We are the Interspace Commerce group, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities. A faction with humble Freelancer beginnings and huge aspirations in Sirius.
If you enjoy the trade convoys or just solo fulfilling contracts, no matter the cargo hold size of your ship, we are the place for you.
If you enjoy base maintenance, builds, and building up infrastructure, we are the place for you.
If you enjoy protecting convoys, bases, and trade routes with non-capital ships, we are the place for you.
If you like the thought of being a Liberty broker/banker/operations coordinator, we are most definitely the place for you.
If you are interested in learning more, feel free to click the link below for our recruitment area or go directly into our Discord group (link in signature) to get to know us.
Welcome to Sirius. Come join us in our mission of Uniting the Worlds through Finance!
We see you every day. Every single day. You're always working hard.
You are the life blood of the economy, Bases live or die based on how often you visit.
Lawful types are sworn to protect you for their own region's prosperity, and unlawful types seek you out because they know how valuable you are to their enemies.
You go by many names: merchant, dealer, entrepreneur, buyer, businessman, middleman, supplier, distributor, provisioner, Freelancer - and in some circles - hawker, huckster, hustler, peddler.
But the one that suits you best is undisputed:
You are a TRADER - a buyer and seller of goods for profit.
We see your efforts to ensure goods are delivered where they need to be... for a modest fee!
And we know your value as well - in fact, we rely on you for nearly every significant operation we do in Sirius!
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities makes it our goal to ensure we provide as many opportunities for you to succeed out there, as a corporate affiliated ship or a fiercely independent freelancer!
Do you have a trade route that needs a profitable commodity between segments?
Do you need a change of pace from the usual tried and true routes?
Do you want to have a chance to participate in helping different factions create something better for themselves and others in Sirius?
Look no further than our AWES Subcontractor listings for all those opportunities at your fingertips! With bonus pay for providing evidence of deliveries we can relay to our clients!
We appreciate all the help you provide out there, as a member of our hardworking faction, a supportive fellow corporation ship, or an independent willing to help us out in our goals...
All bringing Interspace Commerce closer to Uniting the Worlds Through Finance! Subcontractor contracts available: LINK
Not enough?
Looking for an experience in:
base management?
creating Equipment?
coordinating deliveries and logistics to several different bases?