Greetings ........Ulster Station is now requiring more GOLD ORE SUPPLIES at a price of 2,000 Credits per Unit.
Any miners can gladly fill her up and I am sure that some of my operatives can help with the filling or independant transports can help also
ALSO Ulster Station is selling unwanted Science Data that we have discovered and will be selling it at 3.000.000 MILLION Per unit.
We have in stock at present 140 units.
Greetings ........Ulster Station is now SELLING GOLD ORE SUPPLIES at a price of 3,800 Credits per Unit.
Traders may come now and make credits from taking it to various locations.
ALSO Ulster Station is selling Science Data at a SPECIAL OFFER for the next 4 daya at 10 % DISCOUNT Per unit.
We have in stock at present 191 units.
This offer is limited to 4 DAYS ONLY ...... First come first served..
Ulster Station has suspended the sale of Data recovery units for the time being and we will be securing more in the future and will be having more special offers on it.
This offer is now finished Thankyou for the business.
Ulster continues the sale of 100,000 units of Gold Ore for sale at 3,800 credits per unit