► Source:Reichskanzlei, Planet Neu Berlin ► Encryption:port RG-OGL-3XT-T1-C0M ► Submitter:Reichskanzler Volker von Koch ► Recipant:Helmut Schmid ► Subject:Base Application
Guten Tag Herr Schmid,
„Reminding“ the Administration so often will not lead to a quicker approval to build another installation. We know about your case, it landed on my Desk, I needed to talk to the Kaiser and the Reichstag. It took longer as we tried to look for an idea to solve your situation. We have many installations in the Frankfurt System, one of your company too.
With all my respect, you do not need another installation by now. Your company would get our approval to upgrade your current installation in Order to get more storage capacity. But another base is hereby denied since you have the option to upgrade your current installation.
Auf Wiederhören, Herr Schmid!
Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!
im Dienste seiner Exzellenz und dem Volke, Volker von Koch, Kurfürst zu Baden Reichskanzler
Generalfeldmarschall der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
It is I, Festus McBoyle.
We have encountered a snag in our attempt to relocate Handlesdepot... or rather Handlesdepot has hit a snag. We can't seem to get through the scrap field! The Beefy boys don't want to scratch up their lovely Heavy Tankers you see.
So, it has been decided to build a new base in the approved location until we can sort out the problem. We will salvage what we can and sell the scrapped hulk at Kreuzberg Depot.
Name of the base: Lagerhaus
(I am more an Ale person meself! ... hehehe... )
Name of the station administrator: - Festus Pusticule McBoyle
Affiliation: - Junker
The purpose of the station: - Trade and Exchange of commodities. The name means Warehouse or Storehouse
Any existing trade agreements: - No, but I would be hiring a lot of good Rhienlanders to work fer meself.
Location of the base: At the agreed location fer movin' Handlesdepot to. Permission has already been approved, and I have just paid SC 50million to Rheinland.Treasury.2 because it is a new construction after all.
the Registrierungsbüro has reviewed your application for your Modular base, "Rheinland Shipping Headquarters", and we have decided the construction of said installation can go ahead once payment of 50,000,000 SC (50 million) has been sent to Rheinland.Treasury.2
We remind you that given the requested location, the government will pay particular attention to the location meeting the requirement stipulated in §7.2 of the Laws of Rheinland
The Oberkommando has carefully studied the need for a closer in space HQ/supply center in order to expedite movements of military fleets and reaction time of our units, in the vicinity of our capital planet.
As ive recently been tasked with improving our fleets organization and coordination i hereby submit request for such center construction:
Name of the base: Lichtenberg Station
Name of the station administrator: Lukas Mayer
Affiliation: Rheinland Militär
The purpose of the station: Resuply of our units and Rapid Response Force headquarters.
Any existing trade agreements: Any Rheinlandic corporation can be hired both for base construction and to its supply, but for now Kruger Minerals will be working on base construction.
Location of the base: Location New Berlin, quadrant 4/5 F, between Bonn and Potsdam, around 2 k above plane level
Otto Schaeffer, Erzherzog zu Hamburg
Admiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
Governor of Hamburg
The government must remind you that all installations are subject to Article 7 of the Laws of Rheinland.
As such, we would like to place a special reminder on §7.2. All modular bases have to be built at a distance of at least 10K from existing installations and other solars. Solars in this situation would include Bonn station.
Given that this station's purpose is stated as a place for management and supply, there will be given no exemptions to §7.9.4.
We recognize that you have paid your license fee, and as long as the above-mentioned criteria is met, you are free to pursue construction of your modular base.
▰Name of the station administrator: MFN|Mining_Neuss
▰Affiliation: Daumann Heavy Construction
▰The purpose of the station: Warehouse expansion and the manufacture of ship parts on five production lines
▰Any existing trade agreements: Yes
▰Location of the base: F5 Frankfurt System near the Hausenfeld and right next to Miningfactory Neuss.
Yes, we know that there are many stations in Frankfurt.
However, we need a station extension in the form of a second station for our current station (Miningfactory Neuss) because we want to manufacture ship parts in the future and cannot accommodate them in the current station because we need five production lines to be able to cover all components.
Even if we were to expand our current base, we wouldn't be able to accommodate all of the production lines since we would then only have two free spaces available, but we need five.
We would, after the second base was approved by you, change the look of the base to make it look like a station.
I would like to send you more details on a private channel if it were possible.
But I can assure you that it won't look crowded in Frankfurt.
Of course, the quarterly fee is paid for both stations, although later it looks like one station.
We will transfer the registration fee as soon as all documents have been accepted by you.
On behalf of all of the staff at Miningfactory Neuss, I wish you, your staff, and your goldfish the best of health.
Best regards: Helmut Schmid Director Miningfactory Neuss
SOURCE: Bochum Depot, New Berlin
Guten Tag Dieter Schneider
As per communication today, regarding base positioning in Rheinland (LINK), I had our crews perform a quick check of our location to ensure the prior ownership had comformed to the 10k rule when base placement was underway.
To our dismay, it appears we are in breach of §7.2 by way of the nearby Essen > Hamburg Jump trade lane - with an existing distance of 9.1k away.
Here is our records regarding the initial Registration and positioning: Link
We also submit these changes in ownership for your records: Link Link
We humbly ask for an exemption by way of subsection 7.2.1 on the following grounds:
1. Our breach of the rules is small, only impacting one trade lane at just a few hundred meters within the distance limit. We are still quite far from the lanes themselves or any regularly traffic prone areas.
2. We are a Rheinland corporation working towards Rheinland's interests of cleaning up Dortmund, with the help of Rheinland workers.
3. We have always been a registered Rheinland ALG Waste Disposal base.
4. Despite our conversation from a typical depot to a Barge storage for the Toxic Waste, the weight of the product and the inactivity of the engines for such a long period of time would result in any movement away from the lane to come at great cost of repairs to the station.
We hope our being forthcoming after discovery of our predecessor's deployment error also plays a positive role in your decision.
Thank you.
Auf Wiedersehen,
Direktor Ernst Hermann, ALG Waste Disposal