[To]: Wide Band Neural Net Transmission
[From]: Jonas Hudson
[Subject]: Bounties on Gaian Vessels
[Encryption]: BASIC
Jonas Hudson here,
It appears the Gaians are attacking civilians in the Edinburgh System, and have directly attacked my new salvage sorting facility, Hudson's Platform. I'm placing bounties on any ships caught attacking the base. Bounties of 20, 000, 000 SC will be payed [//redeemable 5 times each] on the following vessels:
[To]: Wide Band Neural Net Transmission
[From]: Jonas Hudson
[Subject]: Bounties on Gaian Vessels
[Encryption]: BASIC
Jonas Hudson here,
Two more Gaian vessels caught attacking Hudson's Platform. Put another 20, 000, 000 SC [//redeemable 5 times] down for each of these Gaian cruisers as well.
Post here with a timestamp of the proof of destruction to claim. I also will pay for up to date recon on any of these ships coming and going from the battle zone.
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Jonas Hudson
From: Captain Harold Sommerville, BAF
Good day,
Harold Sommerville speaking, Bretonian Armed Forces. Please excuse our delay in deploying a fleet to Edinburgh; the BAF is currently preoccupied with urgent matters in the Omega systems.
As you have requested, the Armed Forces will assist, as much as possible, in this endeavour of yours. You will also find that several of the bountied vessels have been disabled in a recent battle, with evidence attached below.
[22.01.2022 12:40:17] Death: Yggdrasil was put out of action by BAF|HMS-Gay.Bruiser (Gun).
[22.01.2022 12:48:32] Death: Porcini was put out of action by BAF|HMS-Gay.Bruiser (Gun).
[22.01.2022 12:38:55] Death: Gaian.Cruiser was put out of action by BAF|HMS-Onslaught (Gun).
The total sum of 60,000,000 credits is to be wired to BAF|Armoury. Best of luck.
[To]: Wide Band Neural Net Transmission
[From]: Jonas Hudson
[Subject]: Bounties on Gaian Vessels
[Encryption]: BASIC
Hudson here,
Glad to hear from you Captain Sommerville, I was present for some of the action there, but you may not have seen, I was in and out aboard a cloaked vessel. I must say, the HMS-Gay.Bruiser is quite a vicious warship, my kudos to you and your crew. And the same goes to the rest who fought. Your sacrifice wasn't in vain, I had been waiting nearby for a break in the blockade, and while you drew away the Gaian terrorists, I managed to slip in and out 2 Percheron loads of MOX, followed by several runs of H-Fuel in via my Bullmastiff. Afterwards during the lull, I managed to make several much needed supply runs.
Credits have been wired, keep 'em coming! Godspeed sir.
[To]: Wide Band Neural Net Transmission
[From]: Jonas Hudson
[Subject]: Bounties on Gaian Vessels
[Encryption]: BASIC
Hudson here,
Thanks for the hard work Lieutenant Garrand, I saved up big to start a good salvage operation out there, so I'm happy to cover it. Stay safe out there, and good hunting!
I've also paid out over 15 million credits to a Junker who came to help, just for providing good recon data!
[To]: Wide Band Neural Net Transmission
[From]: Jonas Hudson
[Subject]: Bounties on Gaian Vessels
[Encryption]: BASIC
Hudson here,
Found another one taking shots at Hudson's Platform, by the name of Scintilla, who is also now added to the bounty list for 20,000,000 SC [//redeemable 5 times]. Feel free to let them have it!
Post here with a timestamp of the proof of destruction to claim. More targets may be added in coming days.
Sadly, these goons seem intent on disrupting any civilian development in the are of Planet Gaia. One thing's for sure, if we can't hold out out here, no one ever will! With their recent bio-weapon attack on Gaia, it seems evil always finds way to persevere in Sirius, reminding me of our losses at Planet Leeds over two years ago. Rest assured, I vow a war of vengeance against the Gaians! This is only just beginning.
[To]: Wide Band Neural Net Transmission
[From]: Jonas Hudson
[Subject]: Bounties on Gaian Vessels
[Encryption]: BASIC
Hudson here,
Well, I suppose thanks are in order Molly captain. Congrats on your victories indeed.
It's true I never posted a bounty on that ship yet, I would if I had the data proving what that ship was though. Still, I have decided to double your payment for Porcini as a bonus for your efforts. If you see that ship again, send me the scan data and I will surely post an open bounty on it.
Stay safe out there Dublin'er! And thanks for the help!