:46:13] A/)-Revenant: And that is a very much - not awake - Gunboat, is it not?
[05.02.2022 19:46:19] A/)-Revenant: Investigate further, Ridge.
[05.02.2022 19:46:34] Order|Lily: Obviously, liberty pieceboat is dead for good, right?
[05.02.2022 19:46:43] A/)-Revenant: [...]
[05.02.2022 19:46:54] "Ridge": Claw-like marks, plasma burns...A lot of the windows have been broken - somehow. Lower decks must be inaccessible by normal-
[05.02.2022 19:46:56] "Ridge": -means.
[05.02.2022 19:47:40] Order|Omicron: I am half considering flying out of nebula, get a read-out of nearest stars and cruise to nearest known Omicron world
[05.02.2022 19:47:51] "Ridge": Go ahead.
[05.02.2022 19:47:53] Order|Omicron: If I am lucky we're not in some world near Omicron Alpha...
[05.02.2022 19:47:54] A/)-Revenant: Then I wish you all the best in hopes of having enough fuel.
[05.02.2022 19:47:56] 2022-02-05 19:48:00 SMT WARNING: A hyperspace breach is being opened by Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris
[05.02.2022 19:48:30] Vagrant.Eye.Of.Eris: ***"WE must to abandon this place."***
[05.02.2022 19:48:42] A/)-Revenant: ... Indeed.
[05.02.2022 19:48:58] "Ridge": ...the scanners aren't showing much on the main body. Except-- what's that?
[05.02.2022 19:49:03] Order|Omicron: Burn, kill engines and coast in interstellar space. Could take a week...
[05.02.2022 19:50:23] "Ridge": My scanner noticed something faint in the middle section of the main body.
[05.02.2022 19:50:54] "Ridge": ...well, since this is a Thor and not a State-Of-The-Art vessel, I have to guess where it is by the beeping.
[05.02.2022 19:51:43] "Ridge": At the base of the ship, for instance. There's ehm...huh. So that's how it got here.
[05.02.2022 19:51:51] A/)-Revenant: [Silently, they glanced over, proceeding to investigate the vessel for weak points. ]
[05.02.2022 19:52:02] Rules Tip: Do not disconnect from the server to escape player versus player interaction. Your ship will remain helpless in space for 2 minutes and you will not be able to reconnect during this time.
[05.02.2022 19:52:02] Death: .NU. was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[05.02.2022 19:52:07] Death: CNS-BC.Triunfante suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[05.02.2022 19:52:20] Order|Omicron: Liberty gunboats have fairly big airlock right in the gap
[05.02.2022 19:52:29] Order|Omicron: If you insist on EVA'ing.
[05.02.2022 19:52:54] "Ridge": This one's old. Really, really old. There's ehm...something. Reads like a jump-drive.
[05.02.2022 19:53:02] A/)-Revenant: Intriguing.
[05.02.2022 19:53:04] Order|Dark.Warrior: I need to make some pictures of this sector.
[05.02.2022 19:53:16] Order|Dark.Warrior: Contact me, when you will finish this
[05.02.2022 19:53:22] A/)-Revenant: I would not recommend it.
[05.02.2022 19:56:44] Order|Omicron: I have enough snacks and oxygen to last that long.
[05.02.2022 19:57:32] Order|Omicron: I think you are crazy if you think you can repair something that rips fabric of time and space with a wrench and nails.
[05.02.2022 19:57:54] "Ridge": I am the crazy one?
[05.02.2022 19:58:10] "Ridge": All three of you came here without the slightest idea on what could happen.
[05.02.2022 19:58:18] "Ridge": So don't lecture me about that.
[05.02.2022 19:58:18] Order|Omicron: We're expendable.
[05.02.2022 19:58:32] Order|Dark.Warrior: I'm agent, nor scientist.
[05.02.2022 19:59:11] Order|Dark.Warrior: What are you trying to take from this ship?
[05.02.2022 19:59:21] Order|Omicron: I served on one of these. Airlock can be opened outside if you blow the portside panel open and access manual release.
[05.02.2022 19:59:38] Order|Omicron: Maybe it has some extra resources to canibalize from, like oxygen tanks...
[05.02.2022 19:59:39] "Ridge": I'm not taking anything. I'm trying to activate it.
[05.02.2022 19:59:55] A/)-Revenant: Evaluate integrity of the drive before activation.
[05.02.2022 19:59:55] Order|Dark.Warrior: Why?
[05.02.2022 19:59:55] "Ridge": I get it that I'm basically worth as much as the dirt on your shoe, but come on. Have some faith.
[05.02.2022 20:00:11] A/)-Revenant: If it's any consolation, I have none at all - haha.
[05.02.2022 20:00:27] A/)-Revenant: ... now, do investigate the integrity.
[05.02.2022 20:01:13] Order|Lily: You are trying to activate something in empty space. And you call us crazy
[05.02.2022 20:01:14] "Ridge": ...theoretically, it should be possible to make it work. Once.
[05.02.2022 20:01:32] "Ridge": But someone has to uh...strip down, if I can say that.
[05.02.2022 20:01:43] Order|Dark.Warrior: Especially "Defiant" gunboat in unknown system.
[05.02.2022 20:01:47] Order|Omicron: I always wanted to see Il-De-France. Its a guess where we end up.
[05.02.2022 20:01:51] Order|Dark.Warrior: Located in the middle of nowhere.
[05.02.2022 20:02:01] A/)-Revenant: Run the risk of free flying with interdiction from Sentinels or loss of life support.
[05.02.2022 20:02:11] A/)-Revenant: Or run the risk of a hyperspatial displacement disfiguration.
[05.02.2022 20:02:20] A/)-Revenant: Pick your poison.
[05.02.2022 20:02:33] A/)-Revenant: Whatever you choose, I will be repairing the drive.
[05.02.2022 20:02:38] "Ridge": ...we either wait and rot away from Radiation, or we do this and die from a singularity. Probably.
[05.02.2022 20:02:51] "Ridge": I'm going with repairing the drive. I'd rather do that.
[05.02.2022 20:03:21] Order|Dark.Warrior: Lily, have you ever talked to Starfire?
[05.02.2022 20:03:22] Order|Lily: Do your job. We'll cover you here
[05.02.2022 20:03:33] Order|Omicron: Portside panel, pull three security bolts and then turn the release.
[05.02.2022 20:03:41] Order|Lily: Are you a dumb? Didn't recognized me?
[05.02.2022 20:03:43] A/)-Revenant: Injecting the probe.
[05.02.2022 20:04:08] Order|Omicron: Bolts are painted yellow
[05.02.2022 20:04:09] "Ridge": I've got enough parts to spare. Take some of mine if you feel like it.
[05.02.2022 20:04:25] A/)-Revenant: [The Hawfinch slowly clamps onto the vessel, shooting in what appears to be a little capsule, 'injecting' into the hull]
[05.02.2022 20:05:10] Order|Dark.Warrior: So according to rumors, you've already took a part in same sittuations, haven't you?
[05.02.2022 20:05:18] "Ridge": Hm?
[05.02.2022 20:05:27] Order|Dark.Warrior: I'm to Starfire, nevermind Rigde.
[05.02.2022 20:05:33] Order|Lily: Will do a circle around you all
[05.02.2022 20:07:26] "Ridge": Everything set, Raven?
[05.02.2022 20:07:56] Order|Lily: Clear. No traces of sentinels
[05.02.2022 20:09:18] Order|Omicron: Yet another day of jumping into unmarked jumpholes.
[05.02.2022 20:09:31] Death: AegisOne was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[05.02.2022 20:09:38] "Ridge": Raven?
[05.02.2022 20:09:45] A/)-Revenant: [There was a drastic change of energy signatures from the Hawfinch. ]
[05.02.2022 20:10:03] "Ridge": Patch me through, if you can. I'll ehm. Try and turn it on.
[05.02.2022 20:11:25] A/)-Revenant: [The comms fuzz back online]
[05.02.2022 20:11:29] "Ridge": Ready?
[05.02.2022 20:11:38] Order|Omicron: Here goes nothing.
[05.02.2022 20:11:39] A/)-Revenant: All is set. It took significant decay, but, this is the only shot we have.
[05.02.2022 20:11:46] "Ridge": Right...here goes.
[05.02.2022 20:12:08] Entity: [[with power surge the gunboat engine comes to life and its prototype jumpdrive spins up...]]
[05.02.2022 20:12:13] "Ridge": [Vincent connects to the Jump Drive through his Console, and activates it.]
[05.02.2022 20:12:23] Tip: Armor Upgrades are permanent items which, when mounted, multiply your ship's base hitpoints. It is an essential item on any ship.
[05.02.2022 20:12:25] "Ridge": Follow it!
[05.02.2022 20:12:52] Order|Omicron: You fly like a drunk.
[05.02.2022 20:12:56] "Ridge": They're coming!
[05.02.2022 20:13:11] Order|Dark.Warrior: My target.
[05.02.2022 20:13:19] Order|Dark.Warrior: It came back
[05.02.2022 20:13:21] Order|Lily: Then do not waste a time and follow that...gunboat
[05.02.2022 20:13:34] Order|Dark.Warrior: I'll distract it second time.
[05.02.2022 20:14:32] A/)-Revenant: Weapon systems unavailable. Tools are available.ete
[05.02.2022 20:16:36] Order|Omicron: And here it goes haywire.
[05.02.2022 20:16:38] Entity: [[75%...]]
[05.02.2022 20:16:45] "Ridge": Don't you dare shoot at it.
[05.02.2022 20:17:09] Entity: [[90%...]]
[05.02.2022 20:17:10] Death: DTR-CNS>Sevilla was put out of action by BAF|A-HMS-George.Orwell (Gun).
[05.02.2022 20:17:11] Order|Lily: Are we done here? I have no a single wish to fire at another sentinel already
[05.02.2022 20:17:41] Order|Omicron: Considering we somehow took down two of those. I have a feeling they weren't at their full power.
[05.02.2022 20:17:42] "Ridge": ...I'm sure you have a very tight schedule...
[05.02.2022 20:18:15] "Ridge": Wh--
[05.02.2022 20:18:28] "Ridge": Where are we?
[05.02.2022 20:18:33] Order|Omicron: Yeah, someplace we recognize.
[05.02.2022 20:18:33] Order|Lily: Home sweet home. We are in Sigma space
[05.02.2022 20:18:44] Order|Omicron: Turn galactic "up" and cruise.
[05.02.2022 20:18:48] Order|Dark.Warrior: God damn, such a relief
[05.02.2022 20:19:08] "Ridge": Sigmas...well a place I don't mind. Well, ehm. See you later, I suppose.
[05.02.2022 20:19:12] "Ridge": I'll head back home.
[05.02.2022 20:19:29] Order|Lily: Raven. Do not let your boyfriend leave home
[05.02.2022 20:19:35] A/)-Revenant: Intriguing.
[05.02.2022 20:19:37] "Ridge": Fuck off.
[05.02.2022 20:19:40] Order|Lily: Tie him up if needed
[05.02.2022 20:19:51] "Ridge": Nice way to thank me.
[05.02.2022 20:20:08] Order|Lily: I just returned my coin
[05.02.2022 20:20:10] Order|Dark.Warrior: Your invitement to Akabat's hotel resort still active.
[05.02.2022 20:20:18] "Ridge": No.
[05.02.2022 20:20:25] "Ridge": I am fine where I am.
[05.02.2022 20:21:07] Order|Lily: I will dock at nearest place and log off
[05.02.2022 20:23:45] Order|Omicron: how big we talking about
rk.Warrior has requested to dock
[05.02.2022 20:30:03] Cloaking device off
[05.02.2022 20:31:00] GMG|Namura.Maru: In a most regrettable development, the Gen'an cell has evidently been corrupted by the Outcasts.
[05.02.2022 20:31:10] GMG|Namura.Maru: They have been conducting raids on Guild space for an extended period of time.
[05.02.2022 20:31:17] Order|Dark.Warrior: More sentinels on radar.
[05.02.2022 20:31:18] Order|Omicron: While I try to swat those annoyances, I am not personally surprised about this.
[05.02.2022 20:31:39] Order|Dark.Warrior: Shall we open fire, agent Omicron?
[05.02.2022 20:31:56] Order|Omicron: You dont have to ask me twice. Kill it.
[05.02.2022 20:32:03] Order|Dark.Warrior: Sure
[05.02.2022 20:33:08] Order|Omicron: Think we have to wait for them to get to us first.
[05.02.2022 20:33:13] Order|Omicron: Contact lost.
[05.02.2022 20:33:27] Order|Omicron: Let's keep near that transport.
[05.02.2022 20:34:04] Order|Omicron: So, corrupted by the Outcasts...
[05.02.2022 20:34:30] Uruma: This is Uruma, reporting in.
[05.02.2022 20:34:39] Order|Omicron: Stay vigilant. Nomads had been spotted.
[05.02.2022 20:36:07] [ALG]-V.8: Good day, Guild vessels.
[05.02.2022 20:36:14] GMG|William.Anton: Hail
[05.02.2022 20:36:17] [ALG]-V.8: Ah, the Order is here too, very good.
[05.02.2022 20:36:19] Order|Omicron: ALG ship, be advised. Nomads were spotted in the area.
[05.02.2022 20:36:36] Order|Omicron: About few minutes ago.
[05.02.2022 20:36:53] Gas.Boy: Good day.
[05.02.2022 20:37:02] Order|Omicron: I repeat, Nomads had been spotted in this sector, GMG ship.
[05.02.2022 20:37:06] Order|Omicron: Err... ALG
[05.02.2022 20:37:26] Uruma: I guess they're here to collect their remains.
[05.02.2022 20:37:32] Uruma: If they show up, that is.
[05.02.2022 20:37:36] [ALG]-V.8: Concerning. Though, not the first report we've had in recent times.
[05.02.2022 20:37:37] Order|Dark.Warrior: Agent Omicron, I think we need to retreat.
[05.02.2022 20:37:47] [ALG]-V.8: Apparently, Said was attacked as well?
[05.02.2022 20:38:02] Order|Omicron: Warrior, why withdraw?
[05.02.2022 20:38:13] Order|Omicron: I'm gonna stick around in case more of these squids show up.
[05.02.2022 20:38:17] Order|Dark.Warrior: We need to convince ourself about Ridge return.
[05.02.2022 20:38:26] Order|Omicron: Nomad gunboat spotted.
[05.02.2022 20:38:31] GMG|William.Anton: What is this Ridge person to you?
[05.02.2022 20:38:33] GMG|Namura.Maru: We were attacked by an independent ship using the callsign Ridge just yesterday.
[05.02.2022 20:38:40] Order|Omicron: Ridge? An extraordinary idiot.
[05.02.2022 20:38:43] [ALG]-V.8: We see it.
[05.02.2022 20:38:47] Uruma: Incoming gunboat.
[05.02.2022 20:38:50] Order|Omicron: Opening fire on Nomad gunboat.
[05.02.2022 20:38:52] Uruma: Proceeding with bombing run,
[05.02.2022 20:38:53] Order|Omicron: Fuck!
[05.02.2022 20:39:07] Gas.Boy: Fuck this
[05.02.2022 20:39:12] Kani.Maru: Something on my radar!
[05.02.2022 20:39:42] Kani.Maru: Engage the hostile threat!
[05.02.2022 20:39:44] Death: mrlyovaQ was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[05.02.2022 20:39:48] GMG|Kako.Shimakaze.: Opening fire
[05.02.2022 20:39:56] Kani.Maru: Target the Nomad!
[05.02.2022 20:41:46] [ALG]-V.8: Clear.
[05.02.2022 20:41:46] Order|Omicron: Sanitized.
[05.02.2022 20:46:27] GMG|Kako.Shimakaze.: Good work Matsumo, you just delayed a shipment of H-3. We have lost million of credits!
[05.02.2022 20:46:31] Gas.Boy: Well done
[05.02.2022 20:46:50] GMG|Matsumo.Yabuki: That should be all.
[05.02.2022 20:46:53] Order|Omicron: ALlright, lets escort the Guild.
[05.02.2022 20:46:56] Order|Dark.Warrior: So, the perfomance ended
[05.02.2022 20:47:03] Order|Dark.Warrior: Ah, roger that
[05.02.2022 20:47:04] GMG|Namura.Maru: This Gen'an ship was not given the opportunity. However, their ships in the past have attempted.
[05.02.2022 20:47:04] Order|Omicron: Yep, and I dont see any more Nomads.
[05.02.2022 20:47:08] GMG|Matsumo.Yabuki: I wouldn't call it a performance.
[05.02.2022 20:48:00] 2022-02-05 20:48:00 SMT Traffic control alert: [ALG]-V.8 has requested to dock
[05.02.2022 20:49:17] GMG|William.Anton: Your vigilance is appreciated. Until next time, Order.
[05.02.2022 20:49:26] Order|Omicron: I dont quite trust that Nomads are fully gone. Let's just give it a check.
[05.02.2022 20:53:33] Order|Omicron: Bounty Hunters can go eat a bagel.
[05.02.2022 20:53:56] Death: MNS-Moonlightning suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[05.02.2022 20:56:08] Order|Omicron: Hm... I see something.
[05.02.2022 20:56:18] Order|Dark.Warrior: What do you see?
[05.02.2022 20:56:30] Order|Omicron: Sensors are royally screwed out here. Approachign for visual confirmation.
[05.02.2022 20:56:34] ....
[05.02.2022 20:56:36] Order|Dark.Warrior: ....
[05.02.2022 20:57:14] Order|Omicron: Never seen the spike thing before... Neither have I seen this station.
[05.02.2022 20:57:17] Order|Dark.Warrior: Wait, unknown base
[05.02.2022 20:57:27] Order|Omicron: Keep a lookout, going to investigate the station's hangar.
[05.02.2022 20:57:30] 2022-02-05 20:57:30 SMT Traffic control alert: Order|Omicron has requested to dock
[05.02.2022 20:57:47] /time 1
[05.02.2022 20:57:47] 2022-02-05 20:57:46 SMT
[05.02.2022 20:58:04] Order|Omicron: I think inhabitants left in a hurry.
[05.02.2022 20:58:19] Order|Dark.Warrior: So, is it empty?
[05.02.2022 20:58:20] Order|Omicron: Any idea what is that thing?
[05.02.2022 20:58:41] Order|Dark.Warrior: I saw same structure near anomaly in Kepler
[05.02.2022 20:59:00] Order|Omicron: That's not something humans built.
[05.02.2022 20:59:31] Entity: [[around the structure the storm appears to be most intense]]
[05.02.2022 20:59:51] Order|Omicron: Locating nearest Order comm buoy and sending secure data stream vial laser.
[05.02.2022 21:00:07] Order|Dark.Warrior: I saw this stuff also in Omicron Major...
[05.02.2022 21:00:49] Order|Omicron: I will let higher ups worry what is that thing.
[05.02.2022 21:01:05] Order|Dark.Warrior: Wait...
[05.02.2022 21:01:17] Order|Omicron: You got anything?
[05.02.2022 21:01:27] Order|Dark.Warrior: I guess this is something like retranslator to another sectors.
[05.02.2022 21:01:41] Order|Omicron: I've transmitted the data. We may want to secure it covertly.
⧫ Battleship Nekhbet
⧫ Tau-31
⧫ From: Order Overwatch HC, Commodore William Storgen
⧫ To: The Order Central Communications
Liberty Rogues aggression
I am informing about sudden relationship changes between us and Liberty local group known as "Liberty Rogues".
One of our reconnaissance agents was unexpectedly attacked during performing a protection task in the Hudson system, and any attempts to cease fire or know the reason failed too. Another operative signed "Ember-1", who came later, was attacked by Rogues too, but unfortunately, his fate was unknown to me or recon units.
First of all, I need any information about recent contacts between Order operative, including secondary fleet, and Rogues, what happened, how and where?
Secondly, agents are needed to infiltrate Rogues. Any methods are valid, you can use friendly smugglers or spies to collect information about them and potential connection to unwanted parties.
All information can be sent via central communication channel.
Commodore William Storgen
Task Force "Black Arrow", 2nd Battlegroup, 7:31, 09.02.828