Motto: For Gallia, Honor and Law (Pour la Patrie, l'Honneur et le Droit)
What is Gendarmerie? Simply put, they are the military and only police force of Gallia. The main distinction from other police forces is that Gendarmerie is comprised of only fully enlisted military personnel, being part of the Gallic Navy Combined Fleet ([GN])
Royal Gallia was policed by the Gallic Royal Police for centuries - a fully civilian institution. When the Confederacy came, they were renamed and restructured into the Gallic Gendarmerie, but remained (puzzlingly, as the very definition of Gendarmerie is being enlisted in the military) a civilian organization.
Now at last, Gendarmerie is what it is meant to be - a body of fully enlisted soldiers serving as the police force of Gallia, that also fulfils many additional duties as part of the Gallic Navy.
Although part of the Gallic Navy, the Gendarmerie enjoys a great degree of autonomy from the Main Fleet. It has it's own, distinct ranking structure, and it's highest rank, the Director General of the Gendarmerie (Général d'Armée) Is on par with the rank of the Fleet Admiral of the Main fleet (Amiral) , and both report directly to the Grand Admiral of the Combined Fleet.
Deputy (Gendarme Adjoint)
Sergeant (Gendarme Brigadier)
Constable (Gendarme sous Contrat)
Marshal (Maréchal des Logis-Chef)
Major (Major)
Director General of the Gendarmerie (Général d'Armée)
The radical decision by the Gallic Union was made to have only a fully enlisted military police force. Therefore you will see the Gendarmes perform duties from completely mundane day-to-day activities to high level front line combat duty.
Civilian law enforcement - traffic and cargo control
Whether it's confiscating contraband, directing the flow of traffic, dealing with minor regulation breaches or performing random checks or assisting citizens in various ways, the Gendarmes are there, primarily in Core Gallic worlds.
In time of war and conquest, unlike it's civilian predecessors, the Gendarmerie moves onto the controlled territory to act as military police of the local populace.
Management of Gallic Prisons
Besides the deep dark secretive prisons of the GNI, all prisoners - civilian or otherwise - end up in prisons managed by the Gendarmerie. Whether it comes to prisoner transfer, management of the bases or punitive actions, Gendarmes do it all.
Criminal investigations
Gendarmes are in charge on investigating civilian crimes. From a missing Person's report, tracking down stolen industrial secrets to terrorist attacks.
Security of Gallic Navy installation, landmarks and important Gallic Bases
Although large scale defense from hostile fleets is the job of the Main Fleet, the enlisted Gendarmes are also responsible for day-to-day security of installations, civilian or Military.
The GIG - Gendarmerie Intervention Group(Groupe d'intervention de la Gendarmerie)
Elite police tactical unit of the Gendarmerie. Its missions include counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, protection of government officials, and targeting organized crime.
Direct Combat
Due to their full military training they can be called into large scale Gallic Navy operations when such need arises.
Vessels used on top of standard Gallic Navy issues
Although fully part of the military, the Gendarmes are the only ones that make use of the cheaper and often faster civilian vessels, as unlike the Main Fleet they often engage in non-combat duties where speed and economical movement are more important than the size of armaments.
"Taureau" Gallic Frigate
A staple for prisoner transfer, more than a sufficient offence against petty smugglers.
LM Series "Tournez" Gallic Metal Service Light Miner
A surprisingly popular patrol vessel - light, speedy, economical yet with sufficient armaments to be a threat. Remnant of the past Gallic police iterations that carried over to modern Gendarmerie.
Capital Vessels.
Not used. Only the GIG has full-on armed Gunboats for special missions, and the ageing battleship Saumur serves as local headquarters in Picardy.
Main Targets of Interest The Gallic Brigands
Brigands are the main targets of the Gendarmes in peacetime. Not only are they the main smuggling force of Gallia, but they also work in the loan shark business and effectively put the indebted and desperate into contractual slavery. They target civilians primarily with piracy and are the stench that follows many Maquisard extremist attacks that engage in opportunistic plundering in the chaos the misguided revolutionaries leave in their wake.
But the worst thing of all that makes them archrivals with the Gendarmes is the fact that they comprise large amounts of former Gallic Royal Police and civilian Confederate Gendarmes who refused to enlist and join the Gendarmes under the Gallic Navy. The fully enlisted Gendarmerie have a lot to prove - especially that the decision to remove civilian police entirely and give them power over the civilian populace in 744 A.G. was justified.
Gendarmerie Traffic Safety Announcement
In the light of recent incidents we would like to urge all participants of traffic in Gallic systems to have their Identification, friend or foe (IFF) in working order and always active.
Gendarmerie Public Safety Announcement
All inhabitants are hereby advised to avoid doing business with those calling themselves the Gallic Brigands, who's activity is on the rapid rise. Do not be fooled by the former Gallic Royal Police and Confederate Police officers swarming their ranks with their smooth demeanor. There is extremely high risk that taking money or support from these individuals or signing any contracts can lead to throwing you to contractual slavery.
The Navy enlisted Gendarmerie is here for your protection and assistance and has taken over from these corrupt former police officers. If you get approached by these criminals who pray on the desperate and weak, please use the Community Gendarmerie Reporting System (C.G.R.S.) for a potential reward and assistance.
Gendarmerie Announcement
We are proud to announce the introduction of retrofitted UZ-300 "Eclipse" Gallic civilian bombers to the Gendarmerie fleet.
The Arbitre, Accusateur, Justice and Executeur will aid not just the the usual policing duty, but will also provide support to the Main Fleet on the front lines as required.
The Gendarmerie is here to work for you, the people of Gallia, be it in directing the steady flow of traffic, protecting you from criminals and smugglers or fighting on the front lines as an auxilliary force.
Gendarmerie Lorraine Announcement
Warning to all people of Lorraine: Foreign agents and drug dealers have been spotted in Tau-37 and are likely to try to poison and spy on Gallia through Lorraine. These Sirian wrong doers are a danger to the very fabric of our society.
The good citizens are encouraged to report and bring information on anyone with Sirian accent in the Lorraine system and what they are up to. Be wary and report any vessels of Libertonian origin like the one depicted here:
They are proven smugglers of Sirian drugs that can cause instant death if inhaled! Treat all Sirian vessels and goods with suspicion, report them to the C.G.R.S.Open Reporting System and be rewarded.
The Gendarmerie is gathering information on the Sirian Agents. Groups such as Lane Hackers, individuals Bob Barber, Anthony Ellis, Terry Wiggins and others are to be reported as soon as spotted in Gallia, citizens' arrests are encouraged.
Gendarmerie Gallia-Wide Announcement
The biggest single loss of life in the history of The Gendarmerie or Gallic Police occurred two days ago. Hundreds of Gendarmes have been assisting with deployment of Inhibitors on top of Issodun Shipyard and it's defense. A blow like this has never been felt in Gallic Police as they weren't consisting of enlisted personnel that took direct part in front line combat, unlike modern Gendarmerie. Over three hundred Gendarmes have been killed in action with many more missing.
At 1800 hours right as our inhibitors were starting to be deployed a massive armada of Aliens has appeared at Issodun. The aliens have been slain by the thousands with the joint efforts of Gendarmerie, Main Fleet and even The Order and Crayter Republic.
Unfortunately they have not been the only enemy - the deluded Maquisard and Gaian terrorists have abused the situation, ignored the plight of humanity and lead a frontal assault with their inhumane tactics on Issodun and it's heroes. We have done everything we could, our brothers and sisters have fought valliantly but it was too much.
A big blow
With deepest sadness we have to announce that our very own Director, who has helped to reform the Gendarmerie and has grown to a legendary status in Gallia, Director General of the Gendarmerie Thierry Agard, was killed in the attack.
Thierry Agard, General d'Armee, 6/9/692 - 1/4/745
Search for survivors
We urge all units and Gallic citizens that are not afraid of the danger to help in the search and rescue efforts. We have sustained a heavy blow to our Orkney garrison, our director is gone, hundreds are confirmed dead win many more missing - we do not have the capacity ready to search for survivors. If you come across against anyone in the Orkney region still alive please contact Fort de Bregancon.
Issodun is in ruins and the debris field is making rescue operations most difficult. We are urging all Gallic citizens to refrain from panic in these calamitous times. The Gendarmerie will be replenishing it's ranks and traffic, petty assistance and other duties will be resumed to the best of our ability.
Gendarmerie Internal Announcement
In the light of the loss of Issoudun Shipyard and our director, General d'Armee Thierry Agard the decision has been made to re-instate the Fleury-Merogis Prison Station.
Fleury-Mérogis used to be the largest prison facility in all of Gallia, reaching almost 1200 high security prisoners in its heyday. Due to corrupt civilian lobbying and appeasement of the public it was shut down by the inefficient Confederacy Government due to claims of "Inhumane Conditions". No longer. The enlisted reign supreme in the Gallic Union order. The Prison has been towed to a hidden location between Planet Creteil and it's moon of Brunoy, shielded from sensors by the Senart Debris Field.
Purpose of the reinstated station
It shall be the bane of those most dangerous. Terrorists and Alien collaborators on the death row should be mainly redirected to this location. Increased security will be required - consult within your Gendarmerie chain of command for specifics of who should be re-directed to the re-activated prison.
The Gendarmerie will prevail, our prison system will efficiently deal with those that threaten the Gallic Union. The kinds of those that lead to the death of our General d'Armee will face justice swiftly and ruthlessly.
- Interim Director of the Gendarmerie Major Maxence Voland
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet - Gendarmerie Public Announcement
There has been a civilian agency called the "Gendarmerie" established in Gallia, reinstated under the direct supervision of the Navy.
We want to make it clear to all citizens that this Gendarmerie is by the very definition of the word not a civilian agency, we will remain fully enlisted and part of the Gallic Navy Combined Fleet structure going forward and you can recognise us by the [GN]G- moniker. We will support any unenlisted "Gendarmerie" law enforcement agency that decides to establish themselves outside of the enlisted ranks, however confusing that may be to citizens.
Thank you for your understanding.
- Interim Director of the Gendarmerie Major Maxence Voland
Gendarmerie Public Announcement - Crayter Agents
By the decision of the High Command of the Combined Fleet, the Crayter Republic have been deemed agents of the Bretonian Armed Forces and enemies to all Gallia. Their masters have ordered them to align with the alien menace that ravaged Brittany in attacking the Gendarmerie staffed supply Barge named after our former installation "Fort de Bregancon" which supports the Vierzon Mining Facility, Battlecruiser Sisteron, remaining survivors, and our potential forced retreat from Brittany.
In addition to supporting this brutal, humanity-weakening attack against our supply vessel we suspect their agents can start attempting to spy on Gallic citizens deep within our House. We thank you in advance for reporting any suspected presence of Crayter Republic agents to your nearest Gendarmerie officer.
- Interim Director of the Gendarmerie Major Maxence Voland
Gendarmerie Public Announcement - Liberty Corporations and Traders
As per the recent diplomatic developments, we would like to welcome Ageira and other traders and corporations of Liberty to Gallia who welcomes your business with open arms. Let me introduce the Gendarmerie. We are a fully enlisted military force that is in charge of policing the civilian populace of Gallia, protecting and supply of our landmarks, and auxiliary role in the Gallic Navy's combat operations.
We will be the ones protecting you on our territory from those unique to us criminals like the Brigands
These are extremely crafty criminals. Many of them are former Gallic Royal Police and Civilian Gendarmerie corrupt officers that had no place in the new corruption-free fully enlisted Gendarmerie. They act as your regular pirates but also sophisticated loan sharks that deal with people's misery and throw the vulnerable into de-facto contractual slavery. Never do any deals with them, and immediately contact the Gendarmerie if you ever encounter one.
The Maquisards are deluded zealots and terrorists that live in the past and don't support our safe secure vision of Gallia governed and safeguarded by military forces like the Gendarmerie. They are like vultures. Rather than extorting credits, they have been known to be begging people from Sirius for resources for their lost cause, trying to poison their minds with their deceitful anti-Gallic Union propaganda. We urge our new guests from Liberty to not succumb to their lies and immediately report Maquisard's presence to the Gendarmerie, the Main Fleet of the Gallic Navy, or the Security Bureau. Make no mistake about their seemingly friendly attitude towards people from Sirius. They are volatile terrorists that can turn on you brutally for the smallest of reasons.
We also happen to have an issue with several drugs like theNox that has destroyed many lives. Nox is a dangerous hallucinogen that can make you lose consciousness and damage your brain beyond any repair. Do not believe the lies of the peddlers, and avoid taking any substances you are not used to, report to the Gendarmerie anyone who tries to sell you this dangerous filth.